Centrists on BLM and Cops

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    Centrists on BLM and Cops.

    The vid calls them liberals, but i suspect Centrist-Capitalists is what the are.
    And a lot of THOSE folks may very well decide the election. There’s a lot of cheerleading for these ideas in the comment section.

    Anyway, I’d like to see these guys converse/debate with some progressives.



    Well-to be honest I found each of those features to be quite candid and persuasive and consistent with my opinions on the subject. I also did not hear any one of them say they do not support BLM. Their concern is how people with a preconceived notion bias will affect their reaction to a black being killed during an interaction with the police.

    A preconceived notion bias is where some will look at that video and take it to mean these scholars do not support BLM or somehow are defending criminal cops when in fact more than one calls these cops murderers. Whether it fits one’s preconceive notion bias or not the truth of the matter is that there are justifiable actions involving cops killing blacks and there are justifiable actions involving cops killing whites.

    It’s also a preconceived notion bias when one turns the percentage data on its head to support their bias as was explained by the Columbia professor.


    Well-to be honest I found each of those features to be quite candid and persuasive and consistent with my opinions on the subject. I also did not hear any one of them say they do not support BLM. Their concern is how people with a preconceived notion bias will affect their reaction to a black being killed during an interaction with the police.

    A preconceived notion bias is where some will look at that video and take it to mean these scholars do not support BLM or somehow are defending criminal cops when in fact more than one calls these cops murderers. Whether it fits one’s preconceive notion bias or not the truth of the matter is that there are justifiable actions involving cops killing blacks and there are justifiable actions involving cops killing whites.

    It’s also a preconceived notion bias when one turns the percentage data on its head to support their bias as was explained by the Columbia professor.


    Well i thought you would agree with them. I think a ton of people would agree with them.

    I think they get some things right, and some things wrong. I think Adolph Reed Jr, has a better take on things. He would overlap some of their views, but diverge on some fundamental stuff.

    The main problem I (as a leftist) have with them is this — Yes, they are right to point out that Race does not explain the Facts/Stats.
    Plenty of POOR-whites are killed by police.
    And yes, plenty of POOR-blacks kill other POOR-blacks. Many more than the Cops are killing.

    Yes. Those are indeed facts, and they are facts that get ignored by the “Race explains everything” crowd. (And the rightwingers make a lot of headway by pointing that out. And the libs lose ground by ignoring that, perhaps)

    But here’s where those centrists in the vid (thats what I’m calling them)Fail. They dont say a word about how all those POOR people ended up POOR. They dont talk about the desperation and hopeless situation the poor are in. They dont talk about how CAPITALISM sets up the poor for all kinds of tense encounters with the Police. The sins of Capitalism are invisible to the Centrists. Its all about ‘individual’ failings of individual poor people, both black and white.

    I’d also add this — the vid shows centrists talking about KILLINGS. Only killings. They do not talk about all the times black people are pulled over, accused of crimes, harassed, etc, etc, etc. They seem to ignore the facts on that dynamic completely. Its not just about Killings.

    So, i would say, the Centrists in that Vid did some minimizing of the Race-problem, and they totally ignored how the capitalist-system creates a poor, desperate, stressed, UnderClass, which is vulnerable to ugly encounters with authority, such as Police.

    37 More Days to the Election. Keep your fingers crossed.

    PS — we all have ‘preconceived biases.’ There’s no escape from them. You have them. I have them. We all have them. There’s no such thing as not having them.



    The main problem I (as a leftist) have with them is this — Yes, they are right to point out that Race does not explain the Facts/Stats.
    Plenty of POOR-whites are killed by police.
    And yes, plenty of POOR-blacks kill other POOR-blacks. Many more than the Cops are killing.

    These are all excuses the racists use, so they can argue that there’s no racism.

    If you are black you have a statistically greater chance of being stopped, searched, arrested, held, tried, and convicted. And you then get a longer sentence. That’s if you don’t get killed in the first place.

    A very good example is drugs. The percentage of whites and the percentage of blacks who do any kind of illegal drugs is about equal. But you are far more likely to be pulled over and searched for drugs if you are black.

