Star Wars

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  • #36336

    Saw Star Wars.

    I guess Id give it a thumbs up,
    but its mainly a bunch of great special effects
    explosions and the usual chase scenes and
    light sabre battles.

    I personally gag when i see the cheesy white plastic
    uniforms the bad guys wear, but thats just me.
    I also didnt like the climactic battle plan
    near the end — its prettymuch a duplicate
    of Star Wars I. I mean, could they not have
    written something new?

    But all in all, if you dont go looking for
    Citizen Kane, and you just want some smiles
    and some cute robot scenes — its a nice
    fantasy-sci-fi movie.

    PS — seemed like all the previews at the movie
    were about ‘end of the world’ movies. Why does
    the public want apocalyptic stuff these days?
    Apparently the suits have decided that
    resonates these days.


    PA Ram

    I saw it twice–which I guess shows how I felt about the film.

    I just love the “Star Wars” universe so I’ve bought in and I loved the newest edition. I can’t wait for the new films. I thought Abrams did a good job setting it up to go forward.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    why does
    the public want apocalyptic stuff these days?

    That’s a long story.

    But it’s not the suits driving that. That’s actually popular in its own terms.

    I might add, btw, that it’s not just film. And it’s all kinds of fiction, too. Young adult, mangas, comic books, popular fiction, and even high-brow fiction (McCarthy, The Road).

    There’s lots of reasons for all of this.

    BTW this is the 2ND era of popular interest in post-apocalyptic writing and film…the 1st was the 50s.



    why does
    the public want apocalyptic stuff these days?

    That’s a long story.

    But it’s not the suits driving that. That’s actually popular in its own terms.

    I might add, btw, that it’s not just film. And it’s all kinds of fiction, too. Young adult, mangas, comic books, popular fiction, and even high-brow fiction (McCarthy, The Road).

    There’s lots of reasons for all of this.

    BTW this is the 2ND era of popular interest in post-apocalyptic writing and film…the 1st was the 50s.


    Well, i didn’t mean the suits were driving the issue, I mean
    the suits probably took a lot of surveys and did focus groups and “figured out” that the public is in the mood for Apocalyptic stories.

    The fifties, I assume were about the threat of Nuk-u-lar war with
    the Rooskies. But now, I’m guessing the fears are a little different.
    Environmental and Social/Political collapse I spose.

    Anyway, I’m all for it. The Collapse I mean. I think the planet
    needs a do-over. I’d like to see what the Dolphins would do
    if they evolve a little bit more.



    ut now, I’m guessing the fears are a little different.
    Environmental and Social/Political collapse I spose.

    Anyway, I’m all for it. The Collapse I mean. I think the planet
    needs a do-over.

    Again this is a long story.

    But it’s not always fears.

    A lot of it is wishes.

    You said it yourself. The do-over wish.


    Was talking to a smoker at a Bakery this morning.
    And he was telling me about a funny youtube-vid
    he’d seen about a famous TV-fundamentalist-preacher.
    The preacher was repackaging the ole “End Times” speech,
    only this time with a twist I’ve not seen before — he
    wanted his followers to send in money to buy
    Bags of Rice so they could bury food and have
    something to eat during the coming Apocalyptic times.

    I prefer Lentils myself,
    but thats just me.


    nittany ram

    I think any future apocalypse would likely involve a “The Stand”-like scenario where a brave and true leader would lead his good followers west from Portland, Maine and confront Satan and his minions in his Morgantown lair in an ultimate battle for the future of humanity.


    I think any future apocalypse would likely involve a “The Stand”-like scenario where a brave and true leader would lead his good followers west from Portland, Maine and confront Satan and his minions in his Morgantown lair in an ultimate battle for the future of humanity.

    Enh. That’s a lot of trouble to go to, don’t you think?


    Watch the Vid. Thats all I’m gonna say:

    Collapse is coming — send money


    PA Ram

    Watch the Vid. Thats all I’m gonna say:

    Collapse is coming — send money


    If I had to eat rice and cheesy broccoli sauce for more than a week I’d jump off the nearest cliff anyway.

    I wonder how many people sent in money for their buckets.

    You gotta hand it to Jim Bakker though—the guy learned that you can never run out of a supply of ignorant fools who will send you money for anything.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Watch the Vid. Thats all I’m gonna say:

    Collapse is coming — send money


    If I had to eat rice and cheesy broccoli sauce for more than a week I’d jump off the nearest cliff anyway.

    I wonder how many people sent in money for their buckets.

    You gotta hand it to Jim Bakker though—the guy learned that you can never run out of a supply of ignorant fools who will send you money for anything.

    I miss Tammy Faye.

    She would have demanded cake.



    Saw Star Wars.

    I also didnt like the climactic battle plan
    near the end — its prettymuch a duplicate
    of Star Wars I. I mean, could they not have
    written something new?


    Finally saw it.

    Yeah, an orphan kid on a desert planet gets caught up in the rebellion, allies with Han Solo, Leia, a droid with a holographic piece of information, and helps blow up a bigger version of the impossibly big Death Star while discovering the force. While on the mission, her mentor is slain by Darth Vader’s grandson in front of her eyes. It’s not just the ending that is the same. The stories have more in common than they do apart.

    I liked it, but…damn. It’s the same story.


    I liked it, but…damn. It’s the same story.

    Yeah. Exactly. Same story,
    but i kinda liked it.

    Friend of mine said he was disappointed
    that there weren’t more “Aliens.”
    I think i agree. I would have liked to see
    some more creativity.



    I liked it, but…damn. It’s the same story.

    Yeah. Exactly. Same story,
    but i kinda liked it.

    Friend of mine said he was disappointed
    that there weren’t more “Aliens.”
    I think i agree. I would have liked to see
    some more creativity.


    Dang, it even had a reprise of the famous cantina scene.

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