RT vid on Hillary

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    This is a cut above anything u will see in the mainstream corporate American media.





    Excellent analysis. Thanks for sharing.

    Whichever candidate is elected, there will be problems. Difficult ones.


    My take is different. The host came out and said the election was rigged by the media in favor of Clinton. To me, that’s absurd and has no connection with reality. It also tells us a lot about the biases of the show itself.

    This is not a defense of Clinton and the Dems, who in so many cases don’t have any. It’s a recognition that the American media tilts right, not left, and that it tends to give Republican voices far more air time — especially to whine about supposed bias. Studies show this. And for those of us who have followed the media flow of this election, it’s pretty easy to see that at least until the Access Hollywood tapes, far more attention was given to the supposed email scandal than to any of Trump’s. And he has dozens.

    But the real asymmetry here is this, IMO: The GOP controls Congress. It’s been launching witch hunt after witch hunt, praying to its gods that it could uncover something about the Clintons (Obama and the Dems) or trip them up in the process. Throw in Wikileaks, which has ONLY gone after Clinton and the Dems, and you’ve got one of the most one-sided, lop-sided narratives in American history. There are zero Congressional investigations regarding Trump and the GOP. They’re endless when it comes to Obama, Clinton and the Dems.

    I desperately want to see massive scrutiny of BOTH parties and BOTH candidates, and that’s not happening. And because it’s not happening, the public is being fed the false narrative that ONLY the Clintons, Obama and the Dems are doing “bad shit,” etc. etc.

    Under the circumstances, it’s amazing that Clinton was ever in the lead, which tells me that enough people have been able to cut through the grotesquely asymmetric warfare on display and conclude Clinton is the lesser of two evils. Rotten, but nowhere as rotten as Trump and the GOP.


    Boiling this down: The GOP has chosen to be the party of obstruction of government. Its role in the Kabuki dance is “bad cop.” As a part of that role, it spends nearly all of its time investigating the other party, instead of governing. When the Dems are in power, they just don’t do this. As the designated “good cop” in the Kabuki dance, they can’t, even if they wanted to. Their role is to be the adult in the room and try to forge “compromise,” which always ends up on the GOP side of the aisle anyway — benefiting the decidedly “conservative” donor class. Their role is to “get things done” for the 1%. The GOP’s role is to make government look as horrible as possible, because this also aids and abets the 1%.

    So the narrative on display is “crooked Hillary,” and the Dems as backstabbing, no-good-lying Machiavellis. I have no doubt that the reality is that BOTH parties are at least equal on that score. At least. But the public doesn’t get to see this, generally, because the Dems tend not to engage in endless attempts to expose their political opponents, and Wikileaks won’t go there.

    I wish we could make the sun shine on the ENTIRE duopoly, not just Clinton, Obama and the Dems.


    Quick follow-up:

    Notice the reason why the media decided to switch from Clinton’s emails to Trump: Sex. Cuz sex sells. Sex brings in the ad dollars for TV. And even there, all the media did was show Trump in his own words. Is it “bias” to do that? Is it “rigging the election” to report what Trump actually says?

    All of that free media coverage for Trump (prior to that) got him the nomination. He had and still has virtually no GOTV apparatus and spends very little, relatively speaking, on ads. So, all of a sudden, when the media covers Trump being caught bragging about being a serial sexual predator, it’s “rigging”?

    Sheesh, this entire circus makes me ill. Americans don’t want either of these candidates, and their respective parties are toxic for us and the planet.


    My take is different. The host came out and said the election was rigged by the media in favor of Clinton. To me, that’s absurd and has no connection with reality. It also tells us a lot about the biases of the show itself.


    first time we’ve disagreed in a while 🙂

    I think the MSM is completely totally utterly cheerleading for Hillary. To me its just jaw-droppingly blatent. And as you know i loathe Hillary and Trump so I’m not yer usual complainer about the ‘liberal media blah blah’.

    From NPR the networks to the comedians — everyone i see/hear on the MSM is cheerleading for Hillary.

    So, i agree with the host of that show, though I’m not sure i’d use the word ‘rigged’. I might, i might not, i dunno.

