NBA rant.

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    I’ve been watching the NY Knicks playoff run.  Basketball.    I used to be a Knick fan back in  the 70s.   Willis Reed, Walt Frazier, etc.    Stopped following NBA decades ago.

    But for whatever reason, i got interested in this crafty, scrappy Knick team.

    This knick team suffered injuries.  And they lost games — because of injuries.

    And so i watched the celebrity media people talk about the Knick games.   Thinking they will say “well duh, the knicks are decimated by injuries”.    But no.   They celebrity media folks talk about how ‘tired’ the knicks are because the coach doesnt rest them enough, and blah-this, and blah that.

    The media HATES to talk directly about injuries.   The NFL media is the same way.

    It is not an accident.   I guarantee you, the NBA and NFL send memos to their corporate partners in the media.   I guarantee it.   ‘Dont talk about injuries’.    Minimize it.   Mention it, but dont spend time on it.

    They think its bad for business to dwell on injuries.   Doesnt make for a good narrative.  Doesnt sell.  Doesnt get fans excited.

    Here’s why it annoys the hell out of me.    It leads to Bullshit narratives.   Like ‘Bulger doesnt elevate the team’.   Or ‘Josh Allen cant win the big one’.   Etc, etc.   Nevermind the fact that an OLine is INJURED, or a Bills defense is decimated, etc, etc, etc.

    The sports-media is like the political-media.   Too tied to the thing they are ‘reporting’ on. Sports-media is about ‘selling’ which means certain narratives get overplayed (creation of ‘stars’) and certain narratives get underplayed (injuries, etc).   Individuals also get overplayed and ‘teams’ get underplayed.

    I get vexed.

    The NBA has changed, btw.   Where is Jerry West?   What is this 3-point thing?





    The NBA. Is that the sport where Sandy Koufax was a great goalie? I’m afraid all I know is the NFL.

    Yeah I hear ya on the “no talk injuries” routine. Though that doesn’t explain why Stafford wasn’t as good in 2022.


    The Knicks / 76ers series was great….. just great to watch, most of the hose games were very close.

    the Pacers series is very different, scoring is done in streaks…. … Pacers cut that 20+ point lead down to 6 very fast, last night, but the Knicks just quickly piled it on late in the 3rd and 4th qtrs….  you can see and feel the anxiety of Knick fans on TV.   Too bad Jeff Van Cunty is no longer broadcasting NBA games, it be great to hear his takes on the Knicks.

    2024 Knicks:

    I didn’t realize how good Jalen Brunson was….

    gotta love ex-Warrior Donte DiVincenzo =… scrappy guy that can score and play defense.

    I too am glad to see the Knicks make a run…  I’m pulling for them and remember those Knicks teams from the 70’s … I still wear Pumas today because of Clyde and I have about a dozen Bill Bradly basketball cards, i thought he’d be president someday.

    Alot of stars in the stands at these games, Showtime East.

    I think they’ll get past Indiana, but beating Boston will be tough, and if they do get past the Celtics, they will most likely face Kronke’s Nuggets…..



    I’m a fair weather fan outside of football. The Rams are the only team I follow come Hell or high water.

    At a very young age, I consolidated all my fandom in LA once I realized the Dodgers and Rams were both Los Angeles teams. So I just chose to be a Lakers and Kings fan in the other sports.

    All of which is a roundabout way of saying I’m not watching the NBA or the NHL this year. I like both sports, but I just have other stuff to do in my life that outbids for my attention.

    So I dunno about the Knicks. But I don’t think it’s a conspiracy to throttle conversations about injuries. I just think that most national sports yakkers just have no idea what they’re talking about. I will bet that whoever has the job of reporting on the Knicks says that injuries are a big factor, though probably not as well as Jourdan would say it if she was covering the Knicks.


    The Knicks / …I think they’ll get past Indiana, but beating Boston will be tough, and if they do get past the Celtics, they will most likely face Kronke’s Nuggets…..


    ‘Kronke’s Nuggets’.    I forgot he owned Denver.

    ….why does Kronke’s Nuggets sound so…disturbing.





    I thought the Nuggets were losing to somebody.

    I’m for whoever is playing against Boston.


    I thought the Nuggets were losing to somebody. I’m for whoever is playing against Boston.

    I can’t stand the Celtics either…..

    Nuggets were losing, but not anymore… ,……strange series…. the road team has won in each of the 1st 4 games of the series…    Denver altitude finally got to Minnesota….. home team won game 5.

    Denver leads series 3-2.

    I like to follow NBA playoff basketball……..



    I like to listen to the Dan Patrick Show, and he’s been talking about the Knicks injuries while stating since the beginning of the series, that he thinks the Pacers are the better team. I agree with your main point, however. Until now I’ve never really considered why the media does that with injuries, but what you say makes sense.


    Interesting race/class/gender issues getting talked about and not talked about.


    So, Lebron James’ son, Bronnie was drafted by the Lakers.   Father and son, on the same team.   Interesting story, lots of cross-currents and layers.

    One black commentator (in this vid) said, he doesnt want to hear about nepotism NOW.  When a black person benefits from it.   He pointed out Jerry Bus’s son used to run the Lakers.  Noone complained.  Etc, and so forth.


    He pointed out Jerry Bus’s son used to run the Lakers.  Noone complained.


    well jerry’s kids have run that team into the ground.

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