How many Bernie voters voted for Trump?

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    This article said about twenty-five percent of Sanders voters
    would vote for Trump.

    Anybody got any numbers on how many Bernie voters went for Trump?



    The Washington Free Beacon?

    From the wiki:

    The Washington Free Beacon is an American politically conservative political journalism Web site that publishes news and opinion commentary.

    That’s an easily searched topic. There were polls.


    Hillary Clinton lost the November election because she blew off Sanders activists and voters


    well that was all pretty confusing and didnt tell us what percentage of Sanders voters actually voted for Trump. Do we simply not know what percentage of Bernie voters went for Trump.

    Reason i ask is the wv-ewe told me a shitload of Bernie voters voted for Trump. I had not heard that.


    nittany ram

    How is the ewe doing? Is she still infatuated with the Jews? 😉

    The Bernie supporters that voted for Trump obviously had no clue what Bernie stood for. Apparently they just liked the fact that he was an outsider. When he lost, well any ol’ outsider would do…


    Reason i ask is the wv-ewe told me a shitload of Bernie voters voted for Trump. I had not heard that.

    There is no basis for that claim. I saw a 12% figure. Is that a “shitload”? More than 4 times that number of Sanders people intended (at the time of the poll) to vote for Clinton.

    Thus far, among Sanders’ supporters, only 55% are planning to vote for Clinton in November. Nearly 12% plan to vote for Trump.

    Here’s another one. It’s lower than 12%…7%.

    In an NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey conducted by Hart Research Associates this month, 7% of Sanders voters said they could see themselves supporting Trump. Some 66% said the same for Clinton.


    Gotta love liberals and their proven to not be worth a shit polls. Shouldn’t liberals be examining their failed polls or the lies er “Fake News” fed to them by the MSM about the inevitability of her winning? Hildabeast stole the nomination from Bernie and wanted a war with Russia. Why would any Sanders supporters vote for her? She has her Wall Street big donor self and her pander monkey self to the unwashed masses. She stood for the third term of the failed Obama presidency. Liberals of conscience shouldn’t vote democrat.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    How is the ewe doing? Is she still infatuated with the Jews? 😉

    The Bernie supporters that voted for Trump obviously had no clue what Bernie stood for. Apparently they just liked the fact that he was an outsider. When he lost, well any ol’ outsider would do…

    No, I am now the one infatuated with the Jews.

    Probly true what you say about the bernie voters who voted Trump.

    Thing is though, if zn’s figure below is right and twelve percent voted for Trump, that is a LOT of votes, i would think. Coulda made the difference in swing states, maybe.



    How is the ewe doing? Is she still infatuated with the Jews?

    The Bernie supporters that voted for Trump obviously had no clue what Bernie stood for. Apparently they just liked the fact that he was an outsider. When he lost, well any ol’ outsider would do…

    No, I am now the one infatuated with the Jews.

    Probly true what you say about the bernie voters who voted Trump.

    Thing is though, if zn’s figure below is right and twelve percent voted for Trump, that is a LOT of votes, i would think. Coulda made the difference in swing states, maybe.


    I have 2 figures (so far). One is 12%, one is 7%.

    The big exception was west virginia, where the numbers were higher.

    So ewe could be thinking of west virginia.

    That wasn’t national though.

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