Perez’s win is considered a victory for the establishment wing of the party

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    New DNC Chairman Suggests That President Should Investigate If 2016 Election Was Rigged


    Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez called President Donald Trump a liar and suggested he “rigged” the election during a Sunday appearance on Meet The Press.

    “How do you unite this party without making it an anti-Trump party as way to unite it?” Chuck Todd asked the new chair. “Our unity is our greatest strength, and frankly, our unity is Donald Trump’s worst nightmare,” Perez said in what sounded very similar to 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign slogan of “Stronger Together.”

    “He’s already tweeting this morning about the election being rigged,” Perez noted, in reference to a Sunday morning Trump tweet regarding the DNC chairmanship vote. “Frankly he ought to be looking at the U.S. election last November through a special council,” Perez added.

    Perez’s tough rhetoric hints at the strict anti-Trump line the DNC is widely expected to take under the new chair.

    “Donald Trump wants to eliminate overtime for people, Donald Trump doesn’t care about the minimum wage,” Obama’s former labor secretary lamented to Chuck Todd. “He hasn’t proposed anything but chaos and carnage,” the new chairman said.

    Perez defeated Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison in a tight Saturday race for the chairmanship. The vote went to a second round after Perez fell one vote shy of the 214.5 needed to win on the first ballot. Perez defeated Ellison 235 – 200 on the second ballot. After it was clear Perez was going to win, pro-Ellison forces began to chant,”party for the people, not big money.”

    Perez’s win is considered a victory for the establishment wing of the party, which backed the former president’s top supporter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The champion of president Obama’s overtime rule and other labor policy positions, Perez had the backing of Obama administration colleagues including former Vice President Joe Biden and former Attorney General Eric Holder. He was strongly considered to serve as Clinton’s running mate before she chose Virginia Senator Tim Kaine.

    Ellison was supported by the progressive, and leftist factions, with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders headlining his list of endorsements. Ellison faced steady resistance from establishment Democrats who were wary of the converted Muslim’s past ties to the Nation of Islam, Black nationalist groups and anti-Semitic comments. (RELATED: Longtime Democrat Alan Dershowitz To Leave Party If Ellison Elected Chair)

    Perez told Todd that the Democrats must have a strategy to reach out to voters in every zip code. “We have to underscore that economic message in every zip code.”


    So…the Democrats decide to follow the most widely rebuked political strategy, and the worst campaign since Dukakis (at the very least), by doubling down on business-as-usual. That is so…Democrat.

    PA Ram

    What seems like the majority of posters at Democratic Underground hate Bernie. They blame him and the progressives for any of the divisiveness within the party. They do not care that the party voted to keep corporate donations. They are a much more centrist group who only seems to play to the left when it’s against Trump or on most social issues.

    A group of progressives actually split to a new board.

    This party may be broken beyond repair.

    And that’s bad news for the liberals and leftists alike.

    The Democratic party is stubborn, hopeless and committed to a corporate agenda at the risk of everything else. They want to “message” differently. I’m not sure they want to “govern” differently. No Democrat should have cast a single vote for ANY Trump cabinet nominee.

    But they did.

    They don’t want to be an opposition party–they want to be a get-along party who works on the things they can agree on(which really means corporate wealth transfers) and put on their little battles in the other areas.

    “Hey–we gave them a fight” and then roll over and play dead.

    I WISH they were like the Republicans. This group of losers would NEVER have had the guts to let a Supreme Court nominee sit for 10 months. Never.

    They are dying.

    Something new has to emerge from this. A true people’s party.

    And it probably will.

    But in the meantime they will lose elections and the right will get stronger–set up permanent structures to hold a majority forever and do more damage than can ever be undone.

    And that’s too bad.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    nittany ram

    The true left is screwed. This election was about the establishment democrats re-exerting their grip on the party and basically telling the left to ‘f’ off.

    The fact is we need the democrats to begin to tilt towards the progressive side if we are going to get anything done. But if we have to battle the corporate democrats along with the republicans we’d have a better chance of squeezing a camel through the eye of a needle than nudging the country towards the left.

    The same could be said of today’s battle over the DNC and the push to install a loyal technocrat like Perez. This reluctance to cede control comes despite the fact that Democrats have lost over 1,000 state legislature seats since 2009. There is no case for Perez that cannot be made for Ellison, while Ellison is able to energize progressives in ways that Perez cannot. The question that will be answered on Saturday is whether Democrats have more urgent priorities than denying power to the left.



    I think it’s time for a split, and I was rather hoping for the announcement of a new party in the wake of this latest DNC bullshit. I know it would split the liberals and left, and leave openings in places for Republicans to walk to the finish line, but the corporatist Dems are part of the problem, and we iz gonna die. So splitting the party may be bad for the party, but the party is bad for the planet, and we just don’t have any time to do this dance anymore.

    I am surprised, actually, that the Green Party didn’t get a spike during this election, but Stein’s numbers were paltry.

    Anyway. I’m really not sure it matters anymore. I mean…I will bash on regardless, but I think the gig is up, basically. The Grand American experiment is going to collapse, and take the rest of the planet with it. But we will have some nice, patriotic fireworks displays, and some gripping reality shows in the meantime.


    The Democratic party is stubborn, hopeless and committed to a corporate agenda at the risk of everything else. They want to “message” differently. I’m not sure they want to “govern” differently.

    That’s it. The conclusion of the autopsy is that it was the fault of the Bernie Bros, and the FBI.

    The solution is to SAY different shit. No need to change what they DO, or what they SUPPORT.

    nittany ram

    I think it’s time for a split, and I was rather hoping for the announcement of a new party in the wake of this latest DNC bullshit.

    Yeah. I think things are bleak regardless but if I’m going down at least I want to go down fighting in a party of compatriots who share my core principles. A party I could finally be proud to be a member of.


    I left the Dems. I was only nominally a Dem because Florida is a closed primary state (I’d say I was essentially caucusing with the Dems, like Bernie).

    So, I walked into my Country Registrar and change to “No Party Affiliation”.

    I’m with you all. I’m DONE, sick and tired of the corporatist neoliberal bullshit.

    If the Dems want my vote, they can run candidates that EARN my vote. Their guilt schtick is meaningless to me. If they can’t earn my vote, they don’t GET my vote.

    You know… DEMOCRACY.

    I still say that Dems even more than Reps, don’t believe in democracy.

    Reps might want to fix elections, but they still want to have them.

    Dems don’t even want that. They want the party elites to be able to appoint people and have the party agree in lockstep with the appointment without dissent or question.

    Sorry, that’s not me. Principle and Policy over Party… P + P > P

    Even in a math sense, the Dems are doing it wrong in thinking that Party is greater than Policy and Principle.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

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