Trump one of most unpopular presidents ever…before taking office

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    For all the high octane and historic news we’ve seen over the last twelve hours, what may be the most significant news of the day barely made a ripple over the waves. That was a number produced by the Quinnipiac University polling organization: Donald Trump, ten days from becoming President, has an approval rating of 37%. Most presidents seldom get so low. Some never do. For a Days away from inauguration it’s totally unprecedented. For some perspective, by Gallup’s numbers, each of the last three presidents had approval ratings of at least 65% during their presidential transitions.

    Of course, Trump doesn’t have to face voters for four years and members of his party don’t for two. But this tells us something that has been curiously absent from press coverage: Trump, his agenda and his party are deeply unpopular. Indeed, Trump’s gotten steadily more unpopular over the last four weeks. All of this tells us that political gravity still exists. Indeed, it is already shaping events on Capitol Hill.

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