Trump Jr. paid $50,000 for meeting to discuss U.S.-Russia cooperation in Syria

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    Donald Trump Jr. was paid $50,000 for meeting to discuss U.S.-Russia cooperation in Syria


    A month before the November elections, Donald Trump Jr. attended a meeting in Paris to discuss the Syrian conflict and possible U.S.-Russian cooperation in the region. The Wall Street Journal now reports he was paid at least $50,000 to attend that meeting.

    Donald Trump Jr. addressed a dinner on Oct. 11 at the Ritz Hotel in Paris, hosted by the Center of Political and Foreign Affairs. Its president, Fabien Baussart, and his Syrian-born wife, Randa Kassis, have cooperated with Russia in its drive to end the Syrian civil war, according to U.S., European and Arab officials. […]
    Mrs. Kassis heads a political party, the Movement for a Pluralistic Society, which is part of a faction endorsed by Russia in international negotiations aimed at ending the six-year Syrian conflict. She regularly visits Moscow to coordinate policy with Russia’s Foreign Ministry, said Arab and European officials, and portrayed in Russian state media.
    Kassis says she spoke with Donald Trump Jr. about potential U.S.-Russia cooperation in Syria during that meeting, and relayed Trump’s own comments back to Russian diplomats later.

    We knew of the meeting before, but the news that Trump Jr. personally pocketed at least $50,000 for his attendance appears to be new. And it means that the Trump family was directly profiting from Trump’s new political stature even before the campaign was over.

    The news that Trump Jr. acted as a seeming go-between for Russia-backed contacts and the campaign comes not long after we learned of contacts between multiple Trump administration officials and pro-Russian Ukrainian forces seeking to topple the current Ukrainian government in favor of one that would grant Russia long-term rights in the country. But those Trump officials weren’t paid to consider the proposal; it appears Donald Trump Jr. was.

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