
Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Grifters-in-Chief

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  • #56222


    The Clintons don’t draw lines between their ‘charity’ and personal enrichment.

    Oct. 27, 2016 7:26 p.m. ET

    In an election season that has been full of surprises, let’s hope the electorate understands that there is at least one thing of which it can be certain: A Hillary Clinton presidency will be built, from the ground up, on self-dealing, crony favors, and an utter disregard for the law.

    This isn’t a guess. It is spelled out, in black and white, in the latest bombshell revelation from WikiLeaks. It comes in the form of a memo written in 2011 by longtime Clinton errand boy Doug Band, who for years worked simultaneously at the Clinton Foundation and at the head of his lucrative consulting business, Teneo.

    It is astonishingly detailed proof that the Clintons do not draw any lines between their “charitable” work, their political activity, their government jobs or (and most important) their personal enrichment. Every other American is expected to keep these pursuits separate, as required by tax law, anticorruption law and campaign-finance law. For the Clintons, it is all one and the same—the rules be damned.

    The memo came near the end of a 2011 review by law firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett into Clinton Foundation practices. Chelsea Clinton had grown concerned about the audacious mixing of public and private, and the review was designed to ensure that the foundation didn’t lose its charitable tax status. Mr. Band, Teneo boss and epicenter of what he calls “ Bill Clinton, Inc.,” clearly felt under assault and was eager to brag up the ways in which his business had concurrently benefited the foundation, Clinton political causes and the Clinton bank account. The memoed result is a remarkably candid look at the sleazy inner workings of the Clinton grifters-in-chief.

    The cross-pollination is flagrant, and Mr. Band gives example after example of how it works. He and his partner Declan Kelly (a Hillary Clinton fundraiser whom Mrs. Clinton rewarded by making him the State Department’s special envoy to Northern Ireland) buttered up their clients with special visits to Bill’s home and tête-à-tête golf rounds with the former president. They then “cultivated” these marks ( Coca-Cola, Dow Chemical, UBS) for foundation dollars, and then again for high-dollar Bill Clinton speeches and other business payouts.

    Teneo’s incestuous behavior also included Mrs. Clinton’s State Department. The Band memo boasts that Mr. Kelly (while he was Mrs. Clinton’s State envoy) introduced the then-head of UBS Wealth Management, Bob McCann, to Bill Clinton at an American Ireland Fund event in 2009. “Mr. Kelly subsequently asked Mr. Mccann [sic] to support the Foundation, which he did . . . Mr. Kelly also encouraged Mr. Mccann [sic] to invite President Clinton to give several paid speeches, which he has done,” reads Mr. Band’s memo. UBS ultimately paid Bill $2 million.

    American Ireland Fund meanwhile became a Teneo client, and made Mr. Kelly (of former State envoy fame) a trustee, where he “ensured that the AIF is a significant donor to the Foundation.” AIF then bestowed upon Mrs. Clinton a major award on her final trip to Northern Ireland in 2012, in an event partly sponsored by . . . Teneo.

    Not that this is all one way. Mr. Band let slip just how useful all these arrangements were for Teneo, too, when he backhandedly apologized in the memo for hosting 15 client meetings in a hotel room rented by the Clinton Global Initiative.

    The memo removes any doubt that the foundation is little more than an unregistered super PAC working on the Clintons’ behalf. Donors to the charity are simultaneously tapped to give Bill speech requests and other business arrangements, including the $3.5 million he was paid annually to serve as “honorary chairman” of Laureate International Universities. Mr. Band’s memo also notes his success at getting donors to “support candidates running for office that President Clinton was supporting.”

    It’s now 2016 and Bill’s most favorite candidate is running for the presidency. There’s no question foundation donors are being “leveraged” for Mrs. Clinton.

