dino's soft tissue and muscles revealed with lasers

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  • #65727
    nittany ram

    Watch the video embedded in the article…

    Link: https://phys.org/news/2017-02-lasers-flesh-dino-bird-profile.html


    There is this creature in Papua New Guinea called the Ropen, that supposedly looks a lot like a Pteradactal, a prehistoric flying creature.


    There is this creature in Papua New Guinea called the Ropen, that supposedly looks a lot like a Pteradactal, a prehistoric flying creature.

    Jack, the Ropen is just legend, like the loch ness monster or the yeti.

    This just in: Pterosaurs are STILL dead, maybe even more so

    link: http://doubtfulnews.com/2014/11/this-just-in-pterosaurs-are-still-dead-maybe-even-more-so/

    Dr. Donald Prothero exposes the myth of the ropen, a pterosaur-like flying animal claimed to have been observed in Papua New Guinea. It has even been suggested it is a self-luminous creature. It’s a story well-known to cryptozoologists (the same stories get recirculated repeatedly to make up for no new evidence to fill a book). Turns out, as in many cryptid tales, it falls apart when you dig into it. And thanks to one crank’s ridiculous Creationist ideas, and his spreading around the same story under pseudonyms, people actually believe this stuff.

    Fake Pterosaurs and Sock Puppets

    Virtually all discussion of the ropen comes from a single individual, Jonathan Whitcomb!

    Whitcomb admitted the deception in July, 2014. The book Searching for Ropens? Self-published by Whitcomb [sic]. Ropens.com is run by Whitcomb, as is LivePterosaur.com. Modern Pterosaur.com is supposedly written by someone named Norman Hungtingdon. “Who is he? It’s me, Jonathan David Whitcomb,” he admitted. The site Dinosaurs and Pterosaurs Alive.com by Nathaniel Coleman? “That’s also me, and I’m still Jonathan David Whitcomb.” Several sites are maintained by Whitcomb under aliases. In short, it’s a classic case of a typically modern internet phenomenon, sock puppetry, where one individual floods the internet with material using different aliases and email accounts to escape detection (and spam filters). Eventually, it was spread so widely that two paranormal pseudo-documentaries were produced, Destination Truth (on SyFy) and Monster Quest (on the History Channel), all unwittingly based on the obsessions of one individual. Whitcomb admits to his rampant sock puppetry, and doesn’t seem ashamed of the deception…

    I’d guess Creationists are nice people but their tactics for deliberately deceiving people to undermine science are seriously deplorable.

    Whitcomb, who is not a scientist by any stretch but a Certified Court Videographer, believes the ropen is a Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur based on the stories he’s collected. He has done the most to promote the reality of the ropen, self publishing two books on the topic including one that many science-lacking crypto-enthusiasts might see as “authoritative” Searching for the Ropen as well as Live Pterosaurs in America. Obviously, ropens.com, complete with citations to books of the Bible, would be seen by those who want to know more about the creature they heard about inTime’s Top 10 Famous Mystery monsters

    The truth is, nothing biologically resembles a ropen in real life. There are no existing pterosaurs – they absolutely went extinct tens of millions of years ago. There is no evidence for bioluminosity in birds, reptiles, or mammals (with the possible question about barn owls but not confirmed). And reports of pterosaurs (or ropens) have never been verified. As noted in this article, frigate birds in flight may resemble what we think a flying pterosaur looked like.

    Prothero notes that Wikipedia deleted its Ropen page since all cited sources are “seemingly from the personal websites of the author of the vanity press Searching for Ropens and Finding God book”. The word “crank” was lavishly used which was appropriate (an eccentric person, especially one who is obsessed by a particular subject or theory). There is no evidence for the ropen, just legend.

    Shoddy scholarship, belief-based conclusions, terrible quality evidence, and propagation of errors is rampant in cryptozoology literature which makes the field deserving of the scientific scorn it gets.


    Here is nittany’s video.



    There is this creature in Papua New Guinea called the Ropen, that supposedly looks a lot like a Pteradactal, a prehistoric flying creature.

    Jack, the Ropen is just legend, like the loch ness monster or the yeti.

    This just in: Pterosaurs are STILL dead, maybe even more so

    link: http://doubtfulnews.com/2014/11/this-just-in-pterosaurs-are-still-dead-maybe-even-more-so/

    Dr. Donald Prothero exposes the myth of the ropen, a pterosaur-like flying animal claimed to have been observed in Papua New Guinea. It has even been suggested it is a self-luminous creature. It’s a story well-known to cryptozoologists (the same stories get recirculated repeatedly to make up for no new evidence to fill a book). Turns out, as in many cryptid tales, it falls apart when you dig into it. And thanks to one crank’s ridiculous Creationist ideas, and his spreading around the same story under pseudonyms, people actually believe this stuff.

