Corporate-reporter questions activist-reporter

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  • #61490

    Just thot this was interesting:

    Jimmy Dore Show

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by wv.


    Yeah, I’ve started to catch up on the Syria story, and these two videos about sum it up.

    Here we are supplying, training, and financing ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria. I mean…that fact alone ought to just discredit the US government.

    It will be interesting to see what happens under Trump. If there is a silver lining of any kind whatsoever in a Trump presidency, it is the probability that he will ratchet down the Syrian conflict and the confrontation with Russia generally. We will see if the president actually has any control over foreign policy, I guess.


    Yeah, I’ve started to catch up on the Syria story, and these two videos about sum it up.

    Here we are supplying, training, and financing ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria. I mean…that fact alone ought to just discredit the US government.

    It will be interesting to see what happens under Trump. If there is a silver lining of any kind whatsoever in a Trump presidency, it is the probability that he will ratchet down the Syrian conflict and the confrontation with Russia generally. We will see if the president actually has any control over foreign policy, I guess.


    There do seem to be a few issues on which Trump is indeed
    better than Clinton/Obama.

    When i chat with International-leftists, they by and large prefer Trump to Clinton because they are focused on international policies and not american domestic policies.
    When i talk to american-leftists they prefer clinton because they tend to focus on domestic-american policies instead of international-policies.



    Yeah, I’ve started to catch up on the Syria story, and these two videos about sum it up.

    Here we are supplying, training, and financing ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria. I mean…that fact alone ought to just discredit the US government.

    It will be interesting to see what happens under Trump. If there is a silver lining of any kind whatsoever in a Trump presidency, it is the probability that he will ratchet down the Syrian conflict and the confrontation with Russia generally. We will see if the president actually has any control over foreign policy, I guess.

    Alex Jones reported the US military aid to ISIS and Al Qaeda years ago as soon as it began. Military personnel were giving witness to the drops and the terrorists laughing at them telling them Assad first then they’re next. Too bad the “credible” MSM still doesn’t acknowledge the fact. But should an american citizen send a $5 donation to the same terrorists the MSM will be all over the case with the FBI lauded for their great work in keeping us “safe”. Fake News. Gotta love it.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    You act like it’s any surprise to anyone here that the US Gov’t has been offering aid and comfort directly to our own enemies not just recently, but for decades.

    Honestly, I don’t know who you’re responding to…

    It’s like there’s this phantom Hillary supporter that you desperately want to do battle with…except, they’re just not HERE.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    I really enjoy TJDS.

    Jimmy Dore is a hoot. I get that he’s a comedian, but he’s only pretty spot on.

    I mean he doggedly jumped on DAPL. He gets most importantly the DEAL about WHY it’s not okay to give in to corporatist, warmongering DLC Dems because the Reps are nightmares.

    For a comedian, he’s more clear about the mission of the fourth estate than almost anyone in the MSM.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    I really enjoy TJDS.

    Jimmy Dore is a hoot. I get that he’s a comedian, but he’s only pretty spot on.

    I mean he doggedly jumped on DAPL. He gets most importantly the DEAL about WHY it’s not okay to give in to corporatist, warmongering DLC Dems because the Reps are nightmares.

    For a comedian, he’s more clear about the mission of the fourth estate than almost anyone in the MSM.

    Is there any doubt in anyone’s mind that comedians do more accurate reporting than the MSM these days?

    I bet if you could get most of the MSM celebrity types alone at the office party, you would hear them admit it, too. There are probably a few arrogant prats who think they still are doing 4th Estate work, but I bet most of them know they aren’t.

    Everybody saw what happened to Dan Rather. They know what they are doing, and what has happened to the system.


    What kills me is that it’s not like the MSM CAN’T break big stories.

    Hell, Mary Mapes and Dan Rather broke Abu Ghraib.

    I really regret being part of that whole “font mob” when it came out. Funny you should mention that.

