Trump's immigration ban excludes countries he does business with…

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  • #64433
    nittany ram

    That’s not possible though.

    Cause, if it were true, that would mean…corruption.

    And what are the chances of that.

    nittany ram

    That’s not possible though.

    Cause, if it were true, that would mean…corruption.

    And what are the chances of that.

    Unlikely, sure but…

    There’s just something about this Trump guy that bugs me.

    I have nothing concrete. The feeling is too ethereal to even articulate but there’s something about him that bears watching.

    I dunno…maybe I’m just overreacting…


    This is not going to end well for Trump. I am pretty close to taking it for granted now that he will not make it four years without being impeached. And for a guy with his ego, I don’t know how he survives the humiliation on the biggest stage of all.

    Anyway, I’m wondering how this can/will happen. Obviously, it will have to be Republicans in charge of the impeachment since they are in the majority, but it runs the risk of being suicidal. Somehow McConnell, Ryan, and Kaine have to cast themselves as the heroes of the narrative, saving America.

    I dunno, but I can’t take 200 weeks of this shit.

    Saw a tweet today that likened this administration to what would happen if all those angry sports radio callers were to suddenly be put in charge of the NFL.


    This is not going to end well for Trump. I am pretty close to taking it for granted now that he will not make it four years without being impeached. And for a guy with his ego, I don’t know how he survives the humiliation on the biggest stage of all.

    Anyway, I’m wondering how this can/will happen. Obviously, it will have to be Republicans in charge of the impeachment since they are in the majority, but it runs the risk of being suicidal. Somehow McConnell, Ryan, and Kaine have to cast themselves as the heroes of the narrative, saving America.

    I dunno, but I can’t take 200 weeks of this shit.

    Saw a tweet today that likened this administration to what would happen if all those angry sports radio callers were to suddenly be put in charge of the NFL.


    Good analogy too. I think another one is that America has its first Internet troll as president, and he’s surrounded himself with Internet trolls advising him, and their target audience is the vast pool of lower level Internet trolls.

    As a kind of offshoot of the “angry sports show callers” . . . This article is mostly spot-on about this dynamic:

    Forget Big Brother. Fear Little Brother. This is who he is.


    This month in the District, a gunman shot up Comet Ping Pong pizzeria, threatening customers and workers and terrorizing an entire neighborhood. For months, Internet conspiracy theorists have accused Comet’s owners and leading figures of the Democratic Party of running a child pornography ring out of the restaurant, complete with satanic symbols and underground tunnels. And what did Comet Ping Pong owner James Alefantis do to earn such venom? He emailed with Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, about hosting a fundraiser.

    . . . .

    This is Little Brother — millions of irrational people spreading lies, sowing doubt and fomenting violence. Thanks to Little Brother, the government — Trump and his incoming administration, in this case — doesn’t have to directly threaten the political opposition or spread propaganda on its own. Leaders only need to find indirect ways to validate supporters’ most vile emotions and make lying acceptable, as House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) did recently when he said it was all right for Trump to spread falsehoods. Little Brother and his NRA-protected guns can take it from there.

    nittany ram

    If this wasn’t so scary it would be fascinating from a sociological perspective.

    This era will be studied for years by sociologists…assuming there are researchers left to study it.


    If this wasn’t so scary it would be fascinating from a sociological perspective.

    This era will be studied for years by sociologists…assuming there are researchers left to study it.

    Yeah. That’s what I keep thinking…This is so fascinating..Wait, NO!…This is terrifying!…but…you know…so entertaining…No! This is actually happening!


    Just substitute “Fascism” for “Fashion” in the lyrics below.

    This is where we are. DB must have seen it coming and bailed on us…

    We’re walking that fine line, I think.


    There’s a brand new dance
    but I don’t know its name
    That people from bad homes
    do again and again
    It’s big and it’s bland
    full of tension and fear
    They do it over there but we don’t do it here

    Fashion! Turn to the left
    Fashion! Turn to the right
    Oooh, fashion!
    We are the goon squad
    and we’re coming to town

    Listen to me – don’t listen to me
    Talk to me – don’t talk to me
    Dance with me – don’t dance with me, no

    There’s a brand new talk,
    but it’s not very clear
    That people from good homes
    are talking this year
    It’s loud and tasteless
    and I’ve heard it before
    You shout it while you’re dancing
    on the whole dance floor
    Oh bop, fashion


    Listen to me – don’t listen to me
    Talk to me – don’t talk to me
    Dance with me – don’t dance with me, no

    Oh, bop, do do do do do do do do
    Oh, bop, do do do do do do do do

    PA Ram

    I think the Republicans are just waiting for him to dig himself in too deep and then replace him with Pence. They’re just grinning and bearing it right now and trying to keep their distance. They have their own agenda.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    I think the Republicans are just waiting for him to dig himself in too deep and then replace him with Pence. They’re just grinning and bearing it right now and trying to keep their distance. They have their own agenda.

    I think they will milk him for all they can, let him take all the credit for the most unpopular stuff, and then create some separation on some kind of “principle” so that he is isolated.


    I think the Republicans are just waiting for him to dig himself in too deep and then replace him with Pence. They’re just grinning and bearing it right now and trying to keep their distance. They have their own agenda.

    I think they will milk him for all they can, let him take all the credit for the most unpopular stuff, and then create some separation on some kind of “principle” so that he is isolated.

    I said this during the campaign: Clinton and the Dems made a huge mistake when they let Republicans off the hook for their support of Trump. This mistake came to a head in her speech about “deplorables,” which was yet another major tactical error.

    Never punch down.

    They needed to wed, link, merge, glue the GOP to Trump, and not give them any escape route. Instead, they chose another form of “triangulation,” and it failed utterly . . . not just in the election, but in its aftermath.

    The GOP can do as you and others suggest. If Trump goes down in flames, they’ll just reclaim their “distance,” insert Pence, and likely get even more of their agenda passed, because there won’t be the endless “flood the zone” distractions from the narcissist in chief.

    The Dems keep finding ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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