Pilger on the situation

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    Some excerpts from a pilger article

    “…These organisations are known as the liberal media. They present themselves as enlightened, progressive tribunes of the moral zeitgeist. They are anti-racist, pro-feminist and pro-LGBT.

    And they love war.

    While they speak up for feminism, they support rapacious wars that deny the rights of countless women, including the right to life.

    ….This inversion of reality is so pervasive that Washington’s military intimidation of Russia is not news; it is suppressed behind a smear and scare campaign of the kind I grew up with during the first cold war. Once again, the Ruskies are coming to get us, led by another Stalin, whom The Economist depicts as the devil….

    …There is almost the joie d’esprit of a class reunion of warmongers.

    The drum-beaters of the Washington Post inciting war with Russia are the very same editorial writers who published the lie that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

    To most of us, the American presidential campaign is a media freak show, in which Donald Trump is the arch villain.

    But Trump is loathed by those with power in the United States for reasons that have little to do with his obnoxious behaviour and opinions. To the invisible government in Washington, the unpredictable Trump is an obstacle to America’s design for the 21st century.

    This is to maintain the dominance of the United States and to subjugate Russia, and, if possible, China.

    To the militarists in Washington, the real problem with Trump is that, in his lucid moments, he seems not to want a war with Russia; he wants to talk with the Russian president, not fight him; he says he wants to talk with the president of China.

    In the first debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump promised not to be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into a conflict. He said, “I would certainly not do first strike. Once the nuclear alternative happens, it’s over.” That was not news.

    Did he really mean it? Who knows? He often contradicts himself. But what is clear is that Trump is considered a serious threat to the status quo maintained by the vast national security machine that runs the United States, regardless of who is in the White House.

    The CIA wants him beaten. The Pentagon wants him beaten. The media wants him beaten. Even his own party wants him beaten. He is a threat to the rulers of the world – unlike Clinton who has left no doubt she is prepared to go to war with nuclear-armed Russia and China.

    Clinton has the form, as she often boasts. Indeed, her record is proven. As a senator, she backed the bloodbath in Iraq. When she ran against Obama in 2008, she threatened to “totally obliterate” Iran. As Secretary of State, she colluded in the destruction of governments in Libya and Honduras and set in train the baiting of China.

    She has now pledged to support a No Fly Zone in Syria — a direct provocation for war with Russia. Clinton may well become the most dangerous president of the United States in my lifetime –a distinction for which the competition is fierce.

    Without a shred of evidence, she has accused Russia of supporting Trump and hacking her emails. Released by WikiLeaks, these emails tell us that what Clinton says in private, in speeches to the rich and powerful, is the opposite of what she says in public.

    That is why silencing and threatening Julian Assange is so important. As the editor of WikiLeaks, Assange knows the truth. And let me assure those who are concerned, he is well, and WikiLeaks is operating on all cylinders.

    Today, the greatest build-up of American-led forces since World War Two is under way – in the Caucasus and eastern Europe, on the border with Russia, and in Asia and the Pacific, where China is the target.

    Keep that in mind when the presidential election circus reaches its finale on November 8th, If the winner is Clinton, a Greek chorus of witless commentators will celebrate her coronation as a great step forward for women. None will mention Clinton’s victims: the women of Syria, the women of Iraq, the women of Libya. None will mention the civil defence drills being conducted in Russia. None will recall Edward Bernays’ “torches of freedom”.

    George Bush’s press spokesman once called the media “complicit enablers”.

    Coming from a senior official in an administration whose lies, enabled by the media, caused such suffering, that description is a warning from history.

    In 1946, the Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor said of the German media: “Before every major aggression, they initiated a press campaign calculated to weaken their victims and to prepare the German people psychologically for the attack. In the propaganda system, it was the daily press and the radio that were the most important weapons.”

    This is adapted from an address to the Sheffield Festival of Words, Sheffield, England.
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    John Pilger can be reached through his website: http://www.johnpilger.com
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    To me, Pilger gets things half right, and makes the mistake of thinking that because some of the powers that be want Trump to lose, he’s a “threat” to them. From everything I’ve seen, if he won, he’d just continue GOP policies, turning over the actual stuff of governing to Mike Pence and his cabinet and staff. Nothing Trump has ever done or said indicates he would try to oppose the Power Elite in any way, shape or form.

    It’s too often the case, especially when it comes to politics, that people think there must always be good and bad “sides.” All too often, both sides, and sometimes many more than just two, are “bad.” As in, having bad guys around doesn’t necessitate good guys arriving to oppose them. Or, when various “sides” disagree, and we know at least one is “bad,” there is no necessary logic to thinking those in opposition are “good.”

    In a sense, Pilger is romanticizing Trump and building him up as some kind of counterweight to the warmongers in both parties, forgetting that Trump is incessantly, excessively bellicose and ran as a Republican. In my view, he would just start different wars, against different countries, and he has called for massive increases in defense spending, including our nuclear arsenal.

    Bottom line for me: Clinton and Trump will send Americans to die in battle and kill others, all too often black and brown others. Neither the Dems nor the GOP is offering America an antiwar candidate. It’s a huge mistake to imagine Trump as the “peaceful” alternative.


    To shorten this up considerably: How is Trump going to “threaten” the Deep state, etc. etc.? Slash their taxes, massively increase the defense budget, and kill a ton of business/corporate regulations?

    If he wins, they win too.

    (Same goes with Clinton, of course. They win. We lose either way.)


    To shorten this up considerably: How is Trump going to “threaten” the Deep state, etc. etc.? Slash their taxes, massively increase the defense budget, and kill a ton of business/corporate regulations?

    If he wins, they win too.

    (Same goes with Clinton, of course. They win. We lose either way.)

    Well, I dunno. I tend to agree that Trump would probably fall in line and do prettymuch
    what your typical Republican would do, and yeah, i dont think he’d really threaten the powers-that-be, but otoh, he is a bit of a wildcard and a maverick and he might
    very well make some of the system-mainstreamers uneasy.

    But he’s lost it, so it dont matter 🙂

    Four years of Hillary. Maybe eight.

    I’ll be interested to see if the Dems pick up a lot of seats elsewhere.


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