DJT and the coming fall of the US empire

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    Interview by Jeremy Scahill with Alfred McCoy. I haven’t even finished half of it, but it is interesting.


    I think the ‘thing’ or ‘dynamic’ or ‘deep-state’ or ‘corporotacracy’ or ‘kaleidoscope of corporate-capitalist forces’ or whatever-the-hell you wanna call it, has been snowballing the last five years or so. Citizens United, coupled with the consolidation of the corporate media, plus god-knows-what-else have caused a snowballing of power. Imho. Granted its all contested ground, and there are plenty of resistance forces (Bernie, Jill, activists, etc). But the way i see it — something very bad is snowballing.

    “…..AM: Sure. I think the national security state is the instrument the United States used to build and exercise its global hegemony. Looking at the comparative history of empires in the modern age going back 500 years, the thing that distinguishes the U.S. empire from almost any other, is the reliance upon covert methods and it’s a result of a historical moment.

    The U.S. empire coincided with the decolonization, the dissolution of half a dozen European empires that produced 100 new nations, more than half the independent nations on the planet today. And so U.S. hegemony was being exercised, not over colonies, whose sovereignty was compromised, in fact had been transferred to the imperial power, but over independent nation states, who had sovereignty. So you had an empire under conditions that denied empire. So how do you exercise hegemony in a non-hegemonic world? You have to do it covertly.

    And in 1947, President Harry Truman, right after World War II, and Congress passed the National Security Act that laid down the bureaucratic apparatus for the U.S. national security state. That National Security Act created the Defense Department, the U.S. Air Force, the CIA, and the National Security Council — the key instruments of the U.S. exercise of global power. And then when the next administration came in, under President Dwight Eisenhower, what he did is he realized that there were nations that were becoming independent across the world and that he had to be intervening in these independent nations and so the only way he could do it was through plausible deniability, you had to intervene in a way that could not be seen. You had to do it covertly. And so Eisenhower turned to the CIA, created by Harry Truman, and he transformed it from an organization that originally tried to penetrate the Iron Curtain, to send agents and operatives inside the Iron Curtain. It was a complete disaster. The operatives were captured, they were used to uncover the networks of opposition inside the Soviet Union, it was absolutely counterproductive. Eisenhower turned the CIA away from that misbegotten mission of penetrating the Iron Curtain and instead assigned them the mission of penetrating and controlling the three-quarters of the globe that was on the U.S. side of the Iron Curtain, the free world.

    And Eisenhower relied upon the CIA, and then the National Security Agency, to monitor signals. And we began to exercise our global hegemony, covertly, through the CIA and allied intelligence agencies. And that’s been a distinctive aspect of U.S. hegemony since the dawn of American global power in 1945. And that continues today, ever deepening, layer upon layer, through those processes you described. The drones, the surveillance, the cyberwarfare — all of that is covert….”


    I think the ‘thing’ or ‘dynamic’ or ‘deep-state’ or ‘corporotacracy’ or ‘kaleidoscope of corporate-capitalist forces’ or whatever-the-hell you wanna call it, has been snowballing the last five years or so. Citizens United, coupled with the consolidation of the corporate media, plus god-knows-what-else have caused a snowballing of power. Imho. Granted its all contested ground, and there are plenty of resistance forces (Bernie, Jill, activists, etc). But the way i see it — something very bad is snowballing.


    I know you see things that way, but I’m not so sure it’s so different now. I don’t think the power of the Power Elite has snowballed in the last five years. I think the American version has been growing steadily since WWII, with a huge increase under Reagan and then right after 9/11, taking advantage of that attack. Both parties fully complicit. Both guilty.

    Just not seeing the last five years as particularly unique when it comes to covert ops and more flagrant (and/or), more violent support for economic apartheid (capitalism).

    It was birthed in violence in 17th century Britain; spread by violence, especially in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries; and continues to require it. The methods have changed. They’ve become more sophisticated and far better organized. But I don’t think we’re in the midst of some special moment of “deep state” machinations.

    Just my take, anyway. I think you and I are pretty much on the same page, though, that its hegemony needs to end, or the planet won’t sustain life much longer — aside from the fact of its immorality, etc.

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