the fires

  • This topic has 29 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by wv.
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  • #119840


    Originally posted by Zooey in a different thread, moved here

    Report: California’s Oldest State Park, Home To Majestic Coast Redwoods, ‘Is Gone’






    2,000-year-old redwoods survive wildfire at California’s oldest state park
    Though feared destroyed, most of the ancient trees at Big Basin Redwoods State Park withstood the blaze.


    2,000-year-old redwoods survive wildfire at California’s oldest state park
    Though feared destroyed, most of the ancient trees at Big Basin Redwoods State Park withstood the blaze.

    Just came here to share that news. Some good news, finally. Or…at least it’s not Bad News, so that stands out in 2020.


    Just came here to share that news. Some good news, finally.

    You know, I should have thought of that, that you would want to do that, and just let you have the posting.

    I just saw it and posted it, without thinking beyond that.


    Just came here to share that news. Some good news, finally.

    You know, I should have thought of that, that you would want to do that, and just let you have the posting.

    I just saw it and posted it, without thinking beyond that.

    Don’t ever, for a second, imagine that I care about that.

    That’s Ego stuff. I have no need to be the One who ever…anything.

    I don’t care. I just came in to update something I posted which turns out to have jumped the gun. That you beat me to it makes no difference. At least, not to me. No limelight stolen. Don’t care.


    Just came here to share that news. Some good news, finally.

    You know, I should have thought of that, that you would want to do that, and just let you have the posting.

    I just saw it and posted it, without thinking beyond that.

    Don’t ever, for a second, imagine that I care about that.

    That’s Ego stuff. I have no need to be the One who ever…anything.

    I don’t care. I just came in to update something I posted which turns out to have jumped the gun. That you beat me to it makes no difference. At least, not to me. No limelight stolen. Don’t care.

    Oh I wasn’t thinking about it in terms of ego stuff, or limelight stuff. That kind of thing would never even occur to me. I was thinking about it terms of being close, not just physically, to the issue, and caring. So it was kind of “yours” emotionally. I felt a little dense for not feeling that. Fwiw that’s what I meant. I mean I know it’s no big deal either way.





    A Green New Deal sounds expensive, though.


    Here’s my drive home yesterday at 4:00. Every car on the road had its headlights on.

    The nearest fire is about 100 miles away, I think.


    Here’s my drive home yesterday at 4:00.

    That’s quite something….

    BTW this post got snagged by our over-zealous spam monitor. I obviously fixed it. Whenever that happens, alert me–you can use the chat icon on the lower right for PM exchanges. The advantage of that is that the board alerts me when I get a pm there. That way I can more quickly be aware of and quickly fix our little guard at the gate of the law (Kafka reference) spam war errors.


    someone I know who lives in Oregon, from Facebook


    Stacy Alaimo
    So sad. And the fires are ongoing. Managed to wet down my wood fences and my roof (somewhat) and pack up in case I have to evacuate with the dogs. No idea where I’d go! Seems like there are fires in all directions. My neighbor, who has lived here her whole life, says it has never been this bad, or even close.


    “This Is Climate Change”: West Coast Fires Scorch Millions of Acres & Blot Out the Sun


    We can’t breath in California… .. it’s surreal… air quality in San Jose has been very unhealthy for over a month.

    Last weekend it was 109 in San Jose… luckily the coastal fog has rolled in to cool things down… but it camouflages the “smoke smell” thus, the bad air quality is still very much in the air… We have ashes to wipe down everyday from forest fires that are miles away.

    This is much worse than the Paradise Fire from last year…

    I’m beginning to feel sick from all of this shitty air…and I consider myself a healthy person…


    I’m beginning to feel sick from all of this shitty air…and I consider myself a healthy person…

    Wow, sorry to hear all this. Which is a weak and lame thing to say I know but it’s sincere too. Hang in there.


    someone I know who lives in Oregon, from Facebook


    Stacy Alaimo
    So sad. And the fires are ongoing. Managed to wet down my wood fences and my roof (somewhat) and pack up in case I have to evacuate with the dogs. No idea where I’d go! Seems like there are fires in all directions. My neighbor, who has lived here her whole life, says it has never been this bad, or even close.

    Stacy Alaimo
    As in most of 2020, I am working hard to keep my spirits up, but the evening rolls in and well, I stumble . . the fires in the West are truly heartbreaking. So much loss and devastation and destruction to so many humans and animals and trees. I’m safe at home, so far, so I’m grateful for that, even though the air is extremely hazardous. If I have to live in my car for awhile, wearing a mask, with the dogs, whatever. (No way will I go to a shelter with Covid around!) I hate to think of the birds and other wildlife trying to breathe and survive this somehow. Climate change, the anthropocene, extractive capitalist settler colonialism, environmental racism–all [this is] painfully vivid and disturbing right now. We need real, substantial, sustaining, change. Things cannot continue like this. And climate change denial, say, as espoused by the latest Trump appointee, is sheer evil.


    from Oregon’s air quality is so far beyond ‘hazardous’ that no one knows what it means for health

    Oregon’s air quality is so far beyond ‘hazardous’ that no one knows what it means for health

    In some parts of Oregon this week, the air got so smoky that it maxed out the scale used by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to measure hazardous air quality.

    The EPA’s Air Quality Index (AQI) measures five types of air pollution on a scale of one to 500. “Healthy” air gets a rating between 0 and 50. Things start getting dangerous in the mid-100s, especially for sensitive groups like those with a heart or lung condition. And an AQI reading of 301 or greater is considered “hazardous,” causing the EPA to declare “emergency conditions” for those who are exposed for 24 hours or more.

