Out of the hospital, yay!

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    I had a migraine starting the day after Thanksgiving, starting in the afternoon which is unusual for me because while I have daily migraines, they usually occur in the evening and this hit about 2pm. Shortly afterwards, I started to feel a tingling numbness on the right side of my face. The migraine was behind my right eye. I’ve lost vision in my right eye with this type of migraine before, but never had any numbness before, but just chocked it up to “migraine” and left it be.

    After more than a week I called my nurse contact at the VA and she directed me to immediately head to the ER and they admitted me under the stroke protocol. Wasn’t much fun, but everything was negative. End result was a 12-13 day migraine with facial numbness. Everyone at the VA was exceptional and I was treated great.

    I’m home now, posting from my computer and actually got a full night’s sleep. Under the stroke protocol, the first 24 hours, they have to do the NIHSS or NIH Stroke Scoring every 2 hours, so between that, giving blood, changing IVs, getting meds, food and whatnot, getting rest was next to impossible. It was all catnaps…

    I’m behind on my John Oliver, but it means I get to catch up on my John Oliver, so there’s that. I didn’t miss any Rams games and I dunno if that’s good or bad…

    Hope all is well with everyone, that everyone had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and the holidays are treating you all well (and that Boras somehow infuses life into our moribund offense…)

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    It’s good to hear all that worked out on the positive side. Quite an epic there. Why are migraines related to strokes? What’s the connection there?


    Damn, Mack. I’ve never heard of migraines that last
    that long.

    I’m glad they eased up and you are back home.



    Geez, man, you go through all kind of hell. Good to hear they took good care of you, and it sounds like you’re doing better. … Here are to better days, I hope …


    welcome back!!!!

    do the Dr’s know what is causing this? Was it Bells Paulsey?

    Take care of yourself man… watching these Rams games might kill you….


    Actually, my longest migraine was 12 WEEKS!!! That was a real doozy. I routinely stayed awake for periods of 3 and 4 days at a time during that one and after 10 weeks, I started hallucinating. Mostly hearing voices. I started ignoring anyone unless I could see their lips move. I didn’t hear anything creepy, just kept thinking my name was being called or that people were trying to talk to me and I couldn’t understand them. It only took a couple of confused looks for me to get it that I was hallucinating and man, did that scare the crap out of me! I only recently admitted that to my doctors and started talking about that because I didn’t have a doctor I felt I could trust with that information.

    I know what’s causing it. I have a lesion in my brain caused by a massive Grand Mal seizure brought on my being overmedicated by a Navy doc when I was in Nuclear Field ET A school. I’d been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and the doc didn’t listen that I kept my body real clean and that I was very sensitive to side effects and gave me the max dosage for my body weight and I went toxic 20 days later and had a Grand Mal seizure that caused me to stop breathing in excess of 4 minutes and left a lesion in my brain. When they did the MRI this time, they could still see it, so it’s still there…

    Migraine and seizure disorder puts me at a greater risk of all sorts of neuro pathology, stroke, aneurysm, and stuff like that.

    You know the funny thing is that when I got to the ER and they were hooking me up, I was kinda laughing with the ER nurse, a guy who recognized me, that I was glad it was a migraine and not a kidney stone because I’m over catheters… just soooo over them… LOL.

    Not that I’d prefer a stroke, but you all see where I’m coming from…hahaha.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

    PA Ram

    I’m glad everything is okay, Mac.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Eternal Ramnation

    Shrooms grow wild in Florida . I have some experience in both shrooms and ptsd. http://www.naturalnews.com/041393_psilocybin_psychological_disorders_magic_mushrooms.html#

    nittany ram

    Glad you’re home and doing better, Mac.


    Holy wow. I knew you had migraines. I didn’t realize you got them every day. I don’t know how you manage that. I cannot stand ANY kind of headache at all. I take aspirin the moment I start to feel one coming on, and aspirin always works. My wife and son get migraines, and I just tremble every time. I couldn’t take it. I’m glad you’re better.

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