    And poor whites kill poor whites. Killing tends to happen in the neighborhood.

    What stats don’t say about the so-called black on black crime thing is that the percentage of violent crime in areas economically defined by poverty are always high, regardless of race.

    Which gets us back to WV’s point about why is there poverty. The centrist, conservative, and racist answers are all the same. They did it to themselves.



    The main problem I (as a leftist) have with them is this — Yes, they are right to point out that Race does not explain the Facts/Stats.
    Plenty of POOR-whites are killed by police.
    And yes, plenty of POOR-blacks kill other POOR-blacks. Many more than the Cops are killing.

    These are all excuses the racists use, so they can argue that there’s no racism.

    If you are black you have a statistically greater chance of being stopped, searched, arrested, held, tried, and convicted. And you then get a longer sentence. That’s if you don’t get killed in the first place.

    A very good example is drugs. The percentage of whites and the percentage of blacks who do any kind of illegal drugs is about equal. But you are far more likely to be pulled over and searched for drugs if you are black.

    And poor whites kill poor whites. Killing tends to happen in the neighborhood.

    What stats don’t say about the so-called black on black crime thing is that the percentage of violent crime in areas economically defined by poverty are always high, regardless of race.

    Which gets us back to WV’s point about why is there poverty. The centrist, conservative, and racist answers are all the same. They did it to themselves.


    “Which gets us back to WV’s point about why is there poverty. The centrist, conservative, and racist answers are all the same. They did it to themselves.”

    That’s right only progressives know what causes poverty. BTW: I resent being put in the same group as “racists”. I have never once wrote or said that people in poverty “did it to themselves”. There are so many reasons whey poverty exists not only in this country but across the world. There are many “racists” in this country who are in poverty and would argue they did not do it too themselves. There are many “conservatives” in this country who are in poverty and will deny they did it to themselves. There are progressives, centrists, liberals, in poverty who deny the notion that they did it to themselves. Your lumping of “centrist, conservatives, and racists” into the same -“they did it to themselves”-bag
    speaks more to your own progressive bias than anything.


    That’s right only progressives know what causes poverty. BTW: I resent being put in the same group as “racists”.

    Okay that’s fair, that list with 3 groups including racist, that didn’t help the discussion.

    Anyway. I do stand by what I said: the KEY data is the fact that blacks are disproportionately stopped, arrested, etc. And disproportionately by a huge amount. That alone erases any argument about poor whites getting hassled by police too. The disproportion is by a huge number.

    So no I do not have much tolerance for the “whites get hassled too” argument.

    And the reason those who believe centrists and conservatives tend to view poverty in the same way is because those who say that believe both of the 2 Cs have a stake in what causes it. Is that fair? It actually might be!

    And yes there’s poverty all over the world, but most of that is not occurring in the world’s wealthiest nation, so those other places have a lesser chance of fixing it. We are one of the places that could end or at least reduce it (if we wanted). At the same time, there’s less poverty than here in advanced countries like those in Scandinavia, places that follow very different social and economic policies than we do. What’s the reason for the big resistance to those policies here?


    Another avenue that progressives talk about all the time, is the link between Race and Poverty. There’s all kinds of facts/reasons why so many African-Americans ended up poor. A LOT of the reasons have to do with various forms of systemic-Racism.

    So, you end up with ==>
    1) Racism spawned Poverty. Or at least racism is a significant part of the problem of poverty. Not all, but a big part. (The rest of it, is just the evil of Capitalism)

    2)And then Poverty spawns People Living in POVERTY WITH STRESS, Stress, STRESS. Depression/Anger/Hopelessnes/frustration/bad-or-no-medical-care/drug-use/Etc.
    Poverty also means people have a hard time paying for Car Inspections, Car Insurance, Drivers License Fees, etc. All kinds of Car stuff.
    Poverty is a shit-storm, in and of itself.
    Its been my experience that middle-class and wealthy white people simply Do..Not…Get…the ‘stress’ poor people live with every single day.

    3) So then you have Race/Poverty meets….the Police.

    What would we predict would happen?


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