Going Clear

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  • #21918

    Have any of you seen this documentary on HBO?

    Holy crap, I always thought Scientology was a bit weird but I had know idea just what species of strange it really is…

    Well worth the watch.

    I think it was Philip Jose Farmer in one of the Riverword books wrote something to the effect that “there’s a special layer of Hell for second rate Sci Fi authors who invent their own religions”.


    I have it recorded but Tom Cruise called and went Cake Nazi if I watched it.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I have it recorded but Tom Cruise called and went Cake Nazi if I watched it.

    “Cake Nazi”

    I dont know if there are cake nazis
    but i knew a neo-nazi once and i can
    tell you that there are, indeed,
    Nazi Cakes.




    I watched it and thought P.T. Barnum and whoever nailed it with sucker born every minute and fool and his money soon parted. The campaign against Nicole Kidman was described and then abruptly dropped in the documentary. Nothing about the divorce with Katie Holmes either. Those non disclosure agreements sure make the documentarians job difficult I guess. The mother who had attained the highest level of “enlightenment”? who was ordered to shun her son and refused suffered her daughter shunning her as a result was heartbreaking to watch.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    this has been a water cooler topic at work……I have HBO and typically watch shows “On Demand” so the last few nights I’ve been searching for this show “OnDemand” and this show has not be posted yet. Normally, HBO releases shows on OnDemand within 24 hours after the initial broadcast…. This was premiered on March 26 and it’s still not “On Demand”

    Perhaps L Ron Hubbard’s family owns stock in my local cable company….

    PA Ram

    I read the book before I saw the documentary and the book goes further into the Hollywood connections.

    In fact, I think some young actors join it just to GET connections.

    But I don’t really get cults. I do, in a way, see how people allow themselves to be led into these things but I could not imagine myself buying into any of that and I’m far from the smartest guy around. When I read about Nazanin Boniadi, however, being involved with it, being auditioned as a wife for Tom Cruise, I’m kind of stunned.

    She may be one of the most accomplished women I’ve ever read about.

    Not only is she smart and successful and probably able to do whatever she wants, but she’s beautiful.

    She didn’t need Scientology. But maybe it was her mother being involved. Sometimes it’s a generational thing.

    Scientology is just like any other system of power. It exploits those at the bottom for the wealth of those at the top.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    nittany ram

    Scientology is just like any other system of power. It exploits those at the bottom for the wealth of those at the top.

    Yep, in essence it’s a pyramid scheme. It’s a bigger, badder version of Amway. And having seen my neighbors and parents involved in Amway as a child I can attest to its cult-like qualities.


    Just watched this and then did some googling on Ron and the religion. Interesting what sheeple believe on “faith”.

    Really, is it any more “out there” than what the “mainstream” religions believe?

    The Christians, Muslims and Jews have left a lot more bodies in their wake – but then they have been around a lot longer.

    I can comment more on Scientology when I am able to afford the legal fees.

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