Donna Brazile resigns in wake of wikileaks

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    Update: Monday, 12:45 p.m. PDT: Donna Brazile, who was named interim chair of the Democratic National Committee in July, has resigned from CNN in the wake of new WikiLeaks revelations pointing to an abuse of power.

    The WikiLeaks emails reveal that Brazile sent a designated debate question to Hillary Clinton ahead of a debate with Bernie Sanders earlier this year. According to WikiLeaks, on March 5, Brazile—at the time a CNN commentator (she was placed on leave after she was named interim DNC chair in July)—sent the following email to John Podesta, chairman of the Clinton presidential campaign: To:,
    Date: 2016-03-05 21:16 Subject: One of the questions directed to HRC tomorrow is from a woman with a rash
    Her family has lead poison and she will ask what, if anything, will Hillary do as president to help the ppl of Flint.
    Folks, I did a service project today. It’s so tragic. And what’s worse, some homes have not been tested and it’s important to encourage seniors to also get tested.

    A follow-up email on a town hall question related to the death penalty (more information below) also revealed that Brazile would divulge more CNN questions to the Clinton camp. It also implicates Roland Martin, a journalist for TV One and the host of “News One Now.” Martin was co-moderator at the Sanders town hall when the question on the death penalty was asked. At the time of the WikiLeaks release, Martin first said that he did not “share my questions with anybody. Literally. My executive producer wasn’t even aware of what I was going to ask.” He later admitted that, through his producer, he sent questions to CNN and his TV One team.


    CNN issued this statement Monday:

    On October 14th, CNN accepted Donna Brazile’s resignation as a CNN contributor. (Her deal had previously been suspended in July when she became the interim head of the DNC.) CNN never gave Brazile access to any questions, prep material, attendee list, background information or meetings in advance of a town hall or debate. We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor.

    In a message on Twitter, Brazile wrote, “Thank you @CNN. Honored to be a Democratic Strategist and commentator on the network. Godspeed to all my former colleagues.”

    CNN and Martin have made no statements regarding Martin’s role in the matter.


    Donna Brazile, interim chair of the Democratic National Committee, faces new scrutiny as evidence points to abuses of power.

    Brazile’s alliance with the Hillary Clinton team looks to have started in 2008. In February of that year, while Clinton was running for president against Barack Obama, CNN political commentator and consultant Paul Begala wrote an email to the Clinton team saying that it should “court” Brazile. At that time, during the primaries, Brazile refused to publicly endorse a candidate but worked closely with the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Until recently, she also worked for CNN and ABC News. Her close relationship with the Clinton camp has deepened over the years.

    Evidence that Brazile would begin working to help Clinton is seen in an interview she gave with Joe Heim of The Washington Post in 2014. She told Heim:

    Technically, I’m neutral, but neutrality is something that gets you in trouble because, you ever notice someone who stands on the white line in the middle of the road? They get run over. And I don’t want to get run over. So I’m not neutral. I have to tell people that I’m neutral, but I’m ready for Hillary.

    By the time this interview was conducted, she was already vice chair of the DNC. It is important to note that article 5, section 4 of the DNC Charter requires that the chairperson, national officers and staff of the DNC “maintain impartiality and evenhandedness during the Democratic Party Presidential nominating process.”

    If the WikiLeaks emails are not falsified (and all evidence and history point to that being the case), this notion of impartiality was used by the Clinton camp, to its advantage, throughout the primary campaign.

    In late October 2015, Adrienne K. Elrod, director of strategic communications and amplification for Hillary For America, sent out an email under the title “Bernie Pushback Update” that included a broadcasting strategy with the help of Brazile. The plan was to have Brazile appear on TV in the guise of a “strategist” and call out rival Bernie Sanders’ campaign for having a “Bad Strategy.”

    Elrod wrote: “All of our friends going out tonight post debate, including [former Michigan Gov. Jennifer] Granholm, Donna Brazile and [political consultant] Bill Burton, are ready to call Bernie’s team out if it comes up tonight.”