    Mr. Band wants credit in the memo for prodding existing foundation donors to pony up more money, though the donation statistics he provides paint a different picture. By and large, donations to the foundation begin to spike dramatically in 2009 and 2010. Mr. Band didn’t form Teneo until 2011. What was happening in 2009? Mrs. Clinton was sworn in as one of the most powerful politicians on the planet.

    The obvious question is where are the prosecutors? (For that matter, where is Lois Lerner when you need her?) Any nonprofit lawyer in America knows the ironclad rule of keeping private enrichment away from tax-exempt activity, for the simple reason that mixing the two involves ripping off taxpayers. Every election lawyer in the country lives in fear of stepping over the lines governing fundraising and election vehicles. The Clintons recognize no lines.

    Here’s the lasting takeaway: The Clintons spent their White House years explaining endless sleazy financial deals, and even capping their exit with a scandal over whether Bill was paid to pardon financier Marc Rich. They know the risks. And yet they geared up the foundation and these seedy practices even as Mrs. Clinton was making her first bid for the presidency. They continued them as she sat as secretary of state. They continue them still, as she nears the White House.

    This is how the Clintons operate. They don’t change. Any one who pulls the lever for Mrs. Clinton takes responsibility for setting up the nation for all the blatant corruption that will follow.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    PA Ram

    This is how the Clintons operate. They don’t change. Any one who pulls the lever for Mrs. Clinton takes responsibility for setting up the nation for all the blatant corruption that will follow.

    Same goes with Trump. What’s the point?

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    You are hilarious. Did Trump sell Putin 20% of the US uranium resource? How about pay to play as Sec. of State? Email scandal reopened. You compare Hildabeast to Trump, hilarious.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    You are hilarious. Did Trump sell Putin 20% of the US uranium resource? How about pay to play as Sec. of State? Email scandal reopened. You compare Hildabeast to Trump, hilarious.


    Now bnw — you dont still think Trump is gonna win do ya? He’s behind in every poll
    by a lot.

    Prezident Hillary. Its done. For better or worse, she’s your Commander in Chief.



    You are hilarious. Did Trump sell Putin 20% of the US uranium resource? How about pay to play as Sec. of State? Email scandal reopened. You compare Hildabeast to Trump, hilarious.


    Now bnw — you dont still think Trump is gonna win do ya? He’s behind in every poll
    by a lot.

    Prezident Hillary. Its done. For better or worse, she’s your Commander in Chief.


    I have never believed the polls. Donald J. Trump is your next president.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I have never believed the polls. Donald J. Trump is your next president.


    I dont think so. Not unless the FBI arrests her.

    Now, when Trump loses are you gonna say you were wrong,
    or are you gonna say “the election was stolen” ?



    I have never believed the polls. Donald J. Trump is your next president.


    I dont think so. Not unless the FBI arrests her.

    Now, when Trump loses are you gonna say you were wrong,
    or are you gonna say “the election was stolen” ?


    Trump’s own internal polling says he’s going to lose.

    But he considers the whole thing a win because by his reckoning he got $1-2 billion worth of free publicity. And he will continue to get free publicity afterwards as long as he can continue to complain about the outcome.


    You are hilarious. Did Trump sell Putin 20% of the US uranium resource? How about pay to play as Sec. of State? Email scandal reopened. You compare Hildabeast to Trump, hilarious.


    Now bnw — you dont still think Trump is gonna win do ya? He’s behind in every poll
    by a lot.

    Prezident Hillary. Its done. For better or worse, she’s your Commander in Chief.


    It’s going to be close, now that Comey has come out at the last second to try to make it a horse race again. Even Republicans are calling this unprecedented, and it’s a dream come true for them. I think the powers that be are decidedly against the GOP losing control of Congress. They want the clown show to go on, so America is focused on faux-scandals about politicians instead of capitalists screwing everyone over. No one invents scandals or goes after them with such tenacity as the GOP.

    . . .

    Btw, Trump, as usual, doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Clinton never had the ability to “sell our uranium reserves to Putin.” Not as a senator or at State. Yes, she was one among nine department heads who signed off on the deal. But she never had the power to make this happen.

