Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation

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  • #27996
    PA Ram

    Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation


    Just now got back from seeing it.

    This was a really good summer popcorn flick. LOTS of action–pretty much non-stop, actually. Don’t think about the plot too much because it’s as ridiculous as you’d expect but that’s fine–the film is built around action and the plot is built around that.

    As is, the plot involves a shadowy organization called, “The Syndicate.” The C.I.A. doesn’t believe it even exists and wants to shut down the IMF whom it blames for a lot of chaos going on around the world. Ethan Hunt(Tom Cruise) is caught in the middle of all this, of course, trying to bring down the syndicate with just the help of his friends, Simon Pegg(I think his best Mission Impossible yet) Ving Rhames(doing his usual thing)Jeremy Renner(walking the tightrope between his loyalty to the IMF and the powers that be above him and newcomer Rebecca Ferguson(playing a sort of British Ethan Hunt)but is she with the good guys or bad guys? Is she playing everyone? The film keeps you guessing.

    The exotic locales from Morocco to Austria are beautifully filmed and the bad guy in this one is a nerdy looking fellow named Soloman Lane–as heartless as they come and he has the usual gang of giant brawler type thugs helping him.

    But the real star is of course the action sequences–and they really shine. From the amazing plane stunt to the best motorcycle chase ever filmed, there’s a lot to like with the thought and effort the filmmakers put into this.

    This was an enjoyable film and my only small complaint is that it may just be a tad too long. But you won’t be bored.

    The film was fun. This is what you want and expect from a summer film. You get your bang for the buck.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Thanks for the review, PA!

    We’re on our yearly Maine beach vacation (Reid yesterday, Popham today) and we usually have at least one rainy day where we go to the movies. This week, it looks like it is going to be beautiful all week, but we’ll need at least a day away from the sun. Probably Wednesday, maybe Thursday. After Freeport, before Beale St BBQ in Bath.


    Thanks for the review, PA!

    We’re on our yearly Maine beach vacation (Reid yesterday, Popham today) and we usually have at least one rainy day where we go to the movies. This week, it looks like it is going to be beautiful all week, but we’ll need at least a day away from the sun. Probably Wednesday, maybe Thursday. After Freeport, before Beale St BBQ in Bath.


    Very North tip of Popham by the fort? The island look familiar.

    We always pull in to the parking lot and go to the left side of the beach. Away from Fox Island, but that’s where the big waves live (and today was an excellent wave day).

    I think my kids are hooked and are even planning / plotting how they will take their families here (we’ve got some time; 19 and 15…).

    PA Ram

    Hey TSRF, hope you have a great vacation!

    I’m actually on vacation this week but other than a bus trip to the shore for a day, don’t have much planned. Had stitches in my leg for over a week that don’t come out til Wednesday. Just being lazy and trying to stay cool.

    Have a good one.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    nittany ram

    My wife and I saw it too. I agree with you. Good summer fun.

    I got to hand it to him – despite being sort of a walking joke with the Scientology stuff and the bizarre public behavior, Tom Cruise makes enjoyable movies.


    OK, so today is going to be our Freeport / movie / BBQ day (showers and storms today).

    We are going to see MI, but as I was looking, the movie I really want to see is Mr. Holmes. Has anybody seen it (it isn’t playing at the theater we’re going to, but I’d like to see it when I’m back in CT)?


    We saw MI today. Some movies are just meant to be seen on the big screen. This is one of them. LOTS of action. I agree with PA that this was Simon Pegg’s best MI movie (but “Paul” is still my favorite of his movies).

    I liked Baldwin in the movie too, but he should have stayed a hard ass through it all.

    I won’t be in favor to order it on PPV, because it will lose so much pop going small screen from big screen, but I’ll probably be out-voted…

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