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  • #44122
    PA Ram

    Just wanted to post a quick review of a novel I read this week.

    The novel is “HEX” by Thomas Olde Heuvelt. I grew up reading the books of Stephen King, James Herbert, Robert Mccammon and other writers of the horror genre. I sort of got away from it the past 15 or 20 years because everything I tried seemed bad or too familiar.

    I decided to give this a try because of a Stephen King twitter post.

    I’m glad I did.

    It’s an old witches, cursed town tale set in today’s world. What would that look like? How would people react to that? Would modern technology play any sort of role in that setting?

    The story addresses all of that in a fun, clever, original way.

    The story is very dark. Very dark. But it has enough humor to break up some of that darkness, including the way that this local character(the witch) lives among the community. But although they may treat her as an oddball, they also know she’s dangerous. And as the story unfolds we see how dangerous. But the biggest threat may not be the witch at all–it may be the people themselves. What sort of darkness swims just below the surface of humans? How does the facade of being normal and moral break down in the face of crises?

    A very enjoyable read I highly recommend.



    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

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