Sanders Nailed It On Identity Politics & Inequality & the MSM missed the point

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    Bernie Sanders Nailed It On Identity Politics and Inequality, and the Media Completely Missed the Point

    Katie Halper



    One of the best articles of the year, I’d say.



    Good read.


    The MSM won’t let it go because to do that would mean actually becoming the fourth estate of Murrow, Severeid, Reasoner, Cronkite, and lastly Moyers.

    They frankly LOVE the model where they’ve totally sold out and simply get to plagiarize dying newspapers while they ESPN the news with “panels” talking about the news…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    The MSM won’t let it go because to do that would mean actually becoming the fourth estate of Murrow, Severeid, Reasoner, Cronkite, and lastly Moyers.

    They frankly LOVE the model where they’ve totally sold out and simply get to plagiarize dying newspapers while they ESPN the news with “panels” talking about the news…

    It makes them rich, and doesn’t require any work. And they get invited to the cool kids parties.


    The one thing they have MORE of is the indignance that anyone would question their impartiality or their ability to function as the fourth estate when the examples of their full capitulation…not mere acquiescence, but complete moral, ethical, financial and journalistic surrender are legion.

    It goes beyond belligerent denial like one would see in an addict. Even an addict in denial recognizes at some level that there is an end…somewhere. The denial is generally of the nature of “I can fix all of this before I get to that bad end” rather than that the end, itself, is bad.

    No…no. The MSM truly is psychotic in that it believes something that is so far from reality that the only way to describe it is a collective psychosis: they believe that they are actually fulfilling the role of the fourth estate; speaking truth to power, holding power accountable and bringing more real information than ever to the people with greater transparency than ever.

    That this belief is so wrong for so many reasons isn’t really the issue. I mean, it is wrong for a great many reasons.

    But the problem is that the MSM truly believes that they are the functioning legacy of Murrow… They don’t see that rather than speak out against a Senator McCarthy, this media would have put him in the White House with a Congress to help him fulfill his legislative agenda because it was good for ratings. They don’t see their role in this age of Americans being the least informed since Mass Media became available.

    I mean, when viewers who watch various news channels are actually LESS informed than people who watch NOTHING… what else need be said?

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    This has nothing to do with the article but to me as long as those that should be having children are not and those that should not be are there is really not much hope for any progressive movement-be it Sanders, Stein, Warren, or Hopalong Cassidy. I am shocked at the number of ignorant, racist,hateful and yes “deplorable” people that are part of this country. Unfortunately, I think their numbers are growing.


    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    This has nothing to do with the article but to me as long as those that should be having children are not and those that should not be are there is really not much hope for any progressive movement-be it Sanders, Stein, Warren, or Hopalong Cassidy. I am shocked at the number of ignorant, racist,hateful and yes “deplorable” people that are part of this country. Unfortunately, I think their numbers are growing.


    Ok, well I am shocked at the number of sociopathic corporations and banks that arerelentlessly pursuing policies that threaten to destroy all life on the planet. And its all perfectly legal.


    PA Ram

    They frankly LOVE the model where they’ve totally sold out and simply get to plagiarize dying newspapers while they ESPN the news with “panels” talking about the news…

    This makes the news unwatchable. No one is a bigger offender of this than CNN. They gotta have 4, 6, 8 people on a panel screaming over each other. It is the most useless thing on television. They set up these WWF matches and run with them. It has nothing to do with informing anyone of anything.

    Sure–it’s cheap to do things that way but it’s also useless.

    You may as well watch pro wrestling. They have better characters.

    Unless this changes–I don’t see how the country ever gets sane again. They have a vital job to do.

    And they aren’t.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    This has nothing to do with the article but to me as long as those that should be having children are not and those that should not be are there is really not much hope for any progressive movement-be it Sanders, Stein, Warren, or Hopalong Cassidy. I am shocked at the number of ignorant, racist,hateful and yes “deplorable” people that are part of this country. Unfortunately, I think their numbers are growing.

    So who are the should and who are the should nots? Odd that I have to be the one to ask.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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