The Immaculate-Reception of pro wrastling

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  • #119593

    To yer basic casual wrastlin fan, this match is often considered the best-ever. Because of two falls by ‘Mankind.’ I started this vid after the first long fall off the top of the cage. That one was planned. But it was still bad. The second fall coming up in the vid was unplanned. This match was about 22 years ago. Before the concussion-discussions started.

    Undertaker vs Mankind in ‘The Hell In A Cell’ match




    Did I ever tell ya about my time doing tech support for the Internet, which, unfortunately, also involved Cable TV for a time? I got out of that dual duty as soon as I could, and was strictly an Internet tech after that . . . until we added Fiber TV later and we had to support that too.

    Anyway, when it was still Cable TV, and we’d have an outage involving a Pay Per View event, or even just a regularly scheduled big event for wraslin’ . . . we were barraged by extremely angry callers. There were more than a few death threats thrown in for good measure, and though I tried not to picture these callers, I couldn’t help but see them in funny white hoods.

    That’s just the last straw for some of them, I guess. Guns, God and Wraslin’. No outages allowed.


    …. and though I tried not to picture these callers, I couldn’t help but see them in funny white hoods.

    That’s just the last straw for some of them, I guess. Guns, God and Wraslin’. No outages allowed.


    I read a breezy Bio called ‘Mr America.’ About a once-famous guy named Bernarr Mcfadden. He was an earlier version of Trump/PT Barnum. Mcfadden built (and lost) an empire appealing to much the same crowd that Trump and Vince McMahon appeal to.


    Something tells you dreamt of being a pro wrestler

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