bell hooks

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    Sometimes when i look through all the quotes i’ve gathered,
    the writer that makes me smile the most, is bell hooks.
    Chomsky has certainly given me a lot of food for thot over the years. Zinn. Hedges. Blum. Others, but bell hooks might be my favorite writer
    in a lot of ways. She combines a lot of things that resonate with me.
    She’s a radical-leftist who also finds herself on the cover of buddhisty-eastern-spiritual magazines sometimes.

    i haven’t even read this interview but someone sent it to me, and
    i’m sure i will find somethin in it that makes me smile.


    George Yancy: Over the years you have used the expression “imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy” to describe the power structure underlying the social order. Why tie those terms together as opposed to stressing any one of them in isolation?

    bell hooks: We can’t begin to understand the nature of domination if we don’t understand how these systems connect with one another. Significantly, this phrase has always moved me because it doesn’t value one system over another. For so many years in the feminist movement, women were saying that gender is the only aspect of identity that really matters, that domination only came into the world because of rape. Then we had so many race-oriented folks who were saying, “Race is the most important thing. We don’t even need to be talking about class or gender.” So for me, that phrase always reminds me of a global context, of the context of class, of empire, of capitalism, of racism and of patriarchy. Those things are all linked — an interlocking system.

    G.Y.: I’ve heard you speak many times and I noticed that you do so with a very keen sense of humor. What is the role of humor in your work? ….


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by wv.
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