    I just saw the movie, Truth, based on the book by Mary Mapes with Cate Blanchett and Robert Redford. It was…illuminating. And it does make a pretty potent statement. Even without the documents, the big slam is that Bush likely went AWOL and Viacom and Bush had SIGNIFICANT corporate interests, prior to and after the report went on air including Bush’s veto of Budget because it included allowing one company to own 43% of all media in the country. People were super upset about that at the time. He settled for 39%, the exact amount Viacom owned so they wouldn’t have to sell any assets.

    Since Mary Mapes and CBS canning everyone south of the President of CBS who touched that story including executives overseeing the story, the MSM simply cannot be counted on to break another story about a sitting President.

    Now, it’s LAUGHABLE. At least the Bush story got on air. Now? Not a chance.

    That’s how crazy this all is. Even as compromised as the MSM was… as late as 2004, the MSM could still break a story about a sitting President.

    CBS won a Peabody for Mary Mapes reporting/producing work at Abu Ghraib. Amazing. And they touted their Peabody win, but I sure couldn’t find any positive attribution to Rather and Mapes. Just CBS saying, “yay, we won”.

    The hardest part about all of this is that we need BIG MEDIA for one thing. Lawyers. When the state wants to go after media, it takes resources to fight back. You think a fucking BLOGGER could have published the Pentagon Papers? You think Assange could publish WikiLeaks without funding and serious access to legal counsel?

    Sure, the current Alt-Media landscape can act like meta-critics and critique the media… but they can’t really BE the media because…resources. Very few venues can do what TYT did and send a reporter to Standing Rock for weeks and actually deploy a drone to catch the corporation lying. Normally, that’d be big media. But now that it’s corporate media… who fills that gap?

    It’s not some blogger or comedian.

    Now we have a Corporate media that merely plagiarizes the dying print media (“from a report in the Detroit Free Press… from a report in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer… from a report in the LA Times… etc). When print finally dies, corporate media won’t even have THAT content and infotainment won’t even have watered down info to peddle.

    Not that it matters. The biz side will simply see it as “how do we get more viewers” and don’t see the News as a duty like the giants of news did. They don’t see producing the news any different than Big Brother or Survivor or any other reality show…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    As you well know, newspapers are compromised, too. But if they eventually fold, we are in serious trouble. The only kind of news we will have anymore will be crap like Crossfire (if that is even still a thing).


    You act like it’s any surprise to anyone here that the US Gov’t has been offering aid and comfort directly to our own enemies not just recently, but for decades.

    Honestly, I don’t know who you’re responding to…

    It’s like there’s this phantom Hillary supporter that you desperately want to do battle with…except, they’re just not HERE.

    Then where was your writing about it? Where was your credible MSM? Years after the fact and you act like you knew it all along. I call BS.

    This place was loaded with Hildabeast supporters who now refuse to admit it. Before Bernie or Jill there was Hildabeast. Compared to Trump or any republican there’s Hildabeast.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    You act like it’s any surprise to anyone here that the US Gov’t has been offering aid and comfort directly to our own enemies not just recently, but for decades.

    Honestly, I don’t know who you’re responding to…

    It’s like there’s this phantom Hillary supporter that you desperately want to do battle with…except, they’re just not HERE.

    Then where was your writing about it? Where was your credible MSM? Years after the fact and you act like you knew it all along. I call BS.

    This place was loaded with Hildabeast supporters who now refuse to admit it. Before Bernie or Jill there was Hildabeast. Compared to Trump or any republican there’s Hildabeast.

    No, this place has had only one hildabeast supporter == Waterfield. He actually liked her.

    Now its true many here saw her as ‘the lesser evil’ but thats hardly the same thing as ‘supporting’ her. Every single leftist here preferred Bernie or Jill to a corporate-dem like Hildabeast. Now, you KNOW that.