    Course Trump has rightwing talk-radio, and Fox, i guess, so its not like the Righties dont have their megaphone.



    My take is different. The host came out and said the election was rigged by the media in favor of Clinton. To me, that’s absurd and has no connection with reality. It also tells us a lot about the biases of the show itself.


    first time we’ve disagreed in a while :>)

    I think the MSM is completely totally utterly cheerleading for Hillary. To me its just jaw-droppingly blatent. And as you know i loathe Hillary and Trump so I’m not yer usual complainer about the ‘liberal media blah blah’.

    From NPR the networks to the comedians — everyone i see/hear on the MSM is cheerleading for Hillary.

    So, i agree with the host of that show, though I’m not sure i’d use the word ‘rigged’. I might, i might not, i dunno.

    Course Trump has rightwing talk-radio, and Fox, i guess, so its not like the Righties dont have their megaphone.


    I think we agree on the vast majority of stuff, so it’s all good.


    IMO, it’s really important to see this as an arc over time. Again, from my observation, the MSM didn’t turn on Trump until that tape on the bus came out, and Trump has repeatedly given them reason to do so prior to that. Think about his start as Birther in chief (2011), his call for banning all Muslims (2015/2016), shutting down mosques, doing Benthamite surveillance on Muslims, etc. etc. . . . lying about “thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheering on 9/11,” etc. etc. . . . and attacking the media daily. Here’s a running list of fact-checking to give an idea of what they’re up against with both candidates . . .

    Meanwhile, they went hard after Clinton for the email server and the Clinton foundation, repeatedly pushing the narrative that she wasn’t trustworthy — which, of course, is the case :>). But because there was no equivalent set of investigations of Trump and the GOP, the media concentrated primarily on her, and the crazy things Trump would say on a daily basis, not really on what he’s done for decades. As in, his own history of scandal was largely left untouched, with reporters like Kurt Eichenwald and David Fahrenthold being some of the exceptions.

    I know you tend to stay away from TV news, but I held my nose and watched too much of it this time, and I’ve been struck by the lopsided air time for Trump campaign staff/spin. Clinton just doesn’t get the same air time, and the hosts are generally far easier on Trump staff, IMO.

    Again, at least until the Access Hollywood tapes. That changed the media landscape.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Billy_T.


    I had to remove your smilie. For some reason, when we quote it, it grows ginormous, as if ready to eat the world.

    Do you have secret plans?



    I guess another way to try to trim this down:

    I see the media as rooting for a horse race. It’s great for ratings. It’s terrible for ratings to have a blow out. I’m guessing media bosses try their best to gin up conflict, drama, anger, even hatred, and they don’t want anyone to run away with this — especially not months before election day. So they’re likely going to want to knock down anyone riding high, and maybe give a leg up to the person riding low.

    Generalizing like crazy here, but I think that’s essentially the case. Throw in the natural “conservative” tilt of the media, due to the people who own it, and I really don’t see any consistent pro-Clinton bias. At times, yes. Then Trump gets his time too. Back and forth.

    Regardless, this circus disgusts me . . . and I despise the absolute lack of viable (positive) choices for Americans — this time and pretty much always and forever in our history.


    I guess another way to try to trim this down:

    I see the media as rooting for a horse race. It’s great for ratings. It’s terrible for ratings to have a blow out. I’m guessing media bosses try their best to gin up conflict, drama, anger, even hatred, and they don’t want anyone to run away with this — especially not months before election day. So they’re likely going to want to knock down anyone riding high, and maybe give a leg up to the person riding low.

    Generalizing like crazy here, but I think that’s essentially the case. Throw in the natural “conservative” tilt of the media, due to the people who own it, and I really don’t see any consistent pro-Clinton bias. At times, yes. Then Trump gets his time too. Back and forth.

    Regardless, this circus disgusts me . . . and I despise the absolute lack of viable (positive) choices for Americans — this time and pretty much always and forever in our history.


    90% of those who work in “the media” vote Democratic.
    No, they’re not biased.

