Taibbi on Obama….

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    gag me:http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/features/president-obamas-last-stand-w451241

    First John Oliver attacks Jill, and now Taibbi falls in love with Obama’s charisma. Gag me.

    “…Donald Trump may have won the White House, but he will never be a man like his predecessor, whose personal example will now only shine more brightly with the passage of time. At a time when a lot of Americans feel like they have little to be proud of, we should think about our outgoing president, whose humanity and greatness are probably only just now coming into true focus…’


    First John Oliver attacks Jill, and now Taibbi falls in love with Obama’s charisma. Gag me.

    You can’t separate Obama the person from Obama the tepid center-right empty politico?

    I think he would have made a great university president. When he spoke up as a moral spokesman on certain issues I thought he was tremendous.

    His policies, such as they are, were Clintonista sameole sameole.


    Obama’s charisma? Really? Taibbi’s insignificance shines through.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    First John Oliver attacks Jill, and now Taibbi falls in love with Obama’s charisma. Gag me.

    You can’t separate Obama the person from Obama the tepid center-right empty politico?

    I think he would have made a great university president. When he spoke up as a moral spokesman on certain issues I thought he was tremendous.

    His policies, such as they are, were Clintonista sameole sameole.


    Nah, I’m not interested in that kind of separation. I think focusing on his personal traits is just a diversion from his hideous murderous neoliberal policies.



    Nah, I’m not interested in that kind of separation. I think focusing on his personal traits is just a diversion from his hideous murderous neoliberal policies.


    No doubt. The murder of americans without trial and of innocents abroad via predator drones are an unprecedented evil.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Nah, I’m not interested in that kind of separation. I think focusing on his personal traits is just a diversion from his hideous murderous neoliberal policies.


    I see both things. I’m not diverted by it.

    PA Ram

    I would take four more years of Obama over what’s coming, in a heartbeat.

    Have you seen Trump’s latest paranoid fantasy tweets about winning the popular vote?

    Reality and Donald Trump do not have a good relationship. His “Art of the Deal” ghostwriter even describes him as unstable.

    He will govern based on the Alex Jones channel and his bruised ego.

    He may be dangerous at a level never seen in the world. I hope not–but it is possible.

    I’ll take Obama any day over that.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Nah, I’m not interested in that kind of separation. I think focusing on his personal traits is just a diversion from his hideous murderous neoliberal policies.


    I see both things. I’m not diverted by it.

    I know you are not diverted by it. I’m not either. But i think a LOT of people are. So, i dont like that kind of article. Because i think it diverts a lot of people.



    Nah, I’m not interested in that kind of separation. I think focusing on his personal traits is just a diversion from his hideous murderous neoliberal policies.


    I see both things. I’m not diverted by it.

    I know you are not diverted by it. I’m not either. But i think a LOT of people are. So, i dont like that kind of article. Because i think it diverts a lot of people.


    Well, to me, the divertable have grown up to be inherently divertable, and this or that article won’t change that. Not that it matters, you can not like the article, that’s neither here nor there. I think more people believe Obama was a left wing extremist socialist though.

    Cause we live in a crazy world.


    On a personality level, I think Obama is one of the best. he is clearly very smart, and the wittiest president we’ve ever had. And no personal scandals in 8 years, something of a rarity there. He and Michelle have been absolutely classy.

    His policies suck.

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