I think noam should comb his hair

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    I want Noam to Shave. And comb his hair. He looks like a cross between the Unibomber and John Brown.

    Cornell West too. He looks like a cross between Willie Horton and Karl Marx.

    These are our spokes-persons, people.

    Why cant leftists look like mainstreamers?

    One can only wonder, what Nittany looks like these days.



    You’re probably right.

    But isn’t it interesting that this seems okay with right-wing spokespersons? More grading on the curve stuff. They likely even gain “cred” for being scruffy, if it’s in the right(wing) way. Old cap, beard, camouflage gear, an AR-15 and whatnot. If they look like hunters, I suppose — of animals or people — they seem “authentic,” not scary, to all too many an American.

    But leftists, especially “anarchists”? It’s grab all the children and hide under the beds.

    Which makes me also think, especially now, of the tragic conflation of “anarchist” with “bomb-thrower,” which seems deeply ingrained in our culture. Centuries of anarchist philosophy — as you know — counters that stereotype. But who listens or cares?


    You’re probably right.


    All i know is, if Cornell looked like Denzel or Billy Dee Williams, Fox would never have him on. Fox loves Cornell’s look.

    I wonder if Noam has ever been asked to be on Fox News? Someone should ask him that.

    “If you want a vision of the bleak, bland capitalist future, go to Hudson Yards in New York City, the new, billion-dollar complex of gleaming skyscrapers. It’s a lifeless shopping mall for luxury goods, intensely policed and surveilled, where every aspect of life is curated by a corporation… This is the city for the winners. The losers will be in homeless encampments outside the city gates.
    The left’s city of the future looks very different. It is a Star Trek world, where we can travel through space together and meet aliens. It is public libraries and free colleges, where all can come and learn without worrying about money. It is Mardis Gras in New Orleans, where everyone expresses their individuality through art and costume without any regard for profit or commerce. It is camping trips and cookouts, book clubs and street cafes. It is the theory that life is meant to be enjoyed, and that nobody should lack the basic ingredients for a decent existence. It is, above all, the conviction that we’re here to help each other through this thing, whatever it is.”
    ― Nathan J. Robinson, Why You Should Be a Socialist

    nittany ram

    I wonder if Noam has ever been asked to be on Fox News? Someone should ask him that.


    If he was I’m sure he turned it down.

    Noam’s at his best when he’s one on one with an interviewer. He’s asked a question and he can answer thoroughly without time constraints.

    Fox wouldn’t interview him that way. They aren’t going to let him give answers unchallenged. They’d have some loud right winger there to interrupt and shout him down. I don’t think Noam would do well in a confrontational setting like that. Fox isn’t a setting conducive to thorough and well-reasoned answers.


    I think Noam should come out and endorse the blue and whites.

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