    I’ve been comparing the headlines for Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC, and CNN websites for awhile.
    When Fox comes out with big headlines that should produce real investigative reporting, the other networks label it as Clinton overcomes obstacles.
    I remember when the media bit hard after Nixon, with very little to go on. Their persistence paid off. Now we have HUGE amounts of evidence that Clinton was involved in felonies, and the MSM barely are touching it. If they acted like Bernstein and Woodward did in 1972 and 1973, Hillary would be done for sure.
    Complicating it is the most corrupt presidential administration we’ve seen in years. Most transparent administration ever, yep. I can see right through them.


    I guess another way to try to trim this down:

    I see the media as rooting for a horse race. It’s great for ratings. It’s terrible for ratings to have a blow out. I’m guessing media bosses try their best to gin up conflict, drama, anger, even hatred, and they don’t want anyone to run away with this — especially not months before election day. So they’re likely going to want to knock down anyone riding high, and maybe give a leg up to the person riding low.

    Generalizing like crazy here, but I think that’s essentially the case. Throw in the natural “conservative” tilt of the media, due to the people who own it, and I really don’t see any consistent pro-Clinton bias. At times, yes. Then Trump gets his time too. Back and forth.

    Regardless, this circus disgusts me . . . and I despise the absolute lack of viable (positive) choices for Americans — this time and pretty much always and forever in our history.


    90% of those who work in “the media” vote Democratic.
    No, they’re not biased.

    I’ve been comparing the headlines for Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC, and CNN websites for awhile.
    When Fox comes out with big headlines that should produce real investigative reporting, the other networks label it as Clinton overcomes obstacles.
    I remember when the media bit hard after Nixon, with very little to go on. Their persistence paid off. Now we have HUGE amounts of evidence that Clinton was involved in felonies, and the MSM barely are touching it. If they acted like Bernstein and Woodward did in 1972 and 1973, Hillary would be done for sure.
    Complicating it is the most corrupt presidential administration we’ve seen in years. Most transparent administration ever, yep. I can see right through them.

    Well, i read a Woodward/Bernstein book about deep throat and watergate, and they certainly did not think the ‘media went hard after Nixon’. They had a HELL of a time getting the Washington Post to print stuff, and no other newspapers were doing ‘anything’. And that situation last for quite a while. After a while though, the feeding-frenzy started. But it took a while. I have a feeling the same will happen with Hillary.

    This has been the strangest, weirdest, ugliest most dispiriting election
    of my life. Cept for the Bernie surge, which was fun, but we knew how it would turn out.




    90% of those who work in “the media” vote Democratic.
    No, they’re not biased.

    I’ve been comparing the headlines for Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC, and CNN websites for awhile.
    When Fox comes out with big headlines that should produce real investigative reporting, the other networks label it as Clinton overcomes obstacles.
    I remember when the media bit hard after Nixon, with very little to go on. Their persistence paid off. Now we have HUGE amounts of evidence that Clinton was involved in felonies, and the MSM barely are touching it. If they acted like Bernstein and Woodward did in 1972 and 1973, Hillary would be done for sure.
    Complicating it is the most corrupt presidential administration we’ve seen in years. Most transparent administration ever, yep. I can see right through them.

    You and I see things quite differently in this regard. Fox news, for instance, is just the media arm of the Republican party. Murdoch and Ailes created it for that reason. You’ll notice that when they do try “investigative journalism,” it’s only ever in support of right-wing causes and agendas. They pretty much never go after Republicans, unless they buck the party establishment. And when the GOP holds the White House, they never go after that administration. They endlessly cheerlead for it instead. And, it’s incredibly rare that they go after corporate America.

    In short, they’ve never been a legitimate news organization. They’re a joke. A bad joke on the American people, riling up their audience and spreading hatred and lies for twenty years.

    The rest of the MSM are owned by conservative corporations too, like Comcast (NBC), Viacom (CBS) and Disney (ABC). Their agenda is decidedly center-right. That fits in well with the power structures of both the Dems and the GOP. The MSM support both parties to the degree they stick to the center-right script. Veer away from that, and you’ll get more stories about that veering.