    The email was a response to a critique of Clinton by Sen. Sanders.

    The reliance on Brazile for help appears to have continued into the new year. On Jan. 3, 2016, an email exchange between John Podesta and Brazile titled “Happy New Year” went as follows:

    Subject: Re: Happy New Year

    On Jan 3, 2016, at 2:25 PM, John Podesta wrote:
    Wishing you a happy New Year. 2015 was challenging, but we ended in a good place thanks to your help and support. Look forward to working with you to elect the first woman President of the United States. >> Have a great New Year. >> -John

    On Sunday, January 3, 2016, Donna Brazile wrote: As soon as the nomination is wrapped up, I will be your biggest surrogate.

    On Jan 3, 2016, at 19:33 PM, John Podesta wrote:
    Thanks Donna. Holed up in the bunker and miss seeing you.

    Two days after this exchange, Brazile let the Podesta team know that Sanders was planning to launch a Twitter campaign. The emails reveal that the impartiality clause in article 5, section 4 would be violated again and again.

    On Feb. 2, she sent an email to Podesta titled “Good Luck Tonight” and wrote “Shake things up. It’s going to be rough. Very rough.” This was the day before a town hall event in which Clinton and Sanders would appear.

    More damning is an email Brazile sent to Podesta on March 12 titled “From Time to Time I Get The Questions In Advance.” In the email, she wrote, “Here’s one that worries me about HRC.” It was a question on the death penalty that was asked—verbatim—the following day at the town hall with Sanders.

    Brazile released a statement earlier this month after the Podesta emails revealed this exchange. “I often shared my thoughts with each and every campaign, and any suggestions that indicate otherwise are simply untrue,” Brazile said in the statement. “As it pertains to the CNN debates, I never had access to questions and would never have shared them with the candidates if I did.”

    Perhaps the DNC could be forgiven by claiming they did not know Brazile had such deep ties to Clinton and her campaign. But on July 22, before the Podesta emails were revealed, WikiLeaks released more than 19,000 DNC emails. The revelations forced DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign after evidence pointed to a heavy bias against Sanders. Brazile was chosen as interim chair, even though the DNC leaks revealed her potential bias.

    In an email exchange, Abby Phillip of The Washington Post asked Brazile to respond to allegations that the DNC was not giving adequate representation to the Sanders camp. Brazile’s response: “I have no intention of touching this. Why? Because I will cuss out the Sanders camp!”

    In addition, new videos surfaced last week from conservative activist James O’Keefe alleging that the Clinton camp and the DNC worked with influential Democratic operatives on dark campaign strategies against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The videos and allegations mostly center around interviews with Scott Foval and Robert Creamer. Foval was a Democratic operative and national field director for Americans United for Change. Creamer was a Democratic operative working for the DNC, a consultant for Americans United for Chance, the founder and president of Democracy Partners and the husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky.

    In the videos, Foval talks about inciting confrontation and violence on behalf of the DNC and the Clinton campaign at Trump rallies. Foval is also seen talking about voter fraud schemes and is caught saying, “We manipulate the vote with money and action, not with laws.”

    Creamer, who is also implicated throughout the videos, has a seemingly close relationship with President Obama. Since 2009, Creamer has visited the White House 342 times, including having made 40 visits to Obama himself. The videos also reveal that Creamer is well connected to the Clinton campaign; he boasts about talking on the phone with campaign operatives at 10:30 a.m. every day. The WikiLeaks documents confirm that they indeed had a close relationship.

    Aaron Black, a DNC rapid response coordinator who worked under Foval, can also be seen taking credit for the shutdown of a Chicago rally for Trump in March. Trump had to cancel his appearance after violence broke out.

