I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

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    A good article on Trump’s appeal, and his inevitable betrayal of poor, white America.

    I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

    “Trump is railing against establishment politics not because he cares about the white underclass, but because he needs us — for now. He isn’t reaching out a hand to lift us up. He wants to stand on our shoulders so we can lift him up.”


    Yet unlike everyone else running he doesn’t want your money.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Yet unlike everyone else running he doesn’t want your money.

    If by that you mean he is funding his own campaign, you are only partially right. Trump has spent more of his own money on his candidacy than any other candidate has on his/her own, but he still has raised and spent more of other people’s money than he has spent of his own. So he isn’t being honest about that.

    In any event, this issue has nothing whatsoever to do with the article I posted, and when you try to play a trump card in an argument, it’s best to know what the argument is before playing that card.


    Yet unlike everyone else running he doesn’t want your money.

    If by that you mean he is funding his own campaign, you are only partially right. Trump has spent more of his own money on his candidacy than any other candidate has on his/her own, but he still has raised and spent more of other people’s money than he has spent of his own. So he isn’t being honest about that.

    In any event, this issue has nothing whatsoever to do with the article I posted, and when you try to play a trump card in an argument, it’s best to know what the argument is before playing that card.

    You’ll have to provide a source for your claim about his spending. And you’ll have to distinguish between a solicitation for cash and someone wanting to buy a hat or shirt. Two very different things.

    You can also take your “his inevitable betrayal of poor white America” and stick it since that is your opinion not fact. The entire article is another exercise in class warfare. More divisiveness. Lets write about slavery again and again. Hey the wealthy have it easier and actually had opportunity to attend state and constitutional conventions in order to write and sign the governing documents of this nation. Stop the presses. Yawn.

    Interesting the article zeroed in on the easy arkansan fodder of Tyson and Walmart. The very supporters that thrust the great Democrat duo of Billary upon the nation to do to poor people and middle class regardless of color the ultimate dirty deal of sending jobs overseas and achieving the steady decline of their standard of living. Billary even became quite wealthy doing so by merely flapping their gums to sell influence. Sure beats making a few unions by your lame ass book to make bank. Billary is so talented.

    So yeah I’ll bring it back to the fact that Trump doesn’t want your money. That isn’t partially correct. It is fact and it is refreshing.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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