    As for Clinton. For the billionth time, I don’t want Clinton or Trump to be president. But there isn’t any evidence that she’s committed felonies, nor is there any evidence that the Obama administration is any more corrupt than past administrations. The far right long ago invented an alternate universe Obama, and clings to their demonizations without pause. Obama is a run of the mill, center-right president, in a long line of run of the mill, center-right presidents, and has done his best to keep the status quo he was handed by Bush, with some tweaks in a few areas like civil rights. Ever ask yourself why, after endless hearings — involving Clinton too — the GOP has never been able to produce ANY evidence of actual wrong-doing? They’ve been witch-hunting Clinton for nearly 25 years, and they’ve got nothing to show for it except millions in taxpayer bills. Their vendetta against Obama has, of course, covered fewer years, but it’s failed to find any evidence of corruption.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Billy_T.

    Throw in the natural “conservative” tilt of the media, due to the people who own it, and I really don’t see any consistent pro-Clinton bias.

    90% of those who work in “the media” vote Democratic.

    Of those 2 ways of seeing it I side with BT. Given my perspective on things and my kind of political vision, the mainstream mass media is so hopeless and clueless I don’t even pay attention to it. I haven’t watched tv news in probably over a decade, and when I read a newspaper—usually over lunch in a diner—it’s local, and for local news. In general, I find the conservative mantra that the news is “liberal” to be just another conservative delusion. I don’t mean to offend anyone–it’s honestly the way I see it.

    Article…and it’s not definitive. If you read the way I do there is never “one” article, you always have to see the range. It’s never “one.” Having said that, here’s one of a possible many:


    What Reporters Really Think of 2016
    An exclusive survey of the campaign press corps.

    By POLITICO MAGAZINE May/June 2016


    In the 2016 election, the media have become part of the story as never before—blamed for “creating” Donald Trump, while enduring repeated insults from him and his staff, criticized for being too soft (or was it too tough?) on Hillary Clinton, while barely getting a chance to question the candidate up-close.

    So how do the journalists themselves feel about it? In March, we conducted an exclusive survey of more than 80 campaign reporters, asking them to rate how well the press is covering 2016 and tell us what it’s really like on the campaign trail. Their responses are aggregated below, and you can read their on-the-record thoughts about the campaign here. Which candidate treats reports most harshly? Overwhelmingly, they said it’s Trump—78 percent of respondents think his campaign is the most hostile to the press, and 94 percent think Trump manipulates the media to his advantage. When asked which candidate they think is least-liked by his or her own staff, however, they named Clinton first.

    When we asked the reporters to assess how well they’ve covered the 2016 campaign, they gave themselves an average rating of 5.7 on a scale from 1 (hopelessly) to 10 (perfectly), and most said they think the impulse for ratings and clips has contributed some to Trump’s success in the race so far. Thirty-nine percent said they think the media’s coverage of Trump has been biased in his favor, while 23 percent think it’s been biased against him and 38 percent think it’s not been biased at all.

    When it comes to actually voting, 61 percent of our respondents said they think reporters should vote in elections they cover, but just under half said they’re not registered with a party. Asked whom they’ll vote for, the largest group said they either don’t know or don’t plan to vote. Who they think will win was another matter: 86 percent went with Clinton.


    I guess another way to try to trim this down:

    I see the media as rooting for a horse race. It’s great for ratings. It’s terrible for ratings to have a blow out. I’m guessing media bosses try their best to gin up conflict, drama, anger, even hatred, and they don’t want anyone to run away with this — especially not months before election day. So they’re likely going to want to knock down anyone riding high, and maybe give a leg up to the person riding low.

    Generalizing like crazy here, but I think that’s essentially the case. Throw in the natural “conservative” tilt of the media, due to the people who own it, and I really don’t see any consistent pro-Clinton bias. At times, yes. Then Trump gets his time too. Back and forth.

    Regardless, this circus disgusts me . . . and I despise the absolute lack of viable (positive) choices for Americans — this time and pretty much always and forever in our history.