    According to O’Keefe, one of the terms used for inciting this type of conflict is known as “bird-dogging.” Multiple Podesta emails make reference to this term. One email written by Ilyse G. Hogue, director of political advocacy and communications at, explained: “Our members are bird dogging Republican candidates in character all over the country. They dress up as execs from ‘RepubliCorp’ a not-so-fictitious merger between the Republican party and multi-national corporations and go to events.” However, the emails making reference to bird-dogging do not implicate the kind of violence that Foval does in the videos.

    According to The Washington Post reports: “Bird-dogging is a fairly common activist tactic, and reporters often recognize it when seemingly “perfect” questions come from a political audience.”

    The videos also allege that Hillary Clinton herself had an idea to place people in Donald Duck costumes at every Trump and Pence rally. The video alleges that Clinton and the DNC wanted Americans United for Change to make this happen. According to O’Keefe, if the Clinton campaign and the DNC worked with the group, it would be an “illegal coordinated campaign expenditure” and a violation of Federal Election Commission (FEC) regulations. According to the video, the Clinton campaign and the DNC (including Brazile) talked on the phone with Creamer to coordinate where the “Donald Ducks” should be placed. Foval said any messages the “ducks” were carrying had to be cleared with the DNC. Creamer was asked why the DNC didn’t fund the project itself. He explained that the committee was worried about a trademark issue between Brazile and ABC, which is owned by Disney.

    For some added context, O’Keefe has a history of sometimes editing videos in a way that misrepresent the story.

    Since the videos were released, Foval has been fired from Americans United for Change and Creamer announced his resignation from the DNC.

    Democracy Partners released this statement on Oct. 18, 2016:

    Our firm has recently been the victim of a well-funded, systematic spy operation that is the modern day equivalent of the Watergate burglars. The plot involved the use of trained operatives using false identifications, disguises and elaborate false covers to infiltrate our firm and others, in order to steal campaign plans, and goad unsuspecting individuals into making careless statements on hidden cameras. One of those individuals was a temporary regional subcontractor who was goaded into statements that do not reflect our values.

    According to The Washington Post, neither man defended the “content of the videos,” but instead questioned the way the videos were edited and the impartiality and history of O’Keefe himself. You can watch the videos here.

    After the third presidential debate last week, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly grilled Brazile over the allegations in the video and the WikiLeaks emails. Brazile refused to answer directly. Instead, she said she was being “persecuted” and that she wouldn’t “validate falsified information.” Asked if the videos were falsified, she dodged the question and Kelly pointed out that no one has come forward to question the videos’ legitimacy. Pressed regarding the WikiLeaks emails, Brazile responded: “… Thank God, I have not had my personal emails ripped off from me and stolen and given to some criminals to come back altered.” She added, “I have seen so many doctored emails. … I will not sit here and be persecuted, because your information is totally false.”

    Robert Graham, from tech blog Errata Security, wrote that using a mechanism called DKIM he was able to prove that none of the emails was modified or doctored.

    You can watch the Kelly-Brazile interview below: … see link

    — X —


    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss



    Yup. Totally.

    But so is Trump and the Repugnants. Sigh.

    Jill Stein is my pick, dude. Yall can waste yer votes on the corrupt twosome all
    you want 🙂


    — X —

    But so is Trump and the Repugnants. Sigh.

    I thought we were irredeemable.

    I redeem stuff, by the way.
    I use the shit out of Groupon.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    Deplorable “persecution”.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.



    Yup. Totally.

    But so is Trump and the Repugnants. Sigh.

    Jill Stein is my pick, dude. Yall can waste yer votes on the corrupt twosome all
    you want 🙂


    You always do that. This is on Hildabeast not Trump. When you find that Trump was given the debate questions then equate the two candidates, not before. Hildabeast and her campaign cheated at the debates. Even CNN won’t carry her water on this one. She really was prepared for the debates.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.



    Yup. Totally.

    But so is Trump and the Repugnants. Sigh.

