A woman's perspective on Sanders

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    nittany ram

    Well, I agree that abortion rights are an important component of a truly progressive platform and I am disappointed Sanders supported an anti-abortion candidate in OK, but to use that misdeed as evidence that the establishment (Clinton) wing of the Democratic Party has the true progressive platform is ridiculous. This is the wing of the party that deregulated Wall Street and promoted NAFTA under Bill Clinton. This is the wing that supports fracking and is against campaign finance reform. This is the wing that is against universal healthcare, free college education and the $15/hr minimum wage. There’s nothing progressive about the establishment democrats and as Zooey demonstrated in his epic takedown of a ‘party first’ democrat on Facebook, women would be better off under a Sanders presidency than they would be under Clinton.


    One paragraphs starts this way: “The Democratic Party, which has a deeply progressive platform…”

    The Democrats are not “deeply progressive.” They are progressive on SOME issues, and have recently been stronger on personal identity issues. Recently.

    But in my opinion, the line between Establishment and Progressive is on the issue of Corporate Personhood. Without question, the number one problem we have in our state is that our politicians are influenced more by the desires of large donors than by the people they have been elected to govern. Our system is essentially one of legalized bribery, and I don’t know how anyone can possibly deny that fact.

    So we have a majority of Americans in favor of single-payer healthcare, and it’s not a slight majority. It’s a huge majority. Yet Democrats (and Hillary) are flat out telling us that it isn’t possible. Of course, it’s possible. There are dozens of countries that have universal health care. It isn’t impossible. What’s the problem? Obviously the problem is big $$$ donations from insurance corporations, health care providers, pharmaceutical corporations, and so on.

    Man-made climate change is a scientific fact. Why are we taking inadequate steps? Money. From oil, banks, billionaires, etc.

    Everybody knows this.

    So Democrats are fine lining up behind civil rights, and other social causes, but they aren’t at all interested in changing the system. Why? Because they are sucking at the same tit that Ted Cruz is.

    That’s not progressive. The writer has it completely wrong. The Democrat Party has a deeply regressive platform. They have completely sold out to the same interests that have corrupted the system, and they are at BEST interested only in Revision of the system, not Reform. They are responsible for partnering with Republicans for the vast transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the elites in society. They OWN that. They cooperated with that rigging of the system.

    That isn’t progressive.

    And the Democrats aren’t even touching this issue. So, save it. Democrats trying to reclaim the progressive label from the Sanders wing of the party are lying to themselves, and none of the people who care about the issue of legalized bribery is going to fall for their sophistry. It’s bullshit. The Democrats are accomplices in a rigged system that is killing the planet. If that isn’t regressive, I don’t know what is.


    Well, I agree that abortion rights are an important component of a truly progressive platform and I am disappointed Sanders supported an anti-abortion candidate in OK, but to use that misdeed as evidence that the establishment (Clinton) wing of the Democratic Party has the true progressive platform is ridiculous. This is the wing of the party that deregulated Wall Street and promoted NAFTA under Bill Clinton. This is the wing that supports fracking and is against campaign finance reform. This is the wing that is against universal healthcare, free college education and the $15/hr minimum wage. There’s nothing progressive about the establishment democrats and as Zooey demonstrated in his epic takedown of a ‘party first’ democrat on Facebook, women would be better off under a Sanders presidency than they would be under Clinton.





    One paragraphs starts this way: “The Democratic Party, which has a deeply progressive platform…”

    The Democrats are not “deeply progressive.” They are progressive on SOME issues, and have recently been stronger on personal identity issues. Recently.

    But in my opinion, the line between Establishment and Progressive is on the issue of Corporate Personhood. Without question, the number one problem we have in our state is that our politicians are influenced more by the desires of large donors than by the people they have been elected to govern. Our system is essentially one of legalized bribery, and I don’t know how anyone can possibly deny that fact.

    So we have a majority of Americans in favor of single-payer healthcare, and it’s not a slight majority. It’s a huge majority. Yet Democrats (and Hillary) are flat out telling us that it isn’t possible. Of course, it’s possible. There are dozens of countries that have universal health care. It isn’t impossible. What’s the problem? Obviously the problem is big $$$ donations from insurance corporations, health care providers, pharmaceutical corporations, and so on.

    Man-made climate change is a scientific fact. Why are we taking inadequate steps? Money. From oil, banks, billionaires, etc.

    Everybody knows this.

    So Democrats are fine lining up behind civil rights, and other social causes, but they aren’t at all interested in changing the system. Why? Because they are sucking at the same tit that Ted Cruz is.

    That’s not progressive. The writer has it completely wrong. The Democrat Party has a deeply regressive platform. They have completely sold out to the same interests that have corrupted the system, and they are at BEST interested only in Revision of the system, not Reform. They are responsible for partnering with Republicans for the vast transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the elites in society. They OWN that. They cooperated with that rigging of the system.

    That isn’t progressive.

    And the Democrats aren’t even touching this issue. So, save it. Democrats trying to reclaim the progressive label from the Sanders wing of the party are lying to themselves, and none of the people who care about the issue of legalized bribery is going to fall for their sophistry. It’s bullshit. The Democrats are accomplices in a rigged system that is killing the planet. If that isn’t regressive, I don’t know what is.


    Um, Ditto, again.



    I just had another thought on this.

    I am starting to see more “shots” taken at Sanders and the Millennials and the Progressives from the mainstream Democrats. It seems like there were a few potshots during the primaries, and up through the convention, but mostly they had a Circle the Wagons mentality of just ignoring the left for the most part.

    seems to me there is more action trying to discredit Sanders now than there was before – not that he was embraced. He certainly wasn’t. And his ideas weren’t. But it just seems to me now I am encountering a bit more active name-calling of the left. Is that just me, or does anyone else think it has stepped up a bit?


    Yes, I agree zooey. I’m seeing more pushback now from the pro-corporate Dems. Bernie must be seen as a bigger threat now, or they would be ignoring him.


    nittany ram

    Yes, I agree zooey. I’m seeing more pushback now from the pro-corporate Dems. Bernie must be seen as a bigger threat now, or they would be ignoring him.


    Yeah, instead of trying to unify the party by incorporating more progressive ideas into their platform they are trying to discredit Bernie. It’s a big F.U. to a huge portion of the party. I wonder if they think that there’s going to be such a backlash against Trump in the next election that they can win with their same establishment BS. The problem is Trump still remains popular among his supporters so if that’s the case they’re taking a big risk.


    Well, Clinton has disappeared for the most part, and the Sanders appears to be the only person on the left who makes headlines. He has become the de facto face of the Democrats. Where the hell are Shumer and Pelosi? And Shumer, btw, seems to have tacked left since the election defeat. Seems to me he is the only mainstream Dem who isn’t in denial about the currents.

    So far, most of the blowback has been coming from media riffraff I’ve never heard of. I agree with Nittany; it would be very dangerous to push away the Left because there is more concerted (and well-informed) energy there than in any other pocket of politics at the moment. I think they would be better off selling out the Left by doing a Clinton: saying conciliatory things, and behind closed doors, saying something else.

    We’ll see if this is just another tantrum from the Sallys, or something more of a strategy.


    Well what we really need is someone to come along and Split the Repugnant Party. That way we wouldnt have to worry about any Rep-Thug getting elected. I mean surely any idiot-Dem could be elected if the Rep-thug-party was in a shambles.

    ….oh wait.


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