Actually moving to Minnesota

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    We’re doing it. Listing the house in the spring. Got an agent and have a list of things to do to prep the house.

    The climate, actual and political, are untenable going forward. They want to force all trans people to be on a list… that never ends well

    It’s an exciting new chapter and we’re embracing it as such.

    It’s coming at great cost as for different reasons, it’s alienating my two oldest kids, but I cannot help that. It means moving away from grand babies which is by far the hardest part especially because they live with us now.

    So Snow, Eternal and any other Minnesotans, Ope! Looks like you’ll be gettin’ a new neighbor!

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    I don’t live in Minnesota, but the border is only a 45 minute drive from my front door. Haven’t been there since the pandemic started, but we have always been frequent visitors to the North Shore all the way down to the Twin Cities. Such a beautiful state.


    Good luck Mack. Keep us updated.


    Good luck with the move, Mack.


    We did it!!! We’re in Minnesota and get into our temp house tomorrow. Then the search for a new home begins!

    Super happy to be doing it multi-generationally and the journey up here was harrowing at times, but ultimately very fun and we all bonded really nicely.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    We did it!!! We’re in Minnesota and get into our temp house tomorrow. Then the search for a new home begins! Super happy to be doing it multi-generationally and the journey up here was harrowing at times, but ultimately very fun and we all bonded really nicely.


    When was the last time you lived through a winter?

    nittany ram

    Congrats, Mack.


    It’s been awhile for sure. Last winter was in ‘94-95 in PA

    and I came from Florida that time also

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Congrats and good luck.


    Congratulations. I don’t know where you are, but if you ever have the opportunity try to make your way up to the north shore. The Cook County area is a dream for those who love the outdoors. Also, please don’t become a Vikings fan.


    Mackeyser, welcome to Minnesota, the land of giant mosquitoes and hamburgers with cheese in the middle! If you are looking for permanent housing, check out Upper Post Flats Housing for veterans near the VA Hospital in refurbished buildings in Fort Snelling.  Let’s get together!


    Snow! My mom came with us and she remembers you! Yes, we have to get together !

    We have an agent and begin seeing houses tomorrow!

    Also, you’re funny about the mosquitos… i came from FLORIDA… they don’t compare. I been bit a few times already and yeah… we should be okay! LOL

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by Mackeyser.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    We found a house! We should be able to move in early August. It’s a bit south of Minneapolis which works so my mom can be closer to the Mayo Clinic. Nothing bad, just in network.

    The entire family LOVES Minnesota! My good friend in Austin, TX is super jealous rn since he won’t be able to move his family up here until next summer. Was 68 up here with light rain… was 105 in Austin…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Mac, that’s fantastic!  Please let me know if you need a hand moving or at least let me know when you are settled.


    Will do! We’re set to close Aug 2nd, but won’t have furniture until between the 3rd and 5th, so no idea when we’ll actually be living there.

    wish the internet was better there… I got spoiled on that 1Gig fiber

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    We closed! We are Minnesota homeowners now!

    Snow, I’ll DM you to see about getting together if that’s ok seeing as football is starting up.

    If only the Rams were playing here this year…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Mac, glad to hear that the papers are signed and you are getting settled in your new home. Send me a DM when the furniture is moved in!

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