youtube party 2… good live versions of classics

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House youtube party 2… good live versions of classics

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  • #51497

    I love that on this, the back up singers stress their own heavy cockney accents.


    This is missing the visual part, of course. If anyone can track down a great version of this classic with both, please post it.

    To me, it’s one of the all-time great covers of a classic American song, which speaks to a classic American vibe of being the underdog, the red-headed step-child, the black sheep of the family, in a way that perhaps doesn’t exist anywhere else in America. New Jersey. New Jersey, across the water from that behemoth, New York City. That long, deep shadow cast by the Big Apple, and there is perhaps no greater generator of insecurity than NYC, especially for people who live in Jersey.

    So when Springsteen sings about his Jersey Girl — and I had one of my own, so I know what he and Tom Waits are talking about — and the audience yells in spontaneous delight, it’s as if all the decades of being told they’re only second rate, or third rate, are wiped away, and for that moment in time, with the Boss on the stage, Jersey is Number One and Jersey Girls are queens of the night.

    nittany ram

    Rush – Tom Sawyer

    nittany ram

    David Bowie – The Man Who Saved The World

    Blue Oyster Cult – Take Me Away


    I actually saw this tour when I was a kid. Indianapolis, Clewes Hall. Old high school friends and I still talk about it.

    PA Ram

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Eternal Ramnation



    Some of you may find this hard to believe, but I’ve been looking for this for a while…

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