unheard-of and heard-of wars

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    There’s been a lotta wars in this country. Most of em,
    I’ve never even heard of. “The Rogue River War” ??


    I heard a blurb on my civil war audio-book, btw,
    that said the American Invasion of Mexico had the highest percentage
    of deaths of any American war. Or somethin like that.

    “…The Mexican-American War was a war fought between the United States and Mexico between 1846 and 1848. It is also called the U.S.-Mexico War. In the U.S. it is also known as the Mexican War; in Mexico it is also known as the U.S. Intervention, the U.S. Invasion of Mexico, the United States War Against Mexico, and the War of Northern Aggression (this last name is more commonly used in the American South to refer to the American Civil War)….

    During the course of the war, around 13,000 American soldiers were killed. Of these deaths, only about 1.5% (~195) were from actual combat; the rest stemmed from disease and unsanitary conditions during the war. It is also estimated that, if post-war deaths from war-related causes are counted, the combined U.S. casualty rate for the war was very high, 30-40%. Mexican casualties remain somewhat of a mystery, and are estimated at 25,000….

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by wv.
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