    90% of those who work in “the media” vote Democratic.
    No, they’re not biased.

    I’ve been comparing the headlines for Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC, and CNN websites for awhile.
    When Fox comes out with big headlines that should produce real investigative reporting, the other networks label it as Clinton overcomes obstacles.
    I remember when the media bit hard after Nixon, with very little to go on. Their persistence paid off. Now we have HUGE amounts of evidence that Clinton was involved in felonies, and the MSM barely are touching it. If they acted like Bernstein and Woodward did in 1972 and 1973, Hillary would be done for sure.
    Complicating it is the most corrupt presidential administration we’ve seen in years. Most transparent administration ever, yep. I can see right through them.

    Well, i read a Woodward/Bernstein book about deep throat and watergate, and they certainly did not think the ‘media went hard after Nixon’. They had a HELL of a time getting the Washington Post to print stuff, and no other newspapers were doing ‘anything’. And that situation last for quite a while. After a while though, the feeding-frenzy started. But it took a while. I have a feeling the same will happen with Hillary.

    This has been the strangest, weirdest, ugliest most dispiriting election
    of my life. Cept for the Bernie surge, which was fun, but we knew how it would turn out.


    It does take a ton to get these things revved up, and to overcome the fact that the politicians in question general hang in the same circles as the owners of the media. Their children go to the same schools. They all go to the same parties, etc.

    There is a built-in circuit breaker on deeper looks.

    The frustrating thing for me is this: Both wings of the duopoly have this power to skate and avoid scrutiny. But one of them, the GOP, has been peddling nonsense about “bias” for fifty years, when it’s got just as much say so over media content, if not more, than the Dems.

    They both avoid far, far too much sunshine. I’ve never bought the line that the Dems have more power over the narrative than the GOP. I don’t think there’s any evidence to support that.

    I haven’t had enough coffee right now, so I can’t remember, but doesn’t Chomsky talk about them as basically one big and corrupt power center, not two?


    Another point: The media should be against Trump, for a ton of reasons. I think, given what he says about them on a daily basis, putting them in physical danger at his rallies, they should have an animus against him.

    WATCH: Journalist Katy Tur responds after Donald Trump bullies her in front of 4,000 people

    At his rally in Miami on Wednesday, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s insipid whining about media bias turned personal, as he berated NBC News reporter Katy Tur in front of 4,000 of his supporters.

    “We have massive crowds; there’s something happening. They’re not reporting it,” he said.

    “Katy, you’re not reporting it, Katy,” Trump said to Tur. “But there’s something happening, Katy. There’s something happening, Katy.”

    Wednesday was hardly the first time the Republican presidential nominee has targeted Tur, as the New York Daily News noted:

    Trump’s ostensible vendetta against Tur started last December when he called her a “third-rate journalist” during a campaign rally, prompting the crowd to hurl loud insults at the 33-year-old reporter. Trump was then back at it again during a July press conference when he bluntly told Tur to “be quiet” after she tried to ask him a question.

    Tur counterpunched on Wednesday night.

    Really amazing reflection by @KatyTurNBC about what it was like to be taunted by Trump today in FL. Worth a watch, from @11thHour tonight pic.twitter.com/21a5IITzOg

    — Chris Golden (@chrisgolden) November 3, 2016

    “It is a unique experience to have an entire crowd of people . . . booing you and it’s especially unique when they’re actually saying your name and looking directly at you,” Tur told MSNBC’s Brian Williams. “And that’s what happened today.”

    Tur added, “The idea that [Trump] has” that the press won’t report on the movement “is just factually untrue.”

    She explained, “Oftentimes when he’s playing to the camera and saying we don’t move our cameras to show these crowds, the cameras are all looking in opposite directions showing the crowds.” Tur continued, “And, not to mention, we are penned in. The campaign doesn’t allow the cameras to even leave to go get more crowd pictures.”

    Brendan Gauthier is assistant editor at Salon.

    But there are all kinds of other pressures working against that and in Trump’s favor. Like the rather abstract guideline of “balance.”


