I was reading about “Breatharians” who claim that
they dont eat or drink, but instead live on sunshine
And that lead me to the “Bent Spoon Award” which
was awarded to a lady who promotes Breatharianism.
And that lead me to Bookseller prize for Oddest book title.
Bent Spoon Award
Golden Raspberry Awards for bad film work
Darwin Awards for sublimely idiotic self-removal from the gene pool
Pigasus Award for paranormal fraud (U.S.)
Stella Awards for outrageous lawsuits
Bad Sex in Fiction Award
Bookseller/Diagram Prize for Oddest Title of the Year for odd book titles
Ig Nobel Prizes for questionable scientific achievements
Which lead me to reading book titles like:
1983 Unsolved Problems of Modern Theory of Lengthwise Rolling
1984 The Book of Marmalade: Its Antecedents, Its History, and Its Role in the World Today
1986 Oral Sadism and the Vegetarian Personality
1992 How to Avoid Huge Ships
2000 Designing High Performance Stiffened Structures
2001 Butterworths Corporate Manslaughter Service
2003 The Big Book of Lesbian Horse Stories
2006 The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America: A Guide to Field Identification