our medical overlords get greedy(-ier) (again)

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    FROM THE WIKI: An epinephrine autoinjector (such as EpiPen) is a medical device for injecting a measured dose or doses of epinephrine (adrenaline) by means of autoinjector technology. It is most often used for the treatment of anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death. It typically causes more than one of the following: an itchy rash, throat or tongue swelling, shortness of breath, vomiting, lightheadedness, and low blood pressure. These symptoms typically come on over minutes to hours.


    EpiPen Price Hike Has Parents of Kids With Allergies Scrambling Ahead of School Year


    The cost of saving your child’s life has gotten a lot more expensive.

    Parents getting ready for back-to-school season have another item to toss in the basket along with Trapper Keepers and boxes of pencils — and they’re facing sticker shock at the latest price increase.

    Doctors and patients say the Mylan pharmaceutical company has jacked up the prices for an EpiPen — the portable device that can stop a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction — from around $100 in 2008 to $500 and up today.

    That’s a hike of over 400 percent.

    “Patients are calling and saying they can’t afford it,” said Dr. Douglas McMahon, an allergy specialist in Maplewood, Minnesota. “They’re between a rock and a hard place.”

    Following a recall by Mylan’s chief competitor last year, the company now enjoys a near monopoly.

    Because of aggressive marketing and branding campaigns, and lobbying for legislation that requires the product to be stocked in schools, they have a brand dominance equal to that of Kleenex, doctors say.

    About the size of a fat marker, they are carried by many parents of kids with severe allergies wherever they go — ready to jam the gizmo into their child’s thigh to deliver epinephrine and stop anaphylactic shock from a potentially fatal bee sting or bit of peanut.

    And because they have a stated expiration date of one year, parents refill them annually, incurring an additional co-pay each time.

    Tracy Bush, a 42-year-old mom and food allergy consultant, never goes anywhere without two EpiPens on her. Her son, age 14, carries another. She began doing so after he was diagnosed with severe allergies as a 2-year-old.

    For the past 10 years, she has watched the price she paid for her refills rise higher and higher with no discernible improvement to the device or medicine.

    In 2008, Bush said the price was $145.99. In 2010, it was $220.99, then jumped to $649.99. This year her pre-insurance costs were $1,118.08.

    Despite the hikes, Bush was glad to have the device two years ago when her son had a bad reaction while eating some watermelon.

    “He said it felt like a potato chip was caught in his throat. Then he got a look of terror on his face. His voice was totally different, it sounded like he had sucked helium. I was like ‘Oh my goodness, I’m going to have to use an EpiPen,'” she said. “I will never forget the look that I saw.”

    In a statement, Mylan said that the prices have “changed over time to better reflect important product features and the value the product provides,” and that “we’ve made a significant investment to support the device over the past years.”

    The company also offers coupons on its website that can reduce costs. This year, for the first time, Bush was able to use those coupons and her “good” insurance plan to bring down her out-of-pocket costs to zero. But not everyone can do the same.

    “When epinephrine only costs a few cents, but they’re going up to $500, personally I don’t think that’s ethically responsible,” said Dr. McMahon.

    And he understands better than most what costs are involved: For the past few years he’s been developing his own, smaller version of the EpiPen, and trying to get it approved by the FDA and bring it to market. He estimates that process costs about $1.5 million. In 2015, Mylan’s profits from the sale of EpiPens rose to $1.2 billion.

    McMahon says his device will retail for about $50.

    Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, the former presidential contender and a member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, told NBC News in a statement:

    “The drug industry’s greed knows no bounds. There’s no reason an EpiPen, which costs Mylan just a few dollars to make, should cost families more than $600. The only explanation for Mylan raising the price by six times since 2009 is that the company values profits more than the lives of millions of Americans.”

    nittany ram

    There should be no out-of-pocket cost to the patient for that pen or any prescription medication for that matter.
    No one should never have to choose between their health and the rent.
    I understand that pharmaceutical companies need to make a profit and drug development is very expensive but the profits made on that pen far surpassed the costs of development a long time ago.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by nittany ram.

    I wonder if any public money went towards the development of that pen? Can that medicine be given via a needle and syringe?

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Was listening to the news and learnt that the medicine in the pen costs $1. The only thing unique about the pen is the technology to deliver the dose. Yet that technology was developed by the US government in 1977 and given to the company.

    Now the drastic increase in price of the pen in recent years coincides with the changing of the law which now requires schools to stock the pen and the increase in the company’s CEO’s salary from $2.7 million per year to $19 million per year.

    BTW the price of two of those epi-pens is $85 in France. It seems the US citizen was chosen to be severely gouged.

    About that change of law benefiting this company and coinciding with the massive price increase to US citizens AND the nearly 700% increase in the CEO’s salary-

    CEO behind EpiPen hike is senator’s daughter

    By ROBERT KING • 8/24/16 11:54 AM

    The top executive of the company that raised the price of its EpiPen 400 percent may come to Capitol Hill to face questions from lawmakers about the sudden increase.

    The twist is the CEO is very familiar to one lawmaker. Mylan CEO Heather Bresch is the daughter of West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, Bloomberg News reported.

    The EpiPen’s recent spike to about $500 a dose for the life-saving allergy shot is the latest increase by the industry to spark outrage from lawmakers. Manchin’s colleague, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, wrote to Mylan asking for answers behind the price boost.

    Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., wants the Federal Trade Commission to investigate whether Mylan violated antitrust laws, Bloomberg said.

    Rep. Grace Meng, D-N.Y., called for a House hearing on Tuesday on the issue as well.

    So far Manchin has been mum about the issue, according to Bloomberg.

    Manchin has been a major advocate for fighting opioid abuse, which has ravaged West Virginia. He has criticized the Food and Drug Administration for continuing to approve new opioid products, and objected to the confirmation of the agency’s new commissioner Robert Califf due to concerns about the agency’s response to the opioid crisis.

    The price increase for EpiPens also is prompting outrage because a 2013 bipartisan law requires schools to stock the drug to prepare for any health emergencies.


    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Was listening to the news and learnt that the medicine in the pen costs $1. The only thing unique about the pen is the technology to deliver the dose. Yet that technology was developed by the US government in 1977 and given to the company.

    Now the drastic increase in price of the pen in recent years coincides with the changing of the law which now requires schools to stock the pen and the increase in the company’s CEO’s salary from $2.7 million per year to $19 million per year.

    Good find.


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