    On Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning, the area around Eugene, Oregon, clocked AQI values well into the 700 range on the real-time air-quality monitoring site PurpleAir, greatly exceeding the scale’s maximum value of 500.


    Oregon officials said they are preparing for a ‘mass fatality incident’ as 500,000 people stand in evacuation zones from the wildfires ravaging the West Coast

    Oregon officials say they’re preparing for a “mass fatality incident” as wildfires continue to spread throughout the state.

    There are currently six reported deaths in Oregon due to the fires that have devastated millions of acres, and 40,000 residents have been evacuated, with 500,000 more in evacuation zones.

    Oregon is joined by other states including California, Colorado, and Utah in combatting wildfires that have destroyed the homes of hundreds of people throughout the region.

    Wildfires continue to ravage the West Coast, including Oregon, where officials have evacuated 40,000 people from the blazes that have devastated millions of acres and destroyed thousands of buildings.

    On Friday, Director of the Oregon Office of Emergency Management Andrew Phelps said Oregon is gearing up for a “mass fatality incident” as large fires continue to spread throughout the state, according to CBS Portland.

    “This is going to be a long term recovery operation,” he said according to the outlet. “The long term recovery is going to last years.”

    Oregon has been among the states hit hard by dozens of wildfires that have sparked throughout the region. There are six reported deaths in the state, including that of a 12-year-old boy and his grandmother. Officials have evacuated 40,000 Oregon residents, and 500,000 more are currently in evacuation zones, Gov. Kate Brown said Friday according to CBS Portland.

    Evacuation orders are also in place in other states throughout the region that have been slammed by the wildfires, including Colorado, California, and Utah, the National Interagency Fire Center said Saturday according to a USA Today report. California has reported 19 deaths in the state due to the wildfires. Daniel Berlant, Cal Fire’s assistant deputy director, said Friday that five of the state’s 10 largest wildfires in its history have broken out this fire season.

    On Friday, President Donald Trump addressed the wildfires, which broke out weeks ago, and thanked the thousands of first responders and firefighters that are on the frontlines battling the flames. The president has authorized FEMA to offer disaster relief aid. White House Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere said the president will travel to Sacramento, California, on Monday to discuss the wildfires.


    yeah. the smoke was so thick it blocked the sun out. so after an insane heat wave it was suddenly unusually cool last week.

    that was a little disturbing… just a little…


    The sky in Oregon. 9/15.



    Rogan had said something about the Fires being started by leftists. He later apologized for getting it wrong. (Ive noticed Rogan can get pulled to the Right when he interviews his military/special-forces/macho type buddies):


    We can’t breath in California… .. it’s surreal… air quality in San Jose has been very unhealthy for over a month.

    Last weekend it was 109 in San Jose… luckily the coastal fog has rolled in to cool things down… but it camouflages the “smoke smell” thus, the bad air quality is still very much in the air… We have ashes to wipe down everyday from forest fires that are miles away.

    This is much worse than the Paradise Fire from last year…

    I’m beginning to feel sick from all of this shitty air…and I consider myself a healthy person…

    The fog is extremely important. It’s caused by the variation between the surface air temperature and the sea temperature. As the oceans continue to warm this variance is less and less. Over the last 20 years we have seen less and less foggy days which of course means we are seeing warmer and warmer days along the coast. I recall growing up seeing several foggy and low overcast days along the coast. Now-very, very infrequent. Ocean surface IS getting warmer.


    yes indeed W, the weather is changing in California. … In the SF bay area, fog patterns are still constant, but in San Jose, the heat waves seems longer and mush more more frequent.

    What IS troubling is Rogan’s comments…..other than the gender reveal fiasco in Fresno county that started that fire, all other freaking fires this summer in No. Cal were called the “Lighting Fires”.

    There is an entire wiki page on this…..
    -12K lightning strikes in the SF bay are in a 72 hour period.
    -200 lightening strikes in San Jose in a 30 min period….
    – 650 + different fires that torched over 2M acres.

    I don’t think people realize the magnitude of these fires this season….

    I have lived in the Santa Clara valley my entire life, I don’t ever recall seeing all of the Santa Clara valley surrounding hills on fire at the same time… The Hamilton mountain range to the east, Santa Cruz Mountains to the South West, and Fremont hills to the north were all burning at the same time. Even the daily gusts from the SF Bay couldn’t blow out the smoke.. and that just in the San Jose area…..

    this shit doesn’t happen here…. maybe we get 2 mild lighting storms per year… once in the spring and another in fall …. The lightening storms that we got this year is similar to upstate New York shit… fucking terrifying because of all of the dry timber in the forests here in the surrounding hills….. i imagine So Cal is worse, with the Santa Ana winds and dry hills. My middle kid goes to Chapman U in O.C., it’s a dry wood pile down there with high winds this time of year….

    It’s crazy.

    BTW the weather service is predicting La Nina this year, thus cooler ocean surface waters, resulting in a WET Northwest, and a DRY Southwest…. the SF Bay Area is in between these regions, thus we might get drenched or drought depending of the severity of the southwest drought pattern.


    I don’t think people realize the magnitude of these fires this season…. >…


    I believe that. At least, i think a lot of folks in the East dont know, and honestly, probly dont care. And i suspect the reason is a kind of emotional-burn-out. Climate Change, The Pandemic, the Depression, the Uprisings, Hurricanes, Trump-shit… have just drained people.

    And now…Fires.

    There’s just a limit on how much people can take-in.


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