    Politifact: Donald Trump inaccurately suggests Clinton got paid to approve Russia uranium deal


    Trump is extremely lucky he has the GOP in control of Congress, so that no one is being investigated except for HRC and the Dems. And he’s extremely lucky that Wikileaks has decided to go after no one but HRC and the Dems as well.

    Of course, the GOP as a party is incredibly lucky here, too. Imagine an even playing field, as far as Congressional investigations and Wikileak email dumps. Anyone who thinks that Clinton or the Dems are alone in engaging in questionable activities, or “pay to play,” or that Trump and the GOP could withstand this kind of relentless exposure of private communications is deluding themselves.

    The same goes for every corporation in America.

    At the risk of saying “they all do it,” I think it’s more than fair to say the public is being handed an woefully lopsided, one-sided and false view of Washington at this point. Even with that, the country has a worse view of Trump and the GOP than it does Clinton and the Dems. This despite the ginormous advantages of the former.

    We do need to clean house and get rid of the Power Elite. But that includes Trump and the GOP, along with the Clintons and the Dems.


    I have never believed the polls. Donald J. Trump is your next president.


    I dont think so. Not unless the FBI arrests her.

    Now, when Trump loses are you gonna say you were wrong,
    or are you gonna say “the election was stolen” ?


    What will you say when Trump wins?

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I have never believed the polls. Donald J. Trump is your next president.


    I dont think so. Not unless the FBI arrests her.

    Now, when Trump loses are you gonna say you were wrong,
    or are you gonna say “the election was stolen” ?


    Trump’s own internal polling says he’s going to lose.

    Good to know you’re on the inside.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Good to know you’re on the inside.

    Oh, don’t worry. I just make shit up.


    What will you say when Trump wins?


    I would just say
    i was wrong.



    What will you say when Trump wins?


    I would just say
    i was wrong.


    It won’t surprise me if Trump wins. The race is tightening a great deal, primarily because a lot of #nevertrump folks have decided to vote GOP anyway. He’s not winning over new voters. He’s not expanding his tent. But the gap between the two was mostly due to a lack of GOP support for Trump — and opposition to him from women and pretty much every minority in America. The latter may not be enough in such a divided nation.

    If the Dems had nominated a better candidate, one without all of the Clinton baggage, I think this election would have been over months ago. There are dozens of Dems and independents who could have crushed Trump, easily one of the most ignorant, hate-filled, vindictive and unqualified people to ever run for the office.

    To me, it was self-centered of HRC to run, and the Democratic Party basically cleared the field for her. It was “her turn,” supposedly. So they ignored all the signs and the vast majority of potential candidates chose to stand on the sidelines. The result is a close race that could go either way.


    It’s also my view that if Trump does win, it won’t “prove” what his supporters think it proves.

    Trump’s (all too vaguely) stated policies, across the board, basically amount to “It will be terrific” or “It will be the best. You won’t believe how great it will be.”

    He never goes into detail, because he can’t. He doesn’t know enough about how government works to do that. He doesn’t know enough about the world to accurately talk about anything. All he can do is say his opponent is the worst, evah, and he’s the best of all time. It’s like witnessing an argument between spoiled kindergarten kids.

    So it will “prove” too many Americans are easily led by the nose, and would prefer to keep the level of discourse at the kindergarten stage. It will also prove, given the people Trump attacks, that far too many Americans have very ugly beliefs regarding black and brown people, and women. It will demonstrate that they’ve been lied to and misled to such a degree, they see them as their enemy, and the (despicable, relentless) scapegoating has worked.

    The latter, we can hope, is a last gasp for the far right, which is the primary home of white supremacy, racism, xenophobia and misogyny. It is definitely the ONLY part of the political spectrum proud of these pathologies.


