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  • #13246

    The first comedy album i ever listened to
    was a Bill Cosby album.

    Always loved the guy.


    PA Ram

    You never know about these things, wv.

    We see an image and somehow we relate these human beings to that image. But the reality is often very different.

    I suppose there are a lot of dark secrets in Hollywood and most you’ll never know about.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    You know…. Roman Polanski couldn’t come back to this country for YEARS because of allegations of sex with underage girls.

    My mom grew up in the San Fernando Valley in the 50s and 60s.

    Lemme just say.. Roman Polanski didn’t party alone. Guys like Jack Nicholson partied with him and no one talks about HIM.

    Bill Cosby’s, Himself is still the greatest comedy album of all time (I think Dave Chapelle’s Killing ’em Softly is #2)

    And yet… it’s hard to not think that after that concert, maybe he roofied and raped some starlet after he filmed that…

    The volume of women who not only have come forward, but are telling consistent stories… are placing him in the right places at the right times… are doing so when they have nothing to gain and everything to lose… they are uniformly painting the portait of a serial rapist and a guilty man.

    I don’t give a shit about his legacy. If he’s guilty of this as I suspect he is, then it’s done.

    He was already in the Comedy Hall of Fame.

    Now, people have to deal with him on real terms…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    You know…. Roman Polanski couldn’t come back to this country for YEARS because of allegations of sex with underage girls.

    My mom grew up in the San Fernando Valley in the 50s and 60s.

    Lemme just say.. Roman Polanski didn’t party alone. Guys like Jack Nicholson partied with him and no one talks about HIM.

    Bill Cosby’s, Himself is still the greatest comedy album of all time (I think Dave Chapelle’s Killing ‘em Softly is #2)

    And yet… it’s hard to not think that after that concert, maybe he roofied and raped some starlet after he filmed that…

    The volume of women who not only have come forward, but are telling consistent stories… are placing him in the right places at the right times… are doing so when they have nothing to gain and everything to lose… they are uniformly painting the portait of a serial rapist and a guilty man.

    I don’t give a shit about his legacy. If he’s guilty of this as I suspect he is, then it’s done.

    He was already in the Comedy Hall of Fame.

    Now, people have to deal with him on real terms…

    Strange postmodern-tymz we live in — we receive
    all this media-info about people we dont know
    and sometimes the bundle of info has some ugly questions…
    “Great comedian, Might be a rapist” — what does
    one do with that ?



    Realize what Time magazine did that the definition of GREAT isn’t always a positive adjective when they made Adolph Hitler their Man of the Year in 1936, I think.

    We have to realize that it isn’t just misanthropes, loners and losers who are capable of tremendous evil and great wrong.

    It’s just as likely to be someone with tremendous talent. It’s just that tremendous talent eventually creates an ecosystem around it that depends on the viability of the host. So, while the misanthrope, loner or loser has no advocate to “keep them out of trouble” or fight back against allegations even if true… the talented one can have a veritable chorus of powerful people all coming to that person’s defense.

    None of that changes the truth of the situation about anyone’s ultimate guilt or innocence. It just means that there are those with a vested interest in those allegations not being true for the talent.

    As well, for those that simply appreciate the talent or relate to the talent or live vicariously through the talent, they don’t want to believe that someone with that talent could ALSO be capable of tremendous evil and great wrong.

    There is a misconception that such things are RELEGATED to the misanthropes, loners and losers. This, of course, only makes it that much harder to actually catch and prosecute the wealthy and well-connected criminals who would engage in such acts.

    I mean, Bill Cosby apparently has done what Darren Sharper did and it took until 2013 before ANY major figure was caught serially raping using this method.

    Now, seriously… if ANYONE thinks this was just Bill Cosby and Darren Sharper… they’re cracked. It may not have been common, but it wasn’t unicorn rare, either.

    If anything, I think we’re entering an age where we’re starting to believe anyone’s capable of anything. That pedestal is coming down (probably the only merit of reality TV… that no one should be ON the pedestal in the first place…) Sort of like how Watergate broke the hymen for most of America that, Yes, Virginia, Politicians will commit serious crimes in office.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

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