What the heck is the "Revolution Club"

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    Apparently it is this: Joey Johnson, a “notorious flag burner and revolutionary communist,” would conduct civil disobedience in Cleveland. Do these people not understand that burning the flag at the GOP convention does nothing but support Trump’s message ? I suppose they really don’t care as long as they get in the news.


    Well, there’s the substantive-content of a person’s views,
    and then there’s the ‘strategy’ they decide to use to further their goals.

    I’d probly agree with a lot of that guy’s substantive-content,
    but his strategy (flag burning) is probably counter-productive
    at this time and place. I would think. I dunno.

    Maybe Trump paid him to do it 🙂



    “Well, there’s the substantive-content of a person’s views,”

    and that might be what ?

    “and then there’s the ‘strategy’ they decide to use to further their goals.”

    and their “goals” would be what?


    “Well, there’s the substantive-content of a person’s views,”

    and that might be what ?

    “and then there’s the ‘strategy’ they decide to use to further their goals.”

    and their “goals” would be what?

    Look them up.

    I don’t think the rest of us noticed him or have heard of him before.

    Simple google search.


    My questions are rhetorical.

    1) Burning the flag: “I have a severe dislike of what the flag stands for”.

    2) Goals: ” I need for people to know how I feel”.

    No need for me to do an exhaustive research on the subject.

    Simplicity is not evil/


    My questions are rhetorical.

    1) Burning the flag: “I have a severe dislike of what the flag stands for”.

    2) Goals: ” I need for people to know how I feel”.

    No need for me to do an exhaustive research on the subject.

    Simplicity is not evil/

    Neither is mutual misunderstanding.


    My questions are rhetorical.

    1) Burning the flag: “I have a severe dislike of what the flag stands for”.

    2) Goals: ” I need for people to know how I feel”.

    No need for me to do an exhaustive research on the subject.

    Simplicity is not evil/

    Nah, that seems Over-simplified to me. Because the way you phrase it
    he is just “against” things. But i am sure he is also ‘for’ things.
    What things?



    My questions are rhetorical.

    1) Burning the flag: “I have a severe dislike of what the flag stands for”.

    2) Goals: ” I need for people to know how I feel”.

    No need for me to do an exhaustive research on the subject.

    Simplicity is not evil/

    I’m against a great deal of what that flag stands for, and I want the entire establishment overthrown, especially the system of capitalism. But I want this to happen non-violently, through democratic choice, through the realization that the “American Revolution” was mostly a sham, that it mostly was about swapping one ruling class for another, and that it had very little input from “we the people.” It was a revolution, primarily, to “free” wealthy gentry and the rising merchant class from foreign (British) constraints. It didn’t result in markedly different circumstances for the working class, and blacks and Native Americans were actually a bit better off under the previous British rule. By no means “well off,” of course. But better off.

    I wouldn’t burn a flag, but I can understand the impulse. Though I don’t support violent insurrection here in the slightest. The folks we should worry the most about doing that claim to love the flag and dwell on the rightmost side of the political spectrum. White supremacists, the Bundy clan and their buds, the folks who talk endlessly about “2nd amendment remedies,” etc. etc. Right-wing extremists are far more likely to go ape-shit and start shooting up fellow Americans than folks on the left — and, again, they claim to love that old flag.


    The folks we should worry the most about doing that claim to love the flag





    The folks we should worry the most about doing that claim to love the flag




    I think I mentioned that I wrote a Sci-Fi novel recently — which still needs revision — about a future, all-corporate society. No public sector at all. All private. After a major civil war. It’s set up to be a trilogy, and I need to get back to it.

    Right now, in the real world, it would be far more honest if our reps wore corporate flags, like NASCAR, and were announced as: “The senator from Exxon-Mobil now has the floor.”

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