Mass Shootings

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  • #128928

    I just got a small little question mark to share, and wondering if anyone else noticed that there has been a mass shooting in the headlines nearly every day for the past couple of weeks. We know statistically that there are mass shooting almost every day in this country, but it has seemed to me that they have received more attention recently. And… part of me just has to wonder if that wasn’t a concerted effort in order to ease the way for whatever executive order Biden issued today, or yesterday, whenever it was. I wasn’t suspicious after the massage parlor shootings, but became increasingly suspicious as the reports just kept coming. I just don’t know how many of these shootings have been really exceptional, and worthy of the Above-the-Fold headlines. How are they really any different from the other 200 or so mass shootings this country typically has each year? Did anybody else notice that, or am I just ripe for QAnon?


    I dont have a shadow of a doubt about that, zooey.
    The Dem part of the duopoly (the Dem media) is always
    calling the dem-tune.

    Over the last decade, as the media concentration
    has gotten worse, and worse. And worse.
    Its now, just so obvious what has happened.

    Meanwhile, the Rep-Media, and the Dem-media
    all complain about the ‘great divide’ in the US.

    And yes, there’s a great divide between the
    Dems and Reps.

    But its a capitalist-duopoly divide.
    So, its like a weird deep fissure, but its not ‘wide’.
    Or its wide, but not deep. Whichever metaphor works. 🙂

    This will never be mentioned in the media
    of course.



    Well…it’s just that these types of shooting happen almost daily. And they make the local metro news in the town/city where they occur, but these are getting headline national news. Most mass shootings are ones where the perp KNOWS the victims, and that’s what these are.

    Usually the mass shootings that get attention are the ones in schools (of course), and the “random” shootings of strangers in large numbers. The kinds of stories we are getting now are workplace shootings, and family killings, and so on. Two or three hundred of those happen every year, and they don’t make national news. They just don’t.

    Except for the past 2 or 3 weeks.

    And…I hasten to add this is an Impression. I haven’t researched it, or fact-checked it.

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