Rams fans & others debate a Donald play

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    Brian Burke @bburkeESPN
    Guys, relax. Just trying to illustrate what happens when he’s too far upfield. He’s basically creating a draw play every time he does that.

    Mark Jarvis@WhatsOnDraftNFL
    He’s forcing the runner to adjust his path by getting penetration & beating his blocker.

    Sam Schwartzstein@schwartzsteins
    This is a draw. Pass sets everywhere and he’s engaging as a if it’s a pass. Sure there are other examples of non draw plays

    FIST FootballAcademy@FISTFootball
    So he wins against B-gap but an open A is his fault because he wins B-gap on a draw? This is your evidence?

    what? Where is the linebacker? What’s the down and distance? This is useless

    He plays 1 gap….and he won his gap lol.

    I’m asking where is the linebacker on this play

    Ivan Snooze@seanvignoles
    This is clearly the LB’s fault for not reading his gap. You should really know football better than this

    Why he blaming AD on poor LB play?

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    Wade Phillips@sonofbum
    Looks like ESPN needs a new analytics person— I’m ready

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