Best battle scene ever ?

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  • #65791

    So has there been a better TV battle scene than season six’s ‘battle of the bastards’ on Game of Thrones ? I rewatched it the other day:


    It was pretty good.

    There’s some stuff in Band of Brothers that came close.

    But they didn’t have a giant.

    nittany ram

    That was a ‘cool’ battle scene.

    But as far as the most ‘realistic’ battle scenes go, I remember sitting in a theater watching “Saving Private Ryan” and during the Normandy beach scene an old man sitting near me with tears running down his face told his wife that that was exactly what it was like.


    So has there been a better TV battle scene

    But as far as the most ‘realistic’ battle scenes go

    Since the evil Nittany laughingly violated WV’s rights and changed the topic to film and not just tv, I will add to SP Ryan by mentioning Letters from Iwo JIma. I also thought Glory and Platoon were good in this regard. None measure up to SPR but are worth a mention.

    But then there’s a big difference between modern post-gunpowder warfare and old “edged weapon” warfare.

    For one thing, in modern warfare, after a while, they figured out it’s a good idea to duck.

    In old stone, bronze, iron, and steel warfare, you sooner or later had to face off man on man.

    I don’t think anyone, in tv or film, captured that quite as well as GOT.

    PA Ram

    It’s hard for me to pick a “best” battle scene because there are a lot of good ones–those mentioned here plus others but that GOT scene was one of the best film scenes I’ve seen anywhere. So well done.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

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