    Another potential key in the race:

    Voter suppression. The GOP controls a majority of states. They’ve instituted all kinds of voter suppression laws, rules and strategies. Unlike the myth of “voter fraud,” we actually are impacted by voter suppression. The latter can keep literally millions away from the polls, while the former, according to every credible study, results in roughly 31 cases out of a billion votes — across the last decade or so.

    All of Trump’s screaming about a “rigged election” is basically just cover for what his own party has done to suppress the vote. It’s pure projection. If there is going to be any “rigging” this time, it’s going to come from the GOP, not the Dems. The incredibly rare cases of voter fraud are fractions of fractions of fractions. But voter suppression — almost exclusively waged against likely Dem voters — is rampant.

    This is going to be a very close race, and (again) it could go either way.


    Good to know you’re on the inside.

    Oh, don’t worry. I just make shit up.

    That I believe.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    What will you say when Trump wins?


    I would just say
    i was wrong.


    No self reflection as to why?

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    What will you say when Trump wins?


    I would just say
    i was wrong.


    It won’t surprise me if Trump wins. The race is tightening a great deal, primarily because a lot of #nevertrump folks have decided to vote GOP anyway. He’s not winning over new voters. He’s not expanding his tent. But the gap between the two was mostly due to a lack of GOP support for Trump — and opposition to him from women and pretty much every minority in America. The latter may not be enough in such a divided nation.

    If the Dems had nominated a better candidate, one without all of the Clinton baggage, I think this election would have been over months ago. There are dozens of Dems and independents who could have crushed Trump, easily one of the most ignorant, hate-filled, vindictive and unqualified people to ever run for the office.

    To me, it was self-centered of HRC to run, and the Democratic Party basically cleared the field for her. It was “her turn,” supposedly. So they ignored all the signs and the vast majority of potential candidates chose to stand on the sidelines. The result is a close race that could go either way.

    Trump is winning over new voters which is expanding the tent. Party registration increases in all the states proves that and early voting is showing a surge never seen before. All that remains is to see if it is enough to overcome the typical democrat vote fraud and voter intimidation rampant in democrat controlled urban areas.

    Hildabeast is a terrible candidate. Possesses zero charisma. Cannot speak extemporaneously. A thoroughly scripted robot whose claim for the office is based upon gender. She also despises her voters and it shows. She’s also undeniably corrupt. The democrat party is a cesspool to allow such a candidate to be the nominee. Even then she had to steal the nomination. What is the democrat preoccupation with having to superficially trailblaze at every opportunity? The nominee should possess the right message not the desired skin color or sex.

    But all is not lost for you with a Trump victory. It will be the very beginning you have said you want. The dismantling of the establishment. CNN yesterday woke up to the reality. The look of shock and disbelief on their faces said it all. The rigged MSM assault against Trump has backfired with the voters. More Wiki-leaks to go. Perhaps the MSM will actually cover them now? Imagine real journalism.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    What will you say when Trump wins?


    I would just say
    i was wrong.


    No self reflection as to why?

    Um, what about
    you? If Trump loses what will
    you say and what will you reflect on?



    What will you say when Trump wins?


    I would just say
    i was wrong.


    It won’t surprise me if Trump wins. The race is tightening a great deal, primarily because a lot of #nevertrump folks have decided to vote GOP anyway. He’s not winning over new voters. He’s not expanding his tent. But the gap between the two was mostly due to a lack of GOP support for Trump — and opposition to him from women and pretty much every minority in America. The latter may not be enough in such a divided nation.

    If the Dems had nominated a better candidate, one without all of the Clinton baggage, I think this election would have been over months ago. There are dozens of Dems and independents who could have crushed Trump, easily one of the most ignorant, hate-filled, vindictive and unqualified people to ever run for the office.

    To me, it was self-centered of HRC to run, and the Democratic Party basically cleared the field for her. It was “her turn,” supposedly. So they ignored all the signs and the vast majority of potential candidates chose to stand on the sidelines. The result is a close race that could go either way.


