Walking Dead season six

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    So, i binge-watched season six. I guess I’m caught up now.

    I think the show’s best stuff was in the first three seasons. Its getting more uneven now.
    Which is understandable cause its hard to keep from repeating the same dynamics after a few seasons.

    There are more “that wouldnt happen that way” scenes than in the first three seasons. For example, why would they go out on scouting missions in ONE car? Why not always take two cars, in case one gets in trouble — stuff like that. Just common sense stuff.

    I think the writers completely botched things with the Carol character. The changes in her character make no sense at all. Bad ideas/writing there.

    Still a damn good show when its working though. That final scene was agony. Good lord. Just torture for the viewer.

    I guess in the graphic novel it was Glen that died?

    I am hoping its Carl. I never took to Carl.



    I think the show’s best stuff was in the first three seasons. Its getting more uneven now.

    Yes, yes, yes! The show has really taken a turn toward the strange, and I’m not sure that it will keep my interest for much longer. I disliked so much about season 6. This includes everything that you mentioned. The choices that Rick’s crew began to make were similar to what dumb victims do in slasher movies. I didn’t like the cliff hanger ending at all.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by canadaram.

    My annoyance with the show really began in season 5 though. I thought that the Gareth storyline ended way too abruptly and then the show just meandered along with the characters. I was really bothered with the way that Eugene’s solution was all just a big lie. Yep, season 5 is where I began to turn on the show. I stuck it out last year, but I doubt I make it through this season if things don’t change.


    The choices that Rick’s crew began to make were similar to what dumb victims do in slasher movies….


    Yup. Exactly.

    One of my little nitpix btw, is this — and this exists in all six seasons — when they kill zombies, zombie blood flies all over the place. The humans are constantly being drenched in zombie blood — so how come that doesnt infect them and give them zombie-fever? I mean if they get bit, or scratched they get the fever, right– but not if they are literally drenched in zombie blood-spatter?

    I thought the best scenes in season six were very early on, when they showed the black-and-white images of all those zombies trapped in the canyon. I thought that was a pretty awesome visual.

    …tough job for a writer to do high-quality work season after season. I mean how many shows can you name that stayed good past five seasons? Not too many.



    I am liking the show, Fear of the Walking Dead. What I learned is if you can isolate a zombie, kill it, rip its guts out rub it all over you, including its goo, you can walk through a hoarder if zombies without getting eaten. I saw that watching that from the character Nick.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by JackPMiller.

    I may try that ifvwe have a Zombie Apocalypse. I mean, isolate a zombie and kill it, rip its guts out, rub it over me, and pour it’s goo from its inside all over my body to see if I could walk through a hoard of zombies like the character Nick from Fear of the Walking Dead. Just saying.


    Well i saw a utube clip that showed who Negan kilt.



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