    Jill Stein is my pick, dude. Yall can waste yer votes on the corrupt twosome all
    you want


    You always do that. This is on Hildabeast not Trump. When you find that Trump was given the debate questions then equate the two candidates, not before. Hildabeast and her campaign cheated at the debates. Even CNN won’t carry her water on this one. She really was prepared for the debates.

    Um, no, WV doesn’t always do that. But he has every right to. Unlike you, he doesn’t support either half of the empire/money/war party. He doesn’t support either of the lying, cheating, stealing candidates. But you do. You dismiss mountains of evidence against Trump, but jump on every tinfoil, Alex Jonesy paranoid freak-out claim about the Dems and the Clintons. It’s beyond just one-sided with you, bnw. From what I’ve read, you truly believe Trump can do no wrong and is perfect in every way. He’s your messiah.

    WV and the rest of us leftists on this board can’t stand either party, and we’re able to step back and really see them — and the two candidates — for what they are. You can’t. Your blind hatred for the Dems, Clinton and anyone NOT right-wing — “liberalism is a mental disorder,” you keep saying — along with your incredibly gullible, unquestioning support for Trump, skews your take on this election beyond belief.

    When you stop dismissing the mountainous evidence against your bro, Trump, and actually give it a fair hearing, we can begin to have a decent, adult conversation on this topic. When you stop resorting to far-right, paranoid fringe nonsense about your political opponents, we get even closer to that.

    That’s my take on the matter. You have your own, of course.


    That said:

    Yes, it was absolutely wrong for Brazile and Roland Martin to do that. And Wikileaks points to all kinds of rotten back-room dealings by the Dems. Sleazy, contemptible, rotten, no good dealings. Unfortunately for the American people, Assange has ONLY gone after the Dems, so folks aren’t getting the full picture.

    As if the GOP doesn’t do this and more. As if the GOP doesn’t engage in at least the same kinds of rotten, dirty, back-room, despicable machinations.

    Trump is extremely lucky that he has the GOP going to war with the Clintons on his behalf, and for decades prior to this race, and that an entire country, Russia, seems bound and determined to hack the election in Trump’s favor. He’s extremely lucky that his own party hasn’t been hacked, their emails released to the public, and that the Dems aren’t in charge of Congress. We might have a different candidate being hounded about phony “scandals” like Benghazi and email-gate.

    Better yet, in a better world, neither party is in charge so Americans get the whole truth for once. Neither party gets to play partisan witchhunters and our government actually concentrates on the people’s business — for once.

    Neither party has earned the right to govern. Both have lost that right a thousand times over through the decades. And this particular election makes that all too apparent. To me, anyone who thinks one party is “good” and the other is “evil” — which is how all too many Americans see things — is flat out blind.



    Yup. Totally.

    But so is Trump and the Repugnants. Sigh.

    Jill Stein is my pick, dude. Yall can waste yer votes on the corrupt twosome all
    you want


    You always do that. This is on Hildabeast not Trump. When you find that Trump was given the debate questions then equate the two candidates, not before. Hildabeast and her campaign cheated at the debates. Even CNN won’t carry her water on this one. She really was prepared for the debates.

    Um, no, WV doesn’t always do that. But he has every right to. Unlike you, he doesn’t support either half of the empire/money/war party. He doesn’t support either of the lying, cheating, stealing candidates. But you do. You dismiss mountains of evidence against Trump, but jump on every tinfoil, Alex Jonesy paranoid freak-out claim about the Dems and the Clintons. It’s beyond just one-sided with you, bnw. From what I’ve read, you truly believe Trump can do no wrong and is perfect in every way. He’s your messiah.

    WV and the rest of us leftists on this board can’t stand either party, and we’re able to step back and really see them — and the two candidates — for what they are. You can’t. Your blind hatred for the Dems, Clinton and anyone NOT right-wing — “liberalism is a mental disorder,” you keep saying — along with your incredibly gullible, unquestioning support for Trump, skews your take on this election beyond belief.