    Not an original observation here, of course, but if one candidate tells lies 75% of the time, and the other, 25% of the time, the media shouldn’t cover that equally. It shouldn’t try to be “fair and balanced,” because that actually skews perceptions.

    “We need to pick five Trump lies and five Clinton lies, so it’s fair!”

    Trump has presented the media with a unique dilemma. From the moment he launched his campaign, he’s said more despicable and false things than any other candidate for the presidency (in my lifetime, anyway) outside of, perhaps, George Wallace. Clinton just can’t compete with him on that, though she obviously has her own major, big time negatives.

    Is it “bias” to spend more time on one candidate’s negatives when he has more? No. It’s actual “bias” in favor of that candidate if they don’t.


    Thanks for the article, ZN.

    And no one can accuse you of posting a “liberal” source in that case. Politico is famously centrist.


    Related to the above:

    Kessler, the centrist fact-checker for the WaPo, brings us his “highlights” for the election so far:

    The biggest Pinocchios of Election 2016


    This presidential election race has been one for the record books — including for Pinocchios.

    In many ways, it was an unbalanced race. Donald Trump has amassed such a collection of Four-Pinocchio ratings — 59 in all — that by himself he’s earned as many in this campaign as all other Republicans (or Democrats) combined in the past three years. His average Pinocchio rating was 3.4. (By contrast, the worst Pinocchio rating in 2012 was earned by Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota — an average of 3.08 Pinocchios.)

    Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, ended up with an average Pinocchio rating of 2.2. That put her in about the same range as President Obama and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney in 2012. (She had a total of seven Four-Pinocchio ratings.) If not for her statements about the email controversy, which earned her lots of Pinocchios, her average rating would have been much lower.

    Here are some of the lowlights of the 2016 campaign.

    Most absurd facts

    Trump repeatedly made claims that boggled the imagination. He said the unemployment rate was 42 percent when it was actually 5 percent. He claimed there were 92 million “jobless Americans,” which included everyone who did not want to work, such as retirees and students. He even claimed that he could save $300 billion a year from a Medicare prescription drug program that only costs $78 billion.
    Return to sender award

    Hillary Clinton earned 24 Pinocchios over the course of the campaign for a series of misleading statements about her private email server arrangement when she was secretary of state. Among other claims, she falsely said the arrangement was permitted, that she had not sent or received classified information, and that the FBI director had said her answers were truthful.

    Most imaginary history (GOP version)

    Trump repeatedly claimed things that did not happen. He said he saw thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrate the collapse of the World Trade Center after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. He falsely claimed that Hillary Clinton started the “birther” movement that questioned whether Obama was born in the United States. He said Russian President Vladimir Putin called him a “genius” when in fact Putin called him “colorful.” And he suggested that the father of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) had a hand in John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

    Most imaginary history (Democratic version)

    Hillary Clinton claimed that the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act was enacted to thwart an anti-gay constitutional amendment; hacked emails later showed that her staff immediately knew the statement was false. She also claimed that she tried to join the Marines on the eve of her marriage in 1975 but was turned down — a story that did not add up for a number of reasons. And she asserted that Trump opposed the auto bailout in 2009 — when in fact he supported government action.

    Eternal Ramnation

    I thought the show was spot on. Hard to logically argue with any of it.The msm does lean conservative, watch any one of the “Sunday Shows” and take note of the advertisers , the only people that can afford that time slot Big Pharma Big Oil War Profiteers Wall St. Investment firms and Insurance Companies all among Clinton’s top donors. Clinton is a pro-choice neoconservative not a democrat and Trump is one of the very few people she is slightly left of. The FBI did go after Trump on his Russian ties and found a supersized nothing burger, the secret sauce being Clinton campaign chair Podesta’s intimate relationship with fellow Panama Papers alum Putin’s favorite bank. Trump inherited his money from his bigoted slumlord asshole father which is legal while the Clintons earned half a Billion giving speeches to some of the worst people on the planet in exchange for lucrative defense contracts disguised as charity . Describing this as shady or questionable is seriously negligent.


    Hildabeast is guilty of treasonous pay to play. Can it really get much worse than that?

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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