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  • #121271

    So…that looks like game, set, and match to me. They’ll fill that seat before November, and that’s the end of it.



    Sad day for America. #MoscowMitch stated they will be filling her seat soon. Disgusting.


    Well, yes, its just another eruption in the hellscape that is Amerika.

    And while it is bad, i have to say, i have always wondered what America would be like if every state made its own abortion decision. I have wondered it that would actually hurt Republicans in the long run. I understand it would hurt poor-women in Red States, etc. I get that. But in the long run, over the long haul, I wonder if it would hurt the Reps. Just something i wonder.

    White-Rep-Evangelicals are praising Jesus and Donald Trump today. Big day for them.

    In the end, when all is said and done, “Christianity” may be the biggest factor in the end of life on the planet.



    We know that Graham is two-faced. Saying one thing, then doing the opposie



    So…that looks like game, set, and match to me. They’ll fill that seat before November, and that’s the end of it.

    Not completely. Democrats can go to McConnel and say this: ” If you insist on getting an appointment through before the election here is what will happen IF the Dems take the white house and the senate. Because the Constitution does not address the number of SC Justices we will make sure we have 13 justices on the SC. ” This is more than possible since the number has changed over the years. It is the one card that the Dems can play.


    So…that looks like game, set, and match to me. They’ll fill that seat before November, and that’s the end of it.

    Not completely. Democrats can go to McConnel and say this: ” If you insist on getting an appointment through before the election here is what will happen IF the Dems take the white house and the senate. Because the Constitution does not address the number of SC Justices we will make sure we have 13 justices on the SC. ” This is more than possible since the number has changed over the years. It is the one card that the Dems can play.

    They could. But that would require the Dems to play hardball, and I can’t think of an example of them doing that since LBJ.

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