Trump renaming domestic counter terrorism program "Countering Islamic Terrorism"

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Trump renaming domestic counter terrorism program "Countering Islamic Terrorism"

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  • #64655
    nittany ram

    Even though law enforcement groups like the FBI consider white nationalist groups to be a far more dangerous threat than Islamic extremists domestically.

    I get it though. White nationalist groups like the KKK, Neo-nazis and the Three Percenters are his base. Can’t go after them…



    Trump renaming domestic counter terrorism program “Countering Islamic Terrorism”

    Even though law enforcement groups like the FBI consider white nationalist groups to be a far more dangerous threat than Islamic extremists domestically.

    A lot of stuff he’s doing is just partisan hack job, fit the rightie agenda stuff.

    THIS is just around the bend bat shit crazy.

    Not that this will be the worst thing he is doing.

    But there’s not even typical partisan reasons to do this. It just enshrines an illusion–there is no homegrown domestic terrorism, it’s all them Muzz-lehmz doin it all.

    This one just glows with the toxic radiation of sheer delusion.

    I promise you. This guy genuinely and literally will never cease to amaze us.



    Am I reading this right?

    They want to drop surveillance of white supremacist groups, and focus on domestic Islamic terrorism?

    So they are basically turning loose white supremacists – who even now have a website similar to GoFundMe to create bounties?

    nittany ram

    Meanwhile, hate crimes and domestic terrorism has been on the rise since the election. So of course this all makes perfect sense…



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by nittany ram.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by nittany ram.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by nittany ram.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by nittany ram.

    If Trump is not himself a fascist, he certainly appears to be protecting them.

    That said, Obama shares some blame for this, as he caved when hit by right-wing whining and moaning in the face of the (Bush admin) report on rising right-wing extremism in America. Caved. Withdrew the report. Cuz, um, Limbaugh and Gingrich, et al.

    I know most of this is largely Kabuki, but in a sane world, the Dems would get into office and ignore the right entirely. Wouldn’t listen to a single thing they say and would just conduct the people’s business, no matter how loudly the right screams.

    Also, folks: Would it matter, ya think, if every American knew the actual odds of being attacked by terrorists, much less refugees?

    How likely are foreign terrorists to kill Americans? The odds may surprise you — Dave Mosher and Skye Gould Jan. 31, 2017, 9:36 PM


    Wanted to add this study, too.

    This one puts the odds of being killed by a refugee at one in 3.64 billion.

    You’re more likely to be killed by your own clothes than by an immigrant terrorist The odds of being killed by a refugee terrorist? One in 3.6 billion. Updated by Zack Jan 28, 2017, 11:08am EST

    On Friday evening, President Trump issued an executive order barring refugees from entering the country for 120 days — and Syrian refugees indefinitely. It also bans people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the country. The justification, allegedly, is security: The order is titled “Protecting the Nation From Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals.”

    But there’s precious little evidence that immigrants and refugees actually pose a serious terrorist risk to the United States. A recent report, from Cato Institute analyst Alex Nowrasteh, is one of the most sophisticated attempts to investigate this question. What it found was striking: The risk of terrorism from immigrants is astonishingly tiny.

    Cato is a libertarian think tank that has a noticeably pro-migration stance. But Nowrasteh’s research is on really solid ground: He combed through data on terrorism and immigration from nine different sources, covering 1975 through 2015. He counted any attack on US soil in which an immigrant participated as a terrorist attack by immigrants, even if some native-born Americans also helped in its planning or execution.

    Virtually all the deaths from immigrant attacks (98.6 percent) came from one event: 9/11. Other than that, fatal immigrant-linked terrorist attacks in the US were vanishingly rare — and ones linked to refugees specifically rarer still.

    The average likelihood of an American being killed in a terrorist attack in which any kind of immigrant participated in any given year is one in 3.6 million — even including the 9/11 deaths. That is a very, very, very low number.

    To put that in perspective, I’ve produced the following chart, which compares the average annual likelihood of American pedestrians being hit by a railway vehicle, dying due to their own clothes melting or lighting on fire, and being killed in a terrorist attack perpetrated by an immigrant. It’s quite revealing:


    I find it interesting that many of the same people who view Climate Change as a hoax, or see the chances of any major problems occurring from it as incredibly remote, are in favor of draconian, un-Constitutional Executive Orders that don’t even address the issue of “terrorism.” And that the chances of Americans being killed by undocumented immigrants (1 in 3.6 million) or refugees (1 in 3.64 billion) are . . . well, beyond the beyond of a whisper of a hint of the remote.

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