    I know a number of people, friends and family, who usually vote Dem, but are skipping the Prez ticket and only voting for local offices. That doesn’t translate to a national referendum, I know that. But Hillary may not get the bump with indies and right leaning Dems that she needs.

    You say that if anyone other than Hillary had been nominated, it would be over. What about the GOP side? If Rubio had been nominated, would the GOP have it in the bag right now?

    Something to think about.


    What will you say when Trump wins?


    I would just say
    i was wrong.


    It won’t surprise me if Trump wins. The race is tightening a great deal, primarily because a lot of #nevertrump folks have decided to vote GOP anyway. He’s not winning over new voters. He’s not expanding his tent. But the gap between the two was mostly due to a lack of GOP support for Trump — and opposition to him from women and pretty much every minority in America. The latter may not be enough in such a divided nation.

    If the Dems had nominated a better candidate, one without all of the Clinton baggage, I think this election would have been over months ago. There are dozens of Dems and independents who could have crushed Trump, easily one of the most ignorant, hate-filled, vindictive and unqualified people to ever run for the office.

    To me, it was self-centered of HRC to run, and the Democratic Party basically cleared the field for her. It was “her turn,” supposedly. So they ignored all the signs and the vast majority of potential candidates chose to stand on the sidelines. The result is a close race that could go either way.


    I know a number of people, friends and family, who usually vote Dem, but are skipping the Prez ticket and only voting for local offices. That doesn’t translate to a national referendum, I know that. But Hillary may not get the bump with indies and right leaning Dems that she needs.

    You say that if anyone other than Hillary had been nominated, it would be over. What about the GOP side? If Rubio had been nominated, would the GOP have it in the bag right now?

    Something to think about.

    Hey, NMR,

    Hope all is well.

    Not saying literally “anyone” else would be crushing Trump now. But I can think of at least a dozen possible Democratic candidates who would be.

    As for Rubio. I think he’s a con-artist, just like Trump, with truly despicable views on policy and his vision for America. But he’s more “appealing” to more people, and doesn’t constantly act like a jackass, which is Trump’s normal mode of being. He’s smarter than Trump, too, and can actually speak in complete sentences, and form coherent paragraphs, etc. Trump can’t. Trump speaks in word salad that makes Sarah Palin seem like Cicero in comparison.

    But, yeah, if it were a race between Rubio and Clinton, I think Rubio wins. Perhaps even easily. We might now be talking about a landslide for the GOP. Not because he has better policies/vision. He doesn’t. While both parties suck, and neither should be in power, the GOP is worse in my view.

    HRC’s time is past. The country doesn’t want more Clintons, Bushes, etc. etc. And given Trump’s record-breaking negatives, we know a majority of the country doesn’t want him, either. It doesn’t want either candidate.

    So it all boils down to turnout. It’s all about GOTV at this point. Which base shows up, etc. Neither candidate (or party) has majority support this time, and both are heavily disliked by strong majorities, etc.


    What will you say when Trump wins?


    I would just say
    i was wrong.


    No self reflection as to why?

    Um, what about
    you? If Trump loses what will
    you say and what will you reflect on?


    But unlike you I haven’t been locked within the matrix. I haven’t believed what the MSM has been claiming will be a Trump loss. You have believed. You’ve watched endless coverage of Trump the pig via the MSM while the wiki leaks coverage of Hildabeast corruption and Project Veritas proof of campaign dirty tricks against the Trump campaign were ignored. The very violence cited at Trump events was planned and paid for by theHildabeast campaign. Yet crickets. Now she blows an 8 point lead in 3 days and she has to bus in a crowd at events and you still believe the MSM polls? You still believe the MSM?

    Of course Anyone winning at this time is hypothetical but I know what Trump support I have seen where I live and the large venues packed to overflowing with his supporters everywhere in this country. He’s doing it without help from the RNC. His movement is real and how it effects the duopoly in the future we can only guess.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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