    When you stop dismissing the mountainous evidence against your bro, Trump, and actually give it a fair hearing, we can begin to have a decent, adult conversation on this topic. When you stop resorting to far-right, paranoid fringe nonsense about your political opponents, we get even closer to that.

    That’s my take on the matter. You have your own, of course.

    You’re wrong as usual. I have noted Trump’s warts before as in his being a pig, his blind support for Israel, his support for the Patriot act. But unlike Hildabeast he isn’t a treasonous self enriching exploiter of human misery ala Haitian relief. He isn’t a CRIMINAL. He hasn’t rigged the entire political establishment to do his bidding like the Clinton Crime Syndicate.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    You’re wrong as usual. I have noted Trump’s warts before as in his being a pig, his blind support for Israel, his support for the Patriot act. But unlike Hildabeast he isn’t a treasonous self enriching exploiter of human misery ala Haitian relief. He isn’t a CRIMINAL. He hasn’t rigged the entire political establishment to do his bidding like the Clinton Crime Syndicate.

    bnw, every single time we post an article proving Trump’s endless lies, his cheating, his criminality, you respond with some variation of “yawn.” You never admit that any of it’s true. Not once. Yes, he’s a criminal. And yes, he’s exploited the shit out of his fellow humans to enrich himself. He’s done that his entire life. And his tax proposals will net him hundreds of millions, personally, and his family even more. But you just dismiss all of that and continue your unquestioning devotion.

    And then you prove how lost you are in right-wing swamps by repeating the lunatic fringe’s hair on fire nonsense about Clinton. Trump and you try to make her sound like some evil super-villain with inhuman powers straight out of Marvel comics. In reality, she’s just a standard-issue politician for the duopoly, working on behalf of the donor class, just like the vast majority of her peers. There is no evidence that she enriched herself via Haiti; no evidence she committed “treason”; and no evidence that she rigged “the entire political establishment to do her bidding,” or that there is a “Clinton Crime Syndicate.”

    Wild, hair’s-on-fire, puerile and Manichean exaggerations don’t help you make your point. And ignoring Trump’s past hurts you even more.

    Face it, bnw. Trump is actually worse than HRC, and she’s terrible. She’s a terrible, no-good, rotten politician primarily because she’s far too much like her right-wing Republican peers. She, just like the party and candidate you’re voting for, is a warmonger, a supporter of the capitalist system, Wall Street, a neoliberal, with neocon leanings, who will do her best to protect the status quo (and the American empire). As will Trump. Trump doesn’t oppose anything Clinton does that’s actually bad for Americans — and there’s a ton of that to choose from. In fact, he doubles down on most of it.

    Bottom line: This isn’t a contest between evil super-villains on the left and Saint Trump on the right. This is a contest between a career politician and her center-right party, working mostly on behalf of the economic system you love, supporting the status quo ante, while they put the richest 1% at the top of the heap . . . . . and, a career businessman, con-artist, tax-cheat, serial liar, serial sexual assaulter who brags about it and will do all of the rotten things the Dems do and more.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Billy_T.

    No you face it. I’ve been right from the get go about this election. Funny how shrill you are when Hildabeast’s touted 14 point lead has now evaporated into a Trump lead. Guess what? I don’t even believe the new poll numbers. I believe Trump is even further ahead.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    No you face it. I’ve been right from the get go about this election. Funny how shrill you are when Hildabeast’s touted 14 point lead has now evaporated into a Trump lead. Guess what? I don’t even believe the new poll numbers. I believe Trump is even further ahead.

    Shrill? Oh, come on, bnw. Nothing shrill about anything I’ve said.

    And how on earth have you “been right from the get go about this election”? In what way? Because you’ve rooted for a Trump victory all along? So? You may have noticed how often it’s changed this past year. Being a stopped clock doesn’t prove anything.


    No you face it. I’ve been right from the get go about this election. Funny how shrill you are when Hildabeast’s touted 14 point lead has now evaporated into a Trump lead. Guess what? I don’t even believe the new poll numbers. I believe Trump is even further ahead.

