I actually think the issue is a symptom of a worse problem: a lousy passing game.
Every set of receivers drops the ball. Ike and Torry dropped some.
The thing is, on a team which completes 30+ passes per game, a couple of drops is not noticeable unless one happens on a game-deciding play.
On our offense, which might go 2 or 3 drives without a completion to a WR, the drops are hugely magnified in significance.
Now add to that the pressure. Every single pass completion for us is gold. The value of each is way above that on the “normal” NFL team.
This adds to the pressure on the rcvrs. They KNOW that each chance for a completion is magnified, and so are the nerves. When you have only a few chances to get something done, the pressure on each chance is greater. Unless you have stellar, nervy players, that will cost you. And we have very few rcvrs who have average or better nerves.
As for being “in synch”?
Well. It’s a very handy, featureless, substanceless way of politely saying, “they ain’t playin’ well.” To me, that characterization says nothing at all.
By virtue of the absurd ...