    Fake Pterosaurs and Sock Puppets

    Virtually all discussion of the ropen comes from a single individual, Jonathan Whitcomb!

    Whitcomb admitted the deception in July, 2014. The book Searching for Ropens? Self-published by Whitcomb [sic]. Ropens.com is run by Whitcomb, as is LivePterosaur.com. Modern Pterosaur.com is supposedly written by someone named Norman Hungtingdon. “Who is he? It’s me, Jonathan David Whitcomb,” he admitted. The site Dinosaurs and Pterosaurs Alive.com by Nathaniel Coleman? “That’s also me, and I’m still Jonathan David Whitcomb.” Several sites are maintained by Whitcomb under aliases. In short, it’s a classic case of a typically modern internet phenomenon, sock puppetry, where one individual floods the internet with material using different aliases and email accounts to escape detection (and spam filters). Eventually, it was spread so widely that two paranormal pseudo-documentaries were produced, Destination Truth (on SyFy) and Monster Quest (on the History Channel), all unwittingly based on the obsessions of one individual. Whitcomb admits to his rampant sock puppetry, and doesn’t seem ashamed of the deception…

    I’d guess Creationists are nice people but their tactics for deliberately deceiving people to undermine science are seriously deplorable.

    Whitcomb, who is not a scientist by any stretch but a Certified Court Videographer, believes the ropen is a Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur based on the stories he’s collected. He has done the most to promote the reality of the ropen, self publishing two books on the topic including one that many science-lacking crypto-enthusiasts might see as “authoritative” Searching for the Ropen as well as Live Pterosaurs in America. Obviously, ropens.com, complete with citations to books of the Bible, would be seen by those who want to know more about the creature they heard about inTime’s Top 10 Famous Mystery monsters

    The truth is, nothing biologically resembles a ropen in real life. There are no existing pterosaurs – they absolutely went extinct tens of millions of years ago. There is no evidence for bioluminosity in birds, reptiles, or mammals (with the possible question about barn owls but not confirmed). And reports of pterosaurs (or ropens) have never been verified. As noted in this article, frigate birds in flight may resemble what we think a flying pterosaur looked like.

    Prothero notes that Wikipedia deleted its Ropen page since all cited sources are “seemingly from the personal websites of the author of the vanity press Searching for Ropens and Finding God book”. The word “crank” was lavishly used which was appropriate (an eccentric person, especially one who is obsessed by a particular subject or theory). There is no evidence for the ropen, just legend.

    Shoddy scholarship, belief-based conclusions, terrible quality evidence, and propagation of errors is rampant in cryptozoology literature which makes the field deserving of the scientific scorn it gets.

    How about the 5 foot spiders roming around the jungles of Congo? Deep in the jungles though.


    How about the 5 foot spiders roming around the jungles of Congo? Deep in the jungles though.

    I doubt it. It’s like the so-called “Patient Longterm Rams Fan.” Just the stuff of legend, I think.

    nittany ram

    How about the 5 foot spiders roming around the jungles of Congo? Deep in the jungles though.

    The breathing system that insects and spiders have limits how big they can grow. Instead of forcing air in and out of their bodies like we do, they rely on a more passive diffusion of oxygen into their tissues through tiny trachea. This limits how big they can be. Millions of years ago in the Carboniferous insects reached large sizes but the concentration of oxygen was much higher then. No insect/spider living today could grow to 5 feet in length because of the way they breathe.


    nittany ram

    Is there a point you’re trying to make with the naked photo of Jeff Goldblum?

    If it’s that he turns into a giant fly which therefore disputes my dissertation on the size limiting respiratory systems of insects and spiders keep in mind that he was only half a fly. To survive after the hybridization process he must have retained his human respiratory system.

    Nice try though.


    Is there a point you’re trying to make with the naked photo of Jeff Goldblum?

    If it’s that he turns into a giant fly which therefore disputes my dissertation on the size limiting respiratory systems of insects and spiders keep in mind that he was only half a fly. To survive after the hybridization process he must have retained his human respiratory system.

    Nice try though.

    Seems to me the name of the movie was the FLY,
    not the HALF-FLY.

    But you go ahead and try to sell your fake-insect-news
    on this board. See how far you get.

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