GRob to play right tackle

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle GRob to play right tackle

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  • #66134
    nittany ram

    Then what happens with Havenstein?


    Just don’t think that’s the spot for him. I think Hav was struggling with the injury last year, hence the drop off. I think GRob would be a mauler at guard.



    I’m sure he said “RT, Sure I love the idea” because what else is he gonna say?

    When they asked what he thought about about moving, the question was rhetorical and they were telling him he was moving.

    I’m just not sure Hav is a guard, but I may be wrong…maybe he slides over and dominates inside. Then if GRob struggles there’s depth at the position.

    One thing is certain, with the addition of Whit and subtraction of Barnes, this O-line is improved.


    On Hav at guard.

    Kromer has a long history of converting college tackles to effective guards.

    Evans and Nicks in New Orleans, for example.

    It’s a “thing.” Something he does.

    So I ain’t promisin nothin here but in fact, Kromer tends to value guard play and uses the guards to lighten the burden on the OTs. So yes this can work.

    They have a few guys they can turn into good guards, IMO. Saffold, Hav, Brown, Donnal. I don’t count Wichman…I think he is going to be the odd man out.

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