17 spy organizations…

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  • #69653

    I am wondering just what the 17 secret-spy agencies in this nation are? Are there really 17 or are there even more? I wonder how many citizens can name more than three?

    Sometimes i sit here and imagine all the spy agencies in the world interfering in each nations elections. Like a Kaleidoscope of spy-interference. The US spies interfering in Russia, the Russian spies interfering in he US, the Mongolian spies interfering in Guam, etc, etc. Its like a bad movie.

    The “All 17 Intelligence Agencies Concluded That Russia Is Responsible” Myth

    The “All 17 Intelligence Agencies Concluded That Russia Is Responsible” Myth that originated with Hilary Clinton is wrong, has always been wrong, and was confirmed as wrong by former ODNI James Clapper in his May 8, 2017 testimony before the Senate Subcommittee hearing on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election [1].

    SENATOR AL FRANKEN: “The Intelligence Communities [sic] concluded, all 17 of them, that Russia interfered with the election.”
    GENERAL JAMES CLAPPER: “Senator, as I pointed out in my statement, there were only three agencies directly involved in the assessment (CIA, NSA, FBI).
    SENATOR AL FRANKEN: “But all 17 signed on.”
    GENERAL JAMES CLAPPER: “We didn’t go through the process. It was a special situation because of the time limit, and I knew who could contribute to it and it was a conscious judgment to restrict it to those three.”

    Further, all anyone would have to do is look at the list of 17 agencies [2] and then ask yourself, did the U.S. Coast Guard Intelligence Agency really have sources and methods that would provide data relevant to an investigation of Russian interference in the U.S. election?

    What about the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence which concerns itself with nuclear weapons and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction – did they drop what they were doing to evaluate Crowdstrike’s report on the DNC hack? I’m guessing no.

    Or maybe the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence who has its hands full with money laundering by drug cartels and tracking terrorists through the global financial network decided to put all that on hold while they throw every available resource at determining if Guccifer 2.0 was just pretending to be Romanian but was really Russian!

    Obviously not.

    Finally, everyone on this list who has any background in working with a U.S. or foreign intelligence agency will agree with me when I say that assessments are called assessments because the facts aren’t known. When dealing with so many unknowns, there is never universal agreement among analysts at the same agency let alone different agencies.

    [1] https://www.c-span.org/video/?427577-1/white-house-warned-general-flynn-compromised&live&start=8277 at the 02:18:27 mark.
    [2] https://www.dni.gov/index.php/what-we-do/members-of-the-ic


    That’s a very thin “Russia refutation.” I don’t know why you’re invested in wishing that issue away. Seems quixotic.


    That’s a very thin “Russia refutation.” I don’t know why you’re invested in wishing that issue away. Seems quixotic.

    I dont know why you keep misreading what i write.

    I have said over and over and over that I think Russia interferes in all kinds of elections. And the US interferes in all kinds of elections. And Israel. And China. And on and on.

    BUT, i also think the MSM and factions of the deep-state or perhaps just factions of the DNC are not interested in excavating the true facts about election-interference — they are only interested in smearing Trump.



    Spy agencies:

    United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates

    UAE State Security
    NESA – National Electronic Security Authority (NESA)

    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    Main article: List of intelligence agencies of the United Kingdom

    Domestic intelligence

    Security Service/MI5[13] – Domestic counter terrorism and counter espionage intelligence gathering and analysis.
    National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit (NDEDIU)[14] – Domestic counter extremism and public disorder intelligence gathering and analysis.
    National Crime Agency (NCA)[15] – Organised crime intelligence gathering and analysis.
    National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NBIS)[16] – Illegal firearms intelligence analysis.
    National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB)[17] – Economic crime intelligence gathering and analysis.

    Foreign intelligence

    Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)/MI6[18] – Foreign intelligence gathering and analysis.
    Defence Intelligence (DI)[19] – Military intelligence analysis.

    Signals intelligence

    Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)[20] – Signals intelligence gathering and analysis.

    Joint intelligence

    Joint Intelligence Organisation (JIO)[21] – Joint intelligence analysis.

    United States United States

    Main article: United States Intelligence Community

    Office of the Director of National Intelligence
    Independent agencies
    Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
    United States Department of Defense
    Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
    National Security Agency (NSA)
    National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
    National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
    Twenty-Fifth Air Force (25 AF)
    Military Intelligence Corps (MI)
    Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA)
    Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)
    United States Department of Energy
    Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (OICI)
    United States Department of Homeland Security
    Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A)
    Coast Guard Intelligence (CGI)
    United States Department of Justice
    Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
    Office of National Security Intelligence (ONSI)
    United States Department of State
    Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)
    United States Department of the Treasury
    Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (TFI)

    Uzbekistan Uzbekistan

    Milliy Xavfsizlik Xizmati, Служба национальной безопасности (СНБ) (National Security Service)



     Why Does the United States Have 17 Different Intelligence Agencies?

    We have built over thirty building complexes for top-secret intelligence work since 2001—and our security state just keeps growing.

    By Tom Engelhardt

     As every schoolchild knows, there are three check-and-balance branches of the US government: the executive, Congress and the judiciary. That’s bedrock Americanism and the most basic high school civics material. Only one problem: it’s just not so.

    During the Cold War years and far more strikingly in the twenty-first century, the US government has evolved. It sprouted a fourth branch: the national security state, whose main characteristic may be an unquenchable urge to expand its power and reach. Admittedly, it still lacks certain formal prerogatives of governmental power. Nonetheless, at a time when Congress and the presidency are in a check-and-balance ballet of inactivity that would have been unimaginable to Americans of earlier eras, the Fourth Branch is an ever more unchecked and unbalanced power center in Washington. Curtained off from accountability by a penumbra of secrecy, its leaders increasingly are making nitty-gritty policy decisions and largely doing what they want, a situation illuminated by a recent controversy over the possible release of a Senate report on CIA rendition and torture practices.

    All of this is or should be obvious, but remains surprisingly unacknowledged in our American world. The rise of the Fourth Branch began at a moment of mobilization for a global conflict, World War II. It gained heft and staying power in the Cold War of the second half of the twentieth century, when that other superpower, the Soviet Union, provided the excuse for expansion of every sort.

    Its officials bided their time in the years after the fall of the Soviet Union, when “terrorism” had yet to claim the landscape and enemies were in short supply. In the post-9/11 era, in a phony “wartime” atmosphere, fed by trillions of taxpayer dollars, and under the banner of American “safety,” it has grown to unparalleled size and power. So much so that it sparked a building boom in and around the national capital (as well as elsewhere in the country). In their 2010 Washington Post series “Top Secret America,” Dana Priest and William Arkin offered this thumbnail summary of the extent of that boom for the US Intelligence Community: “In Washington and the surrounding area,” they wrote, “33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work are under construction or have been built since September 2001. Together they occupy the equivalent of almost three Pentagons or 22 US Capitol buildings—about 17 million square feet of space.” And in 2014, the expansion is ongoing…..see link…long article…

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