the press

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    “…If you think Jeremy Corbyn is a clown or a total waste of skin, it could be too late for you – you’ve already been brainwashed by a handful of foreign billionaires.

    We all agree that newspapers play a crucial role in British democracy, but what is troubling is that the majority of the UK press is owned by a handful of right-wing billionaires, most of whom don’t live here. In fact, almost 80 per cent of our press is owned by a handful of mostly foreign-based billionaires.

    They’ve already told you what to think on a multitude of issues. You think you made up your own mind, and you think you’re right. But, you didn’t, and you aren’t.How do I know this? Because blind policy based voting results (whereby voters tick the policies they agree with, without knowing which party they were voting for overall) are always radically different to the actual vote result when it comes to general elections and other major political votes.

    Had all votes been cast on policy pledges alone, studies suggest the Green Party and Liberal Democrats would have both had a turn at power by now.

    What this means is that people generally have some sense when presented with policy pledges, yet vote in a completely opposite direction. Why? Because these chaps’ media outlets are bombarding your brain with high level right-wing propaganda:

    Lord Rothermere, a billionaire living in France, owns the Mail, Mail on Sunday, and the Metro.
    Rupert Murdoch, a billionaire living in Australia, owns the Sun, Sun on Sunday and is the man behind Fox News, BSkyB, News Corp, etc, etc.
    Alexander and Evgeny (son) Lebedev, an Ex KGB Russian Billionaire, owns The Independent, Independent on Sunday, The Evening Standard.
    Richard Desmond, a billionaire, owns the Daily Star, Sunday Star, Daily Express, Sunday Express.
    David and Frederick Barclay, billionaire brothers living on a private island near Saark, own the Telegraph, The Spectator, and the Business.

    The Sun, for example, claim to have backed the winner of each general election since the notorious Sun headline, ‘It’s The Sun Wot Won It’ referring to the 1992 John Major Tory victory.

    The tabloid had led an increasingly personal campaign against the then Labour leader Neil Kinnock, culminating in the famous election day headline: “If Kinnock wins today will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights.”
    ….see link

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    Avatar photowv
    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Interesting. I think in America, it’s less about private billionaire ownership, and more about mega-zillionaire corporate ownership — with billionaires a part of that, of course. The upshot is still an overwhelming tilt to the right on everything except, perhaps, issues of “social inclusion.”

    Also, unlike Britain, America no longer has even a whiff of viable leftist political parties, and the idea of “socialism” has been so demonized, demagogue and distorted by the Powers that Be, our political dialogue throughout the press is even more handcuffed than Britain’s. And, as your article shows, theirs is severely handcuffed.

    Capitalism has ensured its continued survival via mass brainwashing. It would have collapsed long ago without that.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    I was watching a panel discussion on MSNBC yesterday — I know. I shouldn’t torture myself like that — and was struck with the persistence of another lie. That the media is “liberal.” It was odd in this way, too. Elise Jordan, a conservative commentator, chastized a Republican guest for playing the victimhood card when he said the press was overwhelmingly Democratic (party) and liberal. But she then went on to say, after the guest left, that it was overwhelmingly liberal and Democratic.

    In reality, that charge might have had some teeth forty years ago, but not now. We had twelve years of right-wing Reagan/Bush, followed by the centrist-to-conservative Clinton, followed by right-wing Dubya, followed by the centrist-to-conservative Obama, followed by right-wing Trump. The press tends to grab large numbers of former pols from the Executive and Congress, and there have been zero “liberal” establishments to draw from, really, since LBJ.

    In short, it’s not their grandfather’s press anymore.

    The press in America is overwhelmingly center-right on pretty much all issues except for “social inclusion” stuff, but the hard right is still trying to brainwash the public into seeing “liberal bias” everywhere. Again, they may have had a case to make back in the 1960s and early 70s — maybe — but not since then.

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