    Now, if you wanna say none of the leftists here liked Trump — that would be true. But dont say they liked Hillary. They didnt.

    And believe me, Mack has been an outspoken critic of the MsM for a LONG time. All the leftists have. As far as knowing the details and nuances of whats goin on in Syria — thats a separate subject and a tricky subject. So many factions and interests and secrets and lies and propaganda. Its not just an Oil pipeline or just Israel, etc. There’s a LOT of complicated shit goin on there. Its hard to sort it all out. Alex Jones oversimplifies things.



    Jesus Christ.

    Some things that get said are just breath-taking.


    You act like it’s any surprise to anyone here that the US Gov’t has been offering aid and comfort directly to our own enemies not just recently, but for decades.

    Honestly, I don’t know who you’re responding to…

    It’s like there’s this phantom Hillary supporter that you desperately want to do battle with…except, they’re just not HERE.

    Then where was your writing about it? Where was your credible MSM? Years after the fact and you act like you knew it all along. I call BS.

    This place was loaded with Hildabeast supporters who now refuse to admit it. Before Bernie or Jill there was Hildabeast. Compared to Trump or any republican there’s Hildabeast.

    No, this place has had only one hildabeast supporter == Waterfield. He actually liked her.

    Now its true many here saw her as ‘the lesser evil’ but thats hardly the same thing as ‘supporting’ her. Every single leftist here preferred Bernie or Jill to a corporate-dem like Hildabeast. Now, you KNOW that.

    Now, if you wanna say none of the leftists here liked Trump — that would be true. But dont say they liked Hillary. They didnt.

    And believe me, Mack has been an outspoken critic of the MsM for a LONG time. All the leftists have. As far as knowing the details and nuances of whats goin on in Syria — thats a separate subject and a tricky subject. So many factions and interests and secrets and lies and propaganda. Its not just an Oil pipeline or just Israel, etc. There’s a LOT of complicated shit goin on there. Its hard to sort it all out. Alex Jones oversimplifies things.


    BS. Countless times it is written by yourself and so many others that Hildabeast is “better”, “preferred”, “more experienced” etc. In other words express support for Hildabeast.

    No Syria isn’t a tricky subject. The Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama tried hard to get us into another war in Syria and when he was out maneuvered by Putin he began arming the very terrorists murdering our servicemen elsewhere. Syria is about oil. Pipeline access to Golan Heights oil stolen by Israel which needs a pipeline through Syria to sell that oil to europe. it is not complicated. Russia doesn’t want that competition and it was entirely predictable that Putin would support his client state.

    Alex Jones didn’t simplify anything. He merely reported the facts years before your “credible” sources. What you don’t realize is that the same sources he had also tried to get the MSM and “your” credible sources to report the fact. But they wouldn’t. Instead they fed you “Fake News” and you considered yourself informed. I suppose if I were you or Mack I would be pissed too.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Jesus Christ.

    Some things that get said are just breath-taking.

    Or hit too close to home.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Jesus Christ.

    Some things that get said are just breath-taking.

    Or hit too close to home.

    Dude, stay away from that kind of cheap retort. Not looking for a response. (In fact I will just delete any response to this.) Just try to come up with arguments, not grade school taunts.



    Jesus Christ.

    Some things that get said are just breath-taking.

    Or hit too close to home.

    Okay, I am going to go through this once, and that is the end of it. I am going to deliver a couple of facts to you, and it ends there.

    1. Nobody here supported Hillary until the end when the choice was between her and Trump. And it wasn’t support of Hillary as it was a vote against Trump whom everyone here considers to be a man who is likely to go down in history as the worst president of all time.

    2. As far as the US offering aid and support to our enemies…you are 15 years too late for that conversation. We have been discussing the US government here, and it’s entire sordid foreign policy history for so long that, 5 years from now, we will still consider you “new” to the forum. So your revelation that America is funding its own “enemies” is so well-known to us that we take it for granted that everybody already knows that.

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