pumping gas

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  • #22126

    Dunno if this is true, but its
    on the internet.


    And a link there led me to this tip at Life123:

    Did you know that gas pumps have three different speeds? Most pumps have slow, medium and fast. Most people insert the pump into the car and then set the handle so that they don’t have to hold the pump. Gas stations want you to do this because you are actually getting less gas this way-slow pumping reduces the vaporization of the gas. Take the extra effort to hold the pump at the first setting (slow), and you’ll get fewer vapors and more gas for your dollar. Try squeezing the handle about a third of the way to set it at the slowest setting.

    You learn something every day.


    Vaporization in the tank is negligible and at most a concern on the most hottest days. Spilling drops when removing the handle is the greater loss than vaporization and that small amount defeats the vapor recovery system at the pump. Over filling and the expansion of fuel out of the tank on hot days are still greater losses than vaporization. And for at least 20 years US cars have their own vapor recovery system too. So fill your tank as fast as you want which these days with $2-$3 per gallon gas most stations have slowed the pump speed considerably than in years past anyway which I find quite annoying.

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