The Shallows

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  • #47321
    PA Ram

    Saw this film over the weekend.

    Now normally I’m pretty positive to shark films. Even silly stuff like “Sharknado” which is intentionally bad.

    “The Shallows” TRIED to be serious–I think–for the most part. It did not really succeed. It was sort of like, “Lifetime” network meets “Sharknado”.

    First the positive: It was a beautifully photographed film. Best surfing scenes since “Blue Crush”. And…that’s it.

    I had heard of Blake Lively before but this is the first time I’ve seen her act–and it wasn’t pretty. A better actress may have helped a terrible script, but I’m not sure.

    Anyway–it’s no regular shark–it’s a supershark. I won’t spoil anything but this shark made “Jaws” look like an irritable pre-schooler. There are big lapses in logic and certain things that the writers felt they could ignore as they pleased and pay attention when it was convenient.

    Let’s put it this way: a drunk guy, chewed in half–somehow climbs onto the beach and anyone else who shows up never seems to notice.

    It’s pretty bad. But it is pretty. Nice location–beautiful cinematography.

    Bad plot, bad writing, bad acting.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    There are big lapses in logic and certain things that the writers felt they could ignore as they pleased and pay attention when it was convenient.

    So they should just call it The Shallow?

    Yuck yuck.


    Bad plot, bad writing, bad acting.

    Well just from the cover-photo in that vid,
    I can honestly say, that woman is the finest
    actress I’ve ever seen on a surf-board.


    PA Ram

    I gotta say, this summer has sucked for movies.

    I’ll probably give the new Star Trek a shot, and maybe Suicide Squad and Jason Bourne. Beyond that I’ll be waiting for the fall films.

    Oh–and maybe “Tarzan”. That looks like it might be good.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Oh–and maybe “Tarzan”. That looks like it might be good.

    Rotten Tomatoes on that:

    nittany ram

    My take on the Shallows? I agree with PA…it sucked.

    ****Beware – here there be spoilers***

    This movie depicts white shark behavior about as accurately as Jurassic World depicts dinosaurs. But the Shallows tries to be a more serious movie than JW, and that’s part of the problem. Because when you make a serious film you better not have lapses in logic. And this one has plenty.

    For example, there is a dead humpbacked whale about 50 yards off the beach. Apparently this is what attracted the shark to begin with. 30 yards away from the whale is our heroine, happily surfing. Why a shark would go out of its way to attack and then stalk a 110 pound bony woman when there is 15 tons of blubber nearby is beyond me. Tbe heroine speculates that she was attached because she entered its ‘hunting grounds’ but that explanation rings hollow. By now everyone has seen footage of white sharks feasting on whales. There is no territoriality at play when there’s that much food in the water. Multiple white sharks will often be feeding at the same time and even other species of sharks will be feeding as well. The sharks often eat so much that they enter a stupor and become very lethargic. They are not aggressive at all. No way would a shark in these circumstances care about a tiny woman on a surfboard 30 yards away.

    Also, the shark in this film was easily 20 feet long and would have weighed at least two and a half tons. How did the 110 lb heroine survive the attack? Not only did she survive but her only injury was a 7 inch gash on her thigh. She was able to close the wound by using her ear rings as sutures. Now, the vast majority of people attacked by white sharks survive. However, in those attacks the sharks are not thought to be actively hunting. They are curious about an unusual object (a human) in their environment and bite it out of curiosity. That’s their only method of determining what something is. Since humans doesn’t taste like their normal prey, the encounter usually ends there. But even under these circumstances the wound inflicted by the shark is greater than what our heroine experienced. A two ton monster shark with a two and a half foot wide mouth and two inch teeth bites her and the result is a 7 inch gash?! And the shark wasn’t being curious…according to the film it was aggressively attacking her for entering its hunting ground. If a 20 foot white shark is trying to kill you, you would be killed and there is not a thing you could do to prevent it. The result of such an encounter would not be a seven inch wound that can be mended with jewelry. There were many other lapses in logic but these bugged me the most.

    The one thing I liked about it is it was effective at building suspense by filming from the surface of tbe water. From that perspective as waves slowly move up and down you’d get a quick glimps of the view beneath the surface. During these quick glimpses you kept expecting to see the shark but usually there was nothing there. Since the advent of CGI, the creatures in these type of films often look very realistic. I think how good they look often leads the filmmaker to have it get a lot of screen time. However, this over exposure often reduces the level of suspense and the impact the creature has on the audience. In this movie the shark looked pretty realistic but IMO the filmmakers didn’t over expose it.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by nittany ram.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by nittany ram.

    My take on the Shallows? I agree with PA…it sucked.

    ****Beware – here there be spoilers***

    If a 20 foot white shark is trying to kill you, you would be killed and there is not a thing you could do to prevent it. The result of such an encounter would not be a seven inch wound that can be mended with jewelry. There were many other lapses in logic but these bugged me the most.,,,


    But see this is EXACTLY why taking away surfers’ semi-automatic-assault guns
    is the wrong thing to do.

    How are we supposed to defend ourselves from 29 foot White Sharks ?

    With butter-knives? Maybe call 911 and wait for the police?

    You cant even answer that can ya.

    And before you say, how is a shark going to get to appalachia, i have
    one word for you — flood waters.

    Your silence is deafening.


    nittany ram

    My take on the Shallows? I agree with PA…it sucked.

    ****Beware – here there be spoilers***

    If a 20 foot white shark is trying to kill you, you would be killed and there is not a thing you could do to prevent it. The result of such an encounter would not be a seven inch wound that can be mended with jewelry. There were many other lapses in logic but these bugged me the most.,,,


    But see this is EXACTLY why taking away surfers’ semi-automatic-assault guns
    is the wrong thing to do.

    How are we supposed to defend ourselves from 29 foot White Sharks ?

    With butter-knives? Maybe call 911 and wait for the police?

    You cant even answer that can ya.

    And before you say, how is a shark going to get to appalachia, i have
    one word for you — flood waters.

    Your silence is deafening.


    You and Ted Nugent can exhale now. I’m not trying to take your WMDs away.

    Actually I want to increase gun sales by equipping sharks with semi automatics. About 100 million sharks per year are killed by humans and I want to level the playing field.

    I also want to arm lemurs with mustard gas. Just for fun.

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