Tomorrow is 12/14

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    12/14/15 marks 3 years to the day of the Sandy Hook School massacre.

    28 lives lost (most put the number at 26, discounting the shooter and its mother) in the most brutal fashion imaginable, and we as a nation still have no answer for how to prevent similar tragedies.

    Maybe the Muslim “threat” will open the eyes of the right wing that our gun laws are a joke (and not a good or funny one).

    I have a deep sadness bordering on anger that so little has changed in these past three years, and how many other communities and families have had to endure the horror, the pain, the loss that we went through.

    Tomorrow is also the first time the anniversary falls on a working day, or in my daughter’s case, a final exam day. I actually have to go to work tomorrow, as opposed to my normal “working from home”. My daughter has her Organic Chemistry final. I know it isn’t going to be easy for me or her. She has been doing ok with therapy for her PTSD, but each new shooting hits her hard.

    Newtown seems OK; I’m sure the comfort dogs will be out in force. Big shout out to the comfort dog people. I don’t know who they are, or what they were doing pre-12/14/12, but they came to our town in force and had big, friendly dogs at every school in Newtown that kids could go out and hug if they were feeling sad. It really helped.

    So, three years have passed. Some towns cities and states have bans in place on assault rifles and high volume magazines. I don’t see any progress on addressing the mental health issues that also contributed. I’m left with a profound sense of loss and a feeling that it is going to take something ( or somethings) far worse to happen until we as a country FINALLY start addressing the things that need to be addressed to prevent things like Sandy Hook happening again and again and again.


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