    Shrill? Oh, come on, bnw. Nothing shrill about anything I’ve said.

    And how on earth have you “been right from the get go about this election”? In what way? Because you’ve rooted for a Trump victory all along? So? You may have noticed how often it’s changed this past year. Being a stopped clock doesn’t prove anything.

    Yes, shrill since you’ve been declaring the end of the world and other nonsense should Trump win. You were not alone either. Absolutely because I’ve picked Trump very early on specifically because of his relevant message. I’ve never believed the polls that claimed he was behind because they were weighted against him with far more democrats. None of you would believe a Trump lead nationally with 6 days to go but I always have. His movement is real and it is transformative. It is what this nation desperately needs.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Yes, shrill since you’ve been declaring the end of the world and other nonsense should Trump win. You were not alone either. Absolutely because I’ve picked Trump very early on specifically because of his relevant message. I’ve never believed the polls that claimed he was behind because they were weighted against him with far more democrats. None of you would believe a Trump lead nationally with 6 days to go but I always have. His movement is real and it is transformative. It is what this nation desperately needs.

    There is absolutely nothing “relevant” about Trump’s message, and its puerile simplicity is based entirely on lies. He has no answers for our real problems. He doesn’t even understand the world we live in, and he can’t get beyond his own massive ego and thin-skin insecurities enough to begin to try.

    His central theme is that brown people are pouring over the border with Mexico, raping, murdering, stealing jobs, blah blah blah. In reality, we have net negative migration from our south, and incidents of crime from undocumented workers are far, far below the norm for people born here. They’re not killing our jobs. Trump and people like him are.

    It’s not an issue worth discussing. OTOH, Trump calls an actual, life-threatening, planet-altering issue, Climate Change, a hoax. He’s an ignoramus of the first order, and he makes Palin look like a Rhodes Scholar in comparison.

    The only people who SHOULD find his message relevant are white nationalists, xenophobes, misogynists and all-around bigots. The super-rich and corporate America will also greatly enjoy his massive tax cuts and deregulation. If you’re not in either of those groups, there’s nothing relevant in anything Trump says, which never goes deeper than a not-so-bright fourth-grader’s view of the surface anyway.

    “Make America great again!!” What the hell does that even mean? How would he do this, and why does he think it’s important to be “great”? Trump never says. But his fanboys eat it up. They should know that it’s exactly the kind of nonsensical, empty, misleading bumper sticker right-wing demagogues have been using at least since Mussolini. And when the lone super-power in the world latches on to that kind of demagoguery, it’s even more dangerous.


    Americans overwhelmingly want change. Hildabeast is more of the same failed Obama policies. Trump is that change.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Americans overwhelmingly want change. Hildabeast is more of the same failed Obama policies. Trump is that change.

    I definitely agree that Americans want change. But they don’t want the kind of change Trump talks about or represents, nor do they want HRC’s kind. Both candidates are hugely unpopular, with record-setting unfavorables. We’ve never had an election in which the two candidates were so reviled.

    Not sure why you’re not getting that. You constantly write as if Trump has majority support in America. He doesn’t. Far, far from it. He has his partisan base; Clinton has hers. But neither reaches majority status, and large numbers of Americans will be voting against the other candidate, not for either one.

    And after all of our debates here, I’ve still never seen you actually define “change” as it relates to Trump, or how he would accomplish this. How. I feel sorry for you, in that regard, because your candidate has never actually told you how he would make all of those unicorns and rainbows appear . . . . and he’s never defined exactly what his kind of “change” would mean. Trump never goes beneath the surface of his bumper sticker slogans to do that. He just tosses them out there, his crowds eat it up, and he moves on to the rest of his word salad.

    Again, America doesn’t want either candidate, bnw. I think you’re fooling yourself if you think either one of them has any kind of majority support, and I know you think Trump does.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Billy_T.
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