"I was on the sideline Saturday"

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    Note: I’ve posted reports from this guy before. He works for people who supply oxygen, if I remember correctly. He was on the sidelines last year for the home Seattle game.



    For those of you who remember I was on the sidlines for a game last year. Well, I worked the sideline for this game.

    My report:

    Bradford was anxious to get on the field. I know cuz I asked during pregame. And it showed he looked sharp. Guys were saying on the bench to…Heard Long telling JL “Damn Sam isn’t bullshitting around!”

    Micheal Sam sat by himself alot. 1rst half he seemed disengaged during the first half. But he started getting involved in the 2nd half. Wauffle told him to go in and he looked excited. But WEstbrooks is a beast. You could tell Langford and Long are really impressed with him. They were all giving him pointers and he would run out there and execute. This kid is going to be a beast. I don’t know how Sam beats him out.

    There is a different tone defensivly by Gregg Williams. Last year when I was there guys seemed to have no respect for Tim Walton. Not this time. Williams had total control of what he wanted to do and he liad into RayRays ass a couple times. I mean really cursing and yelling….

    Fish walked over to the defnse and was about to say something but he let GW handle it. There is a new sherriff intown on defense.

    GregRobinson and Saffold are massive human beings! Saffold was coaching
    Robinson alot.

    Tre Mason was down in the dumps with regards to his pass pro. Robinson sort got on him about it. Told him he can tap defenders hes got to set his feet and stick his head in there. Told him if doesn’t pick it up they won’t play him. He sat on the bench with his helmet on looking frustrated.

    Britt is fine. He was iced for awhile, got some treatmentand then he was just laughing and joking with guys the rest of the game. I heard Sherman pull him out and ask him if he was fine he said yes…Then asked “do you want me to go back in” and Sherman said no you’re done.


    i think sam has no chance of making this team.

    i think greg robinson is gonna be a lot of fun to watch this season.

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