US history of hacking elections

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    US been hacking elections for more than a century

    Boston Globe


    January 08, 2017 — OUTRAGE is shaking Washington as members of Congress compete to demonize Russia for its alleged interference in America’s recent presidential election. “Any foreign intervention in our elections is entirely unacceptable,” Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has asserted. Russian actions, according to other legislators, are “attacks on our very fundamentals of democracy” that “should alarm every American” because they “cut to the heart of our free society.” This burst of righteous indignation would be easier to swallow if the United States had not itself made a chronic habit of interfering in foreign elections.

    Over a period of more than a century, American leaders have used a variety of tools to influence voters in other countries. We have chosen candidates, advised them, financed their parties, designed their campaigns, bribed media outlets to support them, and intimidated or smeared their rivals.

    One of our first operations to shape the outcome of a foreign election came in Cuba. After the United States helped Cuban rebels overthrow Spanish rule in 1898, we organized a presidential election, recruited a pro-American candidate, and forbade others to run against him.

    Two years later, after the United States annexed Hawaii, we established an electoral system that denied suffrage to most native Hawaiians, assuring that only pro-American candidates would be elected to public office.

    During the Cold War, influencing foreign elections was a top priority for the CIA. One of its first major operations was aimed at assuring that a party we favored won the 1948 election in Italy. This was a multi-pronged effort that included projects like encouraging Italian-Americans to write letters to their relatives warning that American aid to Italy would end if the wrong party won. Encouraged by its success in Italy, the CIA quickly moved to other countries.

    In 1953, the United States found a former Vietnamese official who had lived at Catholic seminaries in the United States, and maneuvered him into the presidency of newly formed South Vietnam. He was supposed to stay on the job for two years until national elections could be held, but when it became clear that he would lose, he canceled the election. “I think we should support him on this,” the US secretary of state said. The CIA then stage-managed a plebiscite on our man’s rule. Campaigning against him was forbidden. A reported 98.2 percent of voters endorsed his rule. The American ambassador called this plebiscite a “resounding success.”

    In 1955 the CIA gave $1 million to a pro-American party in Indonesia. Two years later the United States maneuvered a friendly politician into the presidency of Lebanon by financing his supporters’ campaigns for Parliament. “Throughout the elections, I traveled regularly to the presidential palace with a briefcase full of Lebanese pounds,” a CIA officer later wrote. “The president insisted that he handle each transaction by himself.”

    Our intervention in Lebanon’s election provoked protests by those who believed that Lebanese voters alone should shape their country’s future. The United States sent troops to Lebanon to suppress that outburst of nationalism. Much the same happened in the Dominican Republic, which we invaded in 1965 after voters chose a president we deemed unacceptable. Our intervention in Chile’s 1964 election was more discreet, carried out by covertly financing favored candidates and paying newspapers and radio stations to skew reporting in ways that would favor them.

    The next Chilean election, in 1970, drew the United States into one of its furthest-reaching interventions. The CIA and other government agencies used a variety of pressures to prevent the Chilean Congress from confirming the victory of a Socialist presidential candidate. This operation included shipping weapons to conspirators who, several hours after receiving them, assassinated the commander of the Chilean military, who had refused to lead a revolt against democracy. His murder did not prevent the accession of the candidate we detested, but the United States relentlessly punished Chile for the next three years until the military staged a coup and ended democratic rule. An American official asserted that intervention in Chile was made necessary by “the stupidity of its own people,” which they expressed by voting for a candidate we opposed.

    Among many CIA operations to influence elections in the Middle East, one in 1975 helped elect a prime minister of Israel whose policies the United States favored. In Central America, intervening in elections is an even older habit. The CIA recruited a pro-American economist to run for president of Nicaragua in 1984, and when it became clear that he would lose, pulled him out of the race amid laments about the lack of electoral freedom in Nicaragua. In 2009, the United States encouraged a military coup in which the elected president of Honduras was deposed, and then endorsed a new election in which he was not allowed to run.

    Perhaps the most recent US intervention in foreign politics came in Ukraine. In 2014, as protesters gathered there in an effort to overthrow their elected government, a senior State Department official appeared in the crowd to encourage their revolt. She was caught telling an aide which Ukrainian politician was “the guy” Americans had chosen to be Ukraine’s next leader, and asserting that the United States would “midwife this thing.” A few weeks later our “guy” became prime minister — setting off a crisis that ended with Russian military intervention.

    Condemning interference in foreign elections is eminently reasonable. The disingenuous howls of anti-Russian rage now echoing through Washington, however, ignore much history.

    Stephen Kinzer is a senior fellow at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University, and author of the forthcoming book “The True Flag: Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, and the Birth of American Empire.” Follow him on Twitter @stephenkinzer.


    Thanks, WV.

    Very good article. The US, in order to protect, defend and extend the rule of Capital has engaged in horrific acts for a long, long time. That’s what it does. And, if memory serves, Kinzer is a very good historian of this stuff.

    But I’m still not getting from that point A to the point B of, basically, Let’s stop talking about what Russia did cuz of our own history.

    It’s kinda like saying (on a wholly different plane of existence, of course): We can never talk about any dirty plays against the Rams, because the Rams have engaged in that at other times. Or, because a kid in our neighborhood beat up a kid from another neighborhood, we can’t talk about the reverse happening.

    And I also don’t see the “howls of anti-Russian rage” that many critics say they hear. With exceptions, I think the reaction to this stuff is actually a bit weak and too late. It should have been a bipartisan issue going back months before the election, and if the Media really were in Clinton’s pocket, it would have been a major, ongoing story. It wasn’t. We know now that several news outlets sat on much of this until after the election.


    In short, yes, we do this shit too, and probably covering much more of the earth, and for much longer than Russia, and with more violence. Though different folks might argue against that judgment. But the old adage really does obtain, two wrongs don’t make a right, and I’d add that the following should be considered too:

    1. Russia is governed by a right-wing tyrant. A true oligarch and kleptocrat. He has zero support, as far as I know, from the Russian left. This is not a matter of some heroic, embattled leftist ruler, going up against the center-right hegemon (America).

    2. What they did gave us Trump and his team, who also are not leftist heroes of the people, but are, instead, mostly hard-right, anti-labor, anti-democracy, anti-environment, anti-science zealots. They actually contain all the worst things we get from Clinton and the Dems, and go much further right with them, plus the naked white supremacy stuff.

    3. If this were a case of a Camus versus a Franco, or a Mandela against South Africa, or an Aung San Suu Kyi battling against the Burmese government, I could understand leftist anger over the focus on Russia. But, obviously, that’s not what’s going on. Far, far from it.


    Thanks, WV.

    But I’m still not getting from that point A to the point B of, basically, Let’s stop talking about what Russia did cuz of our own history

    Billy i have never once said “stop talking about what russia did”. I said “put it in context”. Thats all. PUT…it…in…context. The MSM rarely if ever does that, as you know.

    Russia hacked, and tried to influence the election. Indeed. They did.
    (we do NOT know if they supplied Assange with the email info — we have no specific EVIDENCE of exactly WHAT russia hacked and how they did it and what they did with the true and accurate info)

    Along with the ‘context’ of history there is the context of what exactly certain elements in the CIA/MSM are trying to accomplish with their spin on the hacking stories. Why are certain things emphasized and certain things suppressed or ommitted. Its pretty obvious to many of us that certain elements in the CIA/MSM are taking Trump to the woodshed and trying to establish their power.

    Gangsters-states are not pretty, are they. Trump. Hillary. Obama. CIA. NSA. Russia. Capitalism. Mega-Corpse. MSM. Propaganda. Banks. Fed. …its like making sausage — not pretty to see it all smushed-together, up close.



    Thanks, WV.

    But I’m still not getting from that point A to the point B of, basically, Let’s stop talking about what Russia did cuz of our own history

    Billy i have never once said “stop talking about what russia did”. I said “put it in context”. Thats all. PUT…it…in…context. The MSM rarely if ever does that, as you know.

    Russia hacked, and tried to influence the election. Indeed. They did.
    (we do NOT know if they supplied Assange with the email info — we have no specific EVIDENCE of exactly WHAT russia hacked and how they did it and what they did with the true and accurate info)

    Along with the ‘context’ of history there is the context of what exactly certain elements in the CIA/MSM are trying to accomplish with their spin on the hacking stories. Why are certain things emphasized and certain things suppressed or ommitted. Its pretty obvious to many of us that certain elements in the CIA/MSM are taking Trump to the woodshed and trying to establish their power.

    Gangsters-states are not pretty, are they. Trump. Hillary. Obama. CIA. NSA. Russia. Capitalism. Mega-Corpse. MSM. Propaganda. Banks. Fed. …its like making sausage — not pretty to see it all smushed-together, up close.


    WV, I know you’re not saying this, but some of the articles decrying the focus on Russia seem to be. That seems to be their main point. We can’t discuss this stuff because of our own despicable history. And, yes, it’s despicable. Again, I think it very likely covers far more of the earth than Russia’s attempts, and likely generated far more violence. Some may argue otherwise, but it’s at least as bad as theirs.

    But where do we go from there? What is the way forward? And we also should take into consideration that it’s pretty “natural” for every country to place more import on what other countries do to them than what they do to other countries. I don’t think you’re going to find too many cases of the reverse.

    I was thinking about that last night when I watched my team, the Terps, play Illinois. We take sides. A “bad call” on our guys is met with one reaction, while a “bad call” on the other side is met with, “meh.” Or, “they deserved it!!”

    That basically is the foundation for how we view the battle of the gangster-states, too. So, again, how do we go forward from there? I don’t have a clue.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Billy_T.


    This just occurred to me as well. In case my response seemed like it ignored your central point about providing context . . . I thought it was implicit in what I said, but now I’m not so sure.

    Anyway, in just the same way we need to discuss what Russia did, we also need to discuss the history of American aggression, oppression, exploitation — foreign and domestic — etc. etc. So the article you posted above is essential. We need a gazillion more of them, and for this to be taught in our schools. Historical context everywhere.

    Open up all of this to deep analysis and stop hiding from our own history, etc.


    WV, I know you’re not saying this, but some of the articles decrying the focus on Russia seem to be. That seems to be their main point…

    Well I’ve seen lots of articles that make Russia out to be Saints and Saviors,
    and Hillary out to be a Demon, and Trump out to be a Savior. That stuff is out there. And of course there is a lot of stuff out there saying the USA is glorious and Russia is evil.

    I dont see nearly enough stuff saying the US is a gangster state and so is Russia. Ah well.


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