Zizek on Trump

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    Yeah, some of us have batted that meme around for a while. Mostly at the beginning of the Trump campaign, not so much near the end. The meme being that Killary and the Status Quo is so gawd-awful and such a continuing, mounting, threat to the biosphere and social-justice that hellz-bellz why not vote for the disgusting, revolting, narcissistic, lying,
    ‘brick through the window’ — at least it might ‘send a message’ that the system is hideous.

    The problem with that in my own view, is that Trump is not really a brick-through-the-window. He’s just another even worse ‘system’ guy. Sure he may have a less-evil economic policy on Trade agreements, but his policy will STILL be pro-corporate. And on every single other issue i can think of he will be worse than Killory. I mean…just look at his cabinet. Thats the key. Thats all you need to look at to see the future.

    Assange said “Hillary is Cholera and Trump is Gonorrhea”.
    I’d say Hillary is Cholera and Trump is the Black Plague.

    Two awful, awful, awful, awful choices were paraded in front of American voters.

    Of course there were third-party options. Good ones. No-one twisted any voters arm. They didnt have to vote for the Plague or Cholera. But they did.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by wv.

    I have a better analogy.

    Hillary is Pneumonia. Trump is Cancer.

    Of course Cancer is worse….but you get treatment for it immediately (presuming you can). And no one knows if the Cancer will be treatable or terminal.

    With Pneumonia, all too often, people don’t even recognize it as Pneumonia and don’t seek treatment. Pneumonia is very much a terminal disease if left untreated and we’ve left neoliberalism untreated for FAR too long. I, personally, nearly died from it (actual pneumonia). Was hospitalized for over a week and the Dr said I should have been dead from loss of fluids (my BP was too low to be read on the cuff).

    With Hillary, no systemic change would occur. People wouldn’t be in the street. The media wouldn’t attempt to be the 4th estate…not the least bit oppositional. Hell, the media is still dragging their damn feet and whining about being excluded and having to do their damn job.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Get real. Killory was chomping at the bit for nuclear war.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Yeah, I was batting around Zizek’s theory several months ago. Not only do I think the damage Trump will do will be significant and long lasting to the point of making a swing to the left too little, too late, I also think it’s naive.

    Face it. George W. Bush was the worst president we’ve ever seen. Not close, imo.

    There was no “awakening” and swing to the left. The divisions, the ignorance, the total misunderstanding of our situation is so vast…people can’t awaken to that!

    It is like Mack was saying in another thread…most people just root for a Team. It’s the Dems or the Reps. But they don’t understand football, really. And just because your team has an extremely crappy coach and general manager doesn’t mean fans will suddenly “awaken” and understand the differences between the WCO and Air Coryell and the Spread and the 46 and Cover 2 and Cover 3 and whatever.

    If anything, the history of America teaches us that the next candidate (in copy cat form, like EVERYTHING else that is ever popular in America, from candy bars to movies, to genres of TV shows) will try to say crazy ass shit to fire people up. That is more likely than an “awakening.”

    Since Ronald Reagan, we have been in a whirlpool to the bottom, and the vortex gains speed with each election.


    Face it. George W. Bush was the worst president we’ve ever seen. Not close, imo.

    There was no “awakening” and swing to the left. The divisions, the ignorance, the total misunderstanding of our situation is so vast…people can’t awaken to that!

    All true…but there was no Bernie Sanders back in the GW days. The fact that Bernie did as well as he did, ‘may’ indicate the landscape is not as gloomy as we once thought. Maybe.

    Itz all i got. Hope in the dark.



    Face it. George W. Bush was the worst president we’ve ever seen. Not close, imo.

    There was no “awakening” and swing to the left. The divisions, the ignorance, the total misunderstanding of our situation is so vast…people can’t awaken to that!

    All true…but there was no Bernie Sanders back in the GW days. The fact that Bernie did as well as he did, ‘may’ indicate the landscape is not as gloomy as we once thought. Maybe.

    Itz all i got. Hope in the dark.


    Okay, but it won’t be an “awakening.” It will be reactionary. Not fundamentally long-lasting. Well, what do I know? I am just skeptical of an “awakening.” People have talking about “awakenings” since the 60s, and there ain’t been one.


    People have talking about “awakenings” since the 